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Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

"To: All Media

Date: 2nd May 2021

The establishment of the ANC National Task Team

The ANC Cadres Summit II met on the 30th of April to chat the way forward in implementing the TAS2025.

The process of cleansing the ANC from Apartheid Spies, Counter-revolutionaries and criminals has started in earnest. This is part of the implementation of the declaration of Cadre Summit 2, held on Friday, the 30th of April 2021.

Today, General (Rtd) "Mojo" Motau announced that as part of reclaiming the ANC, broad consultations are taking place countrywide to constitute the ANC National Task Team(ANCNTT). This ANCNTT will oversee the affairs of the ANC until a provisional National Executive Committee is constituted.

The selection process is intended to attract an inter-generational core of skilled, disciplined, and seasoned core of Cadres across the length and breadth of our country.

It is expected that the list of names of the ANCNTT will be announced by early next week. A thorough vetting and screening process of all those cadres will be done to ensure that CREDIBLE members of the ANC are deployed to carry out the mission of rebuilding the MOVEMENT.

We wish to extent our warm wishes to the media fraternity in South Africa as they celebrate World Press Freedom Day on the 3rd of May 2021. We appeal to the media in South Africa to remain non-partisan. Furthermore to avoid being bias and report genuinely and truthfully.

General (Rtd) Maomela "Mojo" Motau.


For more enquiries, please contact:

Cde Dr Kaelo Sedumedi

082 379 1955."

The DECLARATION: Key Resolves:

  1. Dissolve ANC-NEC (with immediate effect)

  2. Expel Apartheid-agents WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT,Top on the list are:

  • a. CyrilRamaphosa,

  • b. GwedeMantashe,

  • c. Paul Mashatile,

  • d. ZweliMkhize

  • e. TitoMboweni,

  • f. Pravin Gordan,

  • g. BladeNzimande,

  • h. DerekHanekom;and

  • i. Trevor Manuel.



Today, before the sun sets over the Mogale Mountains, we declare to our people, to our country and the world for all to know that we the African people (in particular) can no longer, not even for a day or even an hour, stand idle in the peripheries to suffer hunger and starvation in our motherland of plenty. We resolve to RECLAIM and REFOCUS the ANC from the clutches of Neo- Colonialism and shall strive to maintain the ANC as the main agent of change in our country. We therefore stand up to hold the back the ANC from proceeding to a looming demise.

We resolve to implement the ANC Turnaround Strategy 2025 (TAS2025) as the clear guide for delivering fundamental change in our country and for igniting hope for all our countrymen and women.

We have no doubt that our people will rally behind this effort to achieve the ideals set out in the liberation struggle. We do so not oblivious of all possible ramifications and implications that may arise from our actions to that end.

Accordingly, we herein register our resolve on some areas we deem very critical in propelling the country forward and do away with issues that continue to cause racial and social divisions in our country.


African schools, in particular, in the Townships and villages remain dusty, without water and proper sanitation, no sporting and extramural facilities, small yards and congested classrooms created by Verwoerd to make our kids hate school.

The European schools, on the other hand, are all green, have the best of sporting and extramural facilities, sprinklers going all day, proper teacher-pupil

ratios and class-room yearning of more pupils, the best environments created by Verwoerd to make them love school.

We therefore declare that the ANC shall implement the following:

• There shall be one integrated school system;

• One language for education to eliminate racial exclusion from schools;


• Government should introduce extraordinary measure to integrate

schools and to destroy narrow racial identities and stereotypes in schools.


There are two education systems in our country: one for the rich and another for the poor African majority in particular and each with its own examination board. The future of our children is therefore pre-determined at birth and therefore the social positions of their parents and not by their intellect and ability.

We cannot therefore continue with this situation and accordingly:

• There will be one education system with one examination board;

• The department shall be responsible for accrediting all qualifications;

• There shall be placement boards for entrance to secondary and tertiary

education and training institutions;

• Education and training will be state funded. No fees shall be levied

against any pupil or student.

• Banks and other financial institutions should write off the study loan

debt to release those from the poor families from this debilitating burden. They can afford it.


