As all roads lead to NKANDLA this weekend for an State Of The Nation by the Peopl’s President JG Zuma calls are pouring in for President Zuma to return back to office and rule over his ANC, the country of South Africa and Nation as a whole. This call is not new as RETFORCES have always made such numerous calls and have in the most recent months started to work the ground consulting with relevant peopl, formations and societal leaders at large for a formation of a United frontier of all Indigenous Afrika People dubbed: “HLANGANA’MHLATH’OWAZANAYO…”with one goal viz. THE RETURN OF INDIGENOUS AFRIKA PEOPLE’s LAND TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS and FULL IMPLEMENTATION OF NASREC KEY RET RESOLUTION.
The apartheid generals and their agents that are now in power since the Nasrec heist and subsequent CIA-London sponsored toppling of President Zuma presidency in January of 2018, have done all they can to derail and prevent the attainment of this goal ( LAND RETURN TO INDIGENOUS AFRIKA PEOPLE), the list is endless but what we can mention is the abuse of power in particular the judiciary arm of the state to unconstitutionally and illegally flout the laws, procedures, processes and practices to pass an order that seeks to arrest and incarcerate President Zuma for an in-existing “crime” just so they can poison him or inject him with a lethal “ VACCINE“, release him after a week so he can go and die at home and blame it all on the satanic made up “COVID-19 “ when it’s all murder that they have been trying to do even before the return of political exiles in 1990 and throughout President Zuma’s term of office. It seems though that finally the people of South AFRIKA have now finally seen the light and want their President Zuma back in power by no later than July 4th 2021 which could mean AFRIKA‘s eventua INDEPENDENCE aka FREEDOM DAY after more than four centuries under the satanic imperialists reign which all began in 1652 when “ Jan van riebeck mysteriously discovered the Cape and the land and the people and minerals in the continent…” if the colonists history were to be believed.
The ANC members,and people in general are on their way to Nkandla for a Mother of all Rallies which would be a historic moment not only in ANC but SA, SADC and the Continent of AFRIKA #ZIJIKILIZINTO, meanwhile the apartheid prepaid president Cyril ramaphosa has gone AWOL #UBALEKUMSINDOZAYO leaving Angie Motshega as “ACTING-ILLEGITIMATE-PREPAID-PRESIDENT “ in his stead , perhaps he has gone back to his original home, KENYA where it is said that the apartheid government imported him from Kenya in 1977 and accommodated him at the Oppenheimers and Mennels residencies whilst grooming him for spying jobs and with CIA and British MI amongst other known agencies.
The following are the developments in SA ROADS since Friday up to now…and we shall keep the Nation posted
