*Edward Zuma is the spokesperson of The Zuma Family and a longstanding member of the ANC in GOOD STANDING .
Greetings maqabane hoping all is well and everyone is safe during this trying times of the Pandemic Coronavirus.
I wish to attempt to clarify something raised by my dear brother Duduzani Zuma and also somethings raised by my dear sisters and Comrades regarding a certain video that has been doing rounds in the social media space.
Cdes the said video for one is a genuine one and all parties in it consented and were aware that it will be circulated hence they believe and understood what they were doing as adults.
Having engaged with both parties I am satisfied with the explanation given to myself and agree with the said video thereof.
The young man was expressing his feelings and is seeking peace as he wants to come to terms and be at peace with what he raised which I think there shouldn't be anyone who will have a problem with that as he was very young when such occurred at the same time the oldman at his age wanted to also be at peace by coughing out to his child on what really happened its only fair for him to be able to tell the young man the truth.
I therefore have an issue with sentiments that seem to suggest that it was an insensitive thing to do as no organization was brought to disrepute by this act as it a family issue like all other families do have hence publicising it or not remains their descretion since they were both in their correct state of mind when recording this video.
Revolutionaries all over the world have written letters to their children and spouses ( Che’), Madiba- conversation with himself, spy bosses have written their memoirs and books ( Neil Barnard, Vusi Mavimbela) MAC Maharaj etc.
Why should there be different rules when it comes to JZ, he must always be conveniently silenced at the alter of the truth, for convenience of certain politicians, to protect their political careers,it cannot be right especially when people have been waiting for him to speak and right now is the right time to do exactly that as he is in pension and he is old such stories need to be told and heard particularly because media will not tell it for their own deceitful agendas.
Pandemic or not JZ cannot seat and wait for lockdown to talk to his child and he has nothing to loose be there support or not he wants to be free inside and by engaging his child he is very correct,so cdes must come to terms with this new JZ who has no political ambition anymore(akayekwe umuntu omdala akhulume noma inini mefuna bakwethu),he shall not be used as a ladder no more now its enough manje.
We are a constitutional democracy the last I checked and he contributed in attaining such so he is enjoying his contribution to this freedom and I don't think we want to take that away from him particularly at his age maqabane.
Maqabane future generations, will not be kind to us, when they interpret history and the role of JZ in the liberation struggle. They will disecrate our graves and condemn us as cowards, hence JZ must speak and if he decides to do that with his kids so be it its only correct.
The story of JZ is an inspiring story to all revolutionaries around the world.
The ANC is in trouble today, because it has failed to speak truth to itself. Any truth in the ANC is the truth if it’s less JZ, why? You know very well maqabane,in our debates I have with some cdes I always advocatefor a spy commission within the ANC.
The ANC will die because it is afraid of the Truth,and JZ should not be labeled as a leader who contributed to that death maqabane.
Mudala ubaba u Zuma manje akenimuyeke akhulume into ayifunayo umhlaba usamuvumela maqabane naye Kade esho vele ukuthi uzokhuluma izinto ezizothusa abantu nani nathi khuluma Msholozi manje seninenkinga futhi mesekwenza lokho kwahleni bakwethu hawu.
Duduzani is yet to speak and some shall go underground as the truth and lies don't match hence they both are proceeding with the series as is so let's just come to terms with that maqabane ngoba we want to know everything,both parties are however aware that their discussions have nothing to do with the organisation they belong to hence they cannot be gagged and micro managed for selfish and personal reasons and agendas filled with individual ambitions.

We care for JZ as we always says therefore allow him to be happy because that is what he is happy to do right now cdes.
Asinamona asinanzondo sonke siyayithanda inhlangano
Akekho oyithanda ukudlala omunye maqabane
The truth shall set all of us free maqabane and the time is now not after lockdown but now as life goes on as we speak.
If cdes are aware of something called how to steal a country please have a look at it maqabane it could also address some of your concerns,and clarify you on the behavior of brother Zani.
Here I pause maqabanebe