Businesses in South Africa, both small medium and large have deliberately taken the path of not employing South Africans. This is clearly intended to

punish our people for having stood against Apartheid and for voting or supporting the ANC.

We have equally allowed better-resourced and syndicated foreign nationals to push our people out of formal and informal small businesses particularly in rural areas and townships.

Any attempt to raise these challenges has fallen on deaf ears. Invariably leading our people to sometime take matters into their own hand and earn the rebuke of being called Xenophobic. This is totally a recipe for disaster and therefore we resolve that:

• No business or individual shall be allowed to employ foreign nationals. This affects all foreign nationals from Africa, Asia and Europe and the should take place within three (3) months;

• Business opportunities should first and foremost be open to SA citizens;

• As a remedial measure, all non-citizens should leave for their home countries with immediate effect;

• Government shall work with speed to pass a law restricting certain economic sectors and business to citizens only;

• Harbouring or giving shelter to unauthorised foreign nationals is prohibited and will carry heavy penalties.

• Leasing and or hiring out of property to unregistered foreign nationals is to be totally prohibited;

• Governments of foreign nationals’ are to be made aware of these urgent changes so as to assist their citizens to return home; and

• Countries particularly SADC will be engaged in this regard.


Unemployment and lack of skills is a serious problem that has its root from Apartheid exclusion of Africans in skills development.

We continue to grapple with this reality today. We can conclude that crime is directly linked to this reality. We should therefore as matter of urgency call for:

All the unemployed to seek employment within a period of three (3) months and failing which to report to the nearest police station or Department of Labour offices.

The Department of Defence/SANDF with the support of other relevant departments should within three (3) months design and budget for a national service programme. The programme should provide for skills development;

The call-up for national service should start in four (4) four months.


The government has adopted the colonial and Apartheid classification of nationals in our country. Africans are marginalized from their native continent and are referred to as just blacks while Europeans are referred to as Africans. The color-coding of Africans is a psychological weapon denying them their heritage and should therefore be changed with immediate effect to the following basic national classifications:

• Africans;

• Asians; and • Europeans.


The land Question is located at the heart of colonial dispossession and domination. It continues to create animosity between African and European citizens of our country. This poisons our nation building effort and therefore should be addressed with immediate effect:

• In this regard, the seas, the airspace, the land, the mountains, the valleys and rivers forming part of the territory of the Republic shall vest in the State for use and enjoyment legally by all its citizens;

• Private individuals would ONLY own and dispose property in designated urban areas controlled by Municipalities and rural settlements/villages under traditional governing bodies;

• The boundaries of urban areas and villages shall be determined and fixed by government; and

• All those who desire to use land for economic benefit of the country and its people shall apply to the relevant departments for allocation of an appropriate piece of land.


The question of security companies in our country has become a serious national security question. It is clear that the South African STATE is turning a blind eye to the creation of private armies and police forces under its jurisdiction. This should be addressed with urgency and the following should apply:

• Security of the Republic is the responsibility of its citizens and no foreign national can serve in any security structure, private or public;

• Similarly, no South African citizen can serve in foreign security structures and organisations of any kind for any purpose whatsoever;

• No foreign owned and controlled security company may operate in the Republic


Crime has become a serious problem in our country. Our people are held hostage by foreign and local criminals in their land of birth. An added issue to address here is that of prisons and prisoners. All measures are to be taken to contain or do away with crime:

• No person can raise arms against the state and not expect the state not to use consummate against that person;

• The country should enforce discipline among its citizens. Disciplinary tribunals shall be created to avoid criminalising citizens on disciplinary transgressions;

• All prisoners should work for their prison upkeep and wellbeing;

• The Practice of Parole shall be a privilege that cannot be claimed;

• The courts shall impose the maximum sentences and justify imposition

of a lower sentence; and

• Prisoners shall not enjoy privileges that ordinary citizens pay for.


The military is a special area of concern as armed struggle characterized the previous stage of our liberation struggle. It therefore deserves some urgent attention. In this regard the following shall happen:

• The liberation forces sub-cultures to be integrated in the armed forces of the country;

• Reserve forces regiments to be initially renamed as follows: o Luthuli Regiment;

o June 16 Regiment;

o Moncada Regiment; and o Madinoge Regiment.

