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Practical Success Tips for Husslers and Entrepreneurs- Funding Your Concept

Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

In our debut session we mentioned Crowdfunding and Stokvel as the most viable sources of funding given the political situation which has always been about ensuring that business and wealth remain in the hands of a very few white foreigners and 1652, despite the BBBEEE and all other pieces of legislation which are not worth even the paper they are written on.

As Entrepreneurs that have long been in the field,we can write stacks and stacks of books about our experiences and difficulties in our endevours in accessing all form of funds promised by the government in good faith,but the bottom line is the barriers that those that are tasked with implementing the nice policies have no appetite to implement nor ensure that they support entrepreneurs,so before you even re-invent the wheel do not bother spending your limited financial resources and time on applications and complying with a hundred and sixteen compliance requirements. Take my advice,

1. Crowdfund for your Concept if you have the know-how ,if you do not have seek the services of a trusted service provider, we re going to create a National Database of Service Providers, Husslers and Entrepreneurs like yourself on this platform, make use of it to source providers for this and other services. You see now how by supporting fellow Husslers you are indirectly creating a pool of future customers who will always check within the Husslers-Comunity for products and services before going out there on an open market?injalo ke bakithi , izandla ziyagezana sitsho isiNtu futhi bubuNtu ke obo.

2. Stokvel Funding: Approaching a progressive Stokvel which provides funding for business and other Social projects is a sure option of you getting funded immediately and at low interest rates to interest free rates depending on the constitution and funding model of each Stokvel Community that offer such. Come on now dont act all so high and mighty on me, we all know that lezinto ziyenzeka ekasi, igqobhaz, uzenzele njalo-njalo nathi sifundiswe ngeemali zikazenzele okanye ibhizara apho beubethwa khona imali for funding intwethile, itsho iphume yenzeke injalo ke nangoku but we make use of technology and other Academic and corporate experience yo mordenise,adopt and adapt those models to suit our lifestyle now.

The practicality of Stokvel Funding ke is that you are not going to come from nowhere and approach a Stokvel Community for a loan, and expect them to give you,people are not stupid. You have to be a trusted participating member of a Stokvel in good-standing for you to be considered for loan/borrowing. Yes that is not much to ask, and dont even think that you are going to buy trust of the Stokvel Community by paying up for six months membership when you join today, and come back the following week to ask for a loan, no its not going to happen. Stokvels thrive on trust and trust is built over a period of time it cannot be bought, and in all honesty you know you also would not have woken up today and suddenly decide to start your venture, it takes planning and working your plan.

So here is the thing and Im just going to cut to the chase and put it to you bluntly because most of you look down upon the very things that would and can breed life out of your small world & mind: GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE AND GO JOIN A STOKVEL TODAY, Hayi esamaGrocery please bantu baseGoli, join a progressive Stokvel that has these funding options for its members. Follow and adhere to their procedures and requirements, if the requirements are that you must invite other people as well to grow the Stokvel Community ,then do that ungazenzi bhetere okwekati erhawukicala uthi nyayi ngu"push-push" okanye "hayi mina angkhonuku-recruiter" liar kwamlungu you apply gor a marketing job and do door to door sales and demonstrations, so whats the difference when you are going to be doing that to grow a Stokvel Community for the advancement of BLACK NATION and Yourself included? Stop Self-hate good people nempakamo that is an indication of Small minds ,greed and jealousy and from the previous articles you should know how I personally feel about GREED iyangicika nje nje bakithi leyonto nempakamo phofu ibe ingekho into umntu aphakame ngayo kodwa unyevulela leyonanto ezakumphilisa imenzele nekamva that would ensure you build and leave LEGACY for generations to come after you.

STOKVEL STOKVEL STOKVEL , once you are a member in good standing there usually are no questions asked, you ask for money you get, and their internal control systems ensure that you pay back every cent without breaking a bank and everyone is happy, and njalo siyakhula iSizwe.

If you do not belong to a Stokvel,Here is one of the Stokvel Communities I know of,and recommend you join because I am also a member and one of the Founding Members AND Administrators:RRR Eyethu Stokvel, 0671068003 , its also available on Facebook Page, and right now the Membership Registration of New Members is still open for this year, we call it season. I will inset below a few of the Slide/s that we use this season just to give you an idea how much you can expect to make as a participating member at RRR not divulging their sacred Business Traits of course. Enjoy... oh I have not forgotten the ABCs of Pricing remember I had said I would rather request another Development Fanatic and Guru to scrap a pager, so yes he is working on it and we will post s soon as we receive it... Ntingaaaaa Ntakandini!!!


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