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Is NPA being used as Political tool To Remove “UNWANTED”persons and Score Goals for NWO Agenda?

Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

1. NPA has no witnesses to collaborate it’s allegations against Ace Magashule

2. NPA fails to coerce former PA to Magashule to become State witness,now threatening to charge Ms Cholota along with the rest of the group, unclear on what charge/s

3. NPA not given Magashule and four other accused an opportunity to state their case prior to instituting court charges/case against the five, thereby contravening section 27, it is also unclear if NPA is in possession of a certificate to prosecute, as they claim as such a certificate has NOT been produced by the NPA up until now despite the Accused’Legal Teams having requested for such evidence with no avail since November 2020 up until now…

Is the NPA being used as a tool to fight political battles/deal with “UNWANTED” persons seen as stumbling blocks in the New World Order agenda implementation?

The prosecutor was at pains trying to avoid giving a clear cut Yes or No answer to a question put to him by the judge, viz. was accused no.13 ( in reference to Dr. Ace Magashule- Former Freestate Premier and now Secretary General of the African National Congress) given an opportunity to present his case before being charged, as per section 27, if so can you ( the state) present them with proof thereof as requested and stated in their court submission/s.

The defence Team has exposed in the High Court how this vital prerequisite to prosecution has been neglected and violated in the hush hush process of prosecuting Ace Magashule by any means necessary. In essence this flimsy way of flouting the simplest basic requirement along with an indictment that looks like it was drafted by a Human Resource Intern at best or a fundi shop steward at worst, puts the entire “Asbestos “ case at the brink of collapse even for the accused witnesses which the state may have had a genuine and just cause and case to have them to answer.

Historically Dr. Ace Magashule is the first and only person or Former Executive Authority to have been charged for “ Failure to report crime/irregularities…” since the enactment of the Public Finance Management Act in 1996, but even the NPA does not have the capacity nor skill to execute or put into action the PFMA guidelines because that particular clause in the PFMA does NOT constitute a crime even if one is rightfully accused of having contravened it, it is curious and perhaps opportunistic of political football players to have chosen to use this as an instrument to use to get Dr Magashule out of the SG way, yet they have done so successfully since 2020 . Is it sustainable?Definitely not, hence that “PFMA” card now is beginning to be peeled off .

what the NPA does not realise is the denting of the institution’s image and compromise of the entire Judiciary System which has already been at the spotlight and questionable for a vast majority of ridiculous and illogical and unlawful decisions meted by the courts, including the constitutional court, the majority of which judges have appeared to have received hundreds of thousands of rands and some millions from Ramaphosa’s CR17 Bank Statements, ( now “sealed”by one of the judges whose name also appeared on the same Bank Statements as a recipient) since 2017.

When the game is over and the administration has changed what will become of the NPA , then Courts ( which are also allowing themselves to be stadiums), and the entire Judiciary that is Captured? Are any of these players thinking about consequences of already these things or is it a situation of arrogance on steroids now?


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