• New traditional regiments names to be adopted and the following for a start:

o Isandlhwana Regiment; o Makhado Regiment; and o Amakhangela Regiment


Importing of consumer and luxury goods to be curtailed and can only be imported by special permit. A list of prohibited luxury goods to be drawn. This will contribute to:

• Encourage local production of goods in particular;

• Improving our foreign currency reserves holdings;

• Inclusion of citizens (especially) in the import and export business.


The ideals we numerated above and those in the Strategy are critical if we have to put our movement and country on a change footing. It is important that the ANC, as a leader of our people, is capable and ready to implement all these changes with urgency.

The starting point in this regard is therefore the cleansing of the ANC with special attention to its leadership structure. We should therefore deal decisively with factors that inhibit the ANC from discharging its historic mission.

History has entrusted us, the cadres, with the unenviable responsibility to deal with these challenges. We accept this mission conscious of all implications herein.

Accordingly, we conclude and resolve as follows:


The African National Congress is infested with Apartheid agents, foreign intelligence and security agencies. These agents were directly and indirectly responsible for the death of many of our comrades and our people during the fight against the Apartheid regime.

They are today either blackmailed or deliberately willing to work against the movement and our people. They have consciously and deliberately elected to continue serving our erstwhile enemies. These people are found throughout the movement and society. They occupy positions of leadership and influence in the ANC and society in general. This is one of the greatest challenges we are facing today. Without addressing this challenge the ANC can only proceed to die.

The following is therefore the only solutions we can adopt to address this bitter reality and destructive factor:

1. TheNationalExecutiveCommitteeoftheAfricanNationalCongress should be dissolved with immediate effect as it is highly compromised.

This leadership constitutes the most serious threat against the survival

of the ANC.

2. ComradesThaboMbeki,JacobZumaandKgalemaMotlantheare

appropriate comrades to comprise a team to confront the listed enemy agents starting from those who are serving in the NEC and other leadership structures. The composition of this team will give confidence to our people that all agents will be treated equally without favour.

3. ThiswillbeinlinewiththeinstructionofPresidentNelsonMandela given to Comrades Thabo Mbeki and Joe Modise on how to deal with these enemy agents.

4. Itisimportanttonotethatthelistofagentswascompiledfromthe records of Military Intelligence, the Special Branch of the SAP and the National Intelligence Service of the Apartheid regime. It (the consolidated list) was handed to President Mandela.

5. The instruction of President Mandela was and is still relevant today. All enemy agents should know that the ANC is aware of their relationship with security forces of the regime so that they may not be used against the people. The task was not completed as Comrade Joe Modise passed away suddenly after confronting a few enemy agents in the military Intelligence list.

6. Thereisthereforenotgoingtobeanywitch-huntofanykindherein this regard.


While this factor and the abovementioned are not mutually exclusive it is important to deal with this differently as a separate factor. This factor has to do with individuals that we consider to have been deliberately posted in the ANC to weaken it and hijack it, and failure to do so march it to extinction.

The group, listed below, can only bring harm (as already demonstrated) to the movement both as members or leaders.

Their presence in the movement will only serve to further cause divisions and therefore emasculate the movement under the pretext of RENEWAL.

Through their conduct they have proven themselves to be ideologically orientated against the historic mission of the ANC.

We are therefore forced to a difficult conclusion that the following be recused and be expelled from the ANC with immediate effect:

a. CyrilRamaphosa,

b. GwedeMantashe,

c. Paul Mashatile,

d. ZweliMkhize

e. TitoMboweni,

f. Pravin Gordan,

g. BladeNzimande,

h. DerekHanekom;and

i. Trevor Manuel.


We declare that we see no other solutions that can meet the challenges the ANC and our country faces today. In this regard, we are absolutely confident that all genuine and committed members of the African National Congress and indeed our people will finally breath a sigh of relief now that their movement would be saved and rescued back into own their hands.

To all our compatriots, this path is the only assurance of peace and stability. It is the only that can guarantee a safe and better future for generations to come.


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