Ma-Afrika in our drive to promote BLACK BUSINESS and thereby ensure we drive RET on all fronts doing what we can to circulate the little Money that we have amongst us,we are setting up a Database which we will have it readily and Freely accessible on our Website.
We therefore call upon everyone to list with us,irrespective of whether you hussle is registered with CIPRO or not just tell us, where you are,what you do,Price is optional but advisable,a picture of one or two samples of your final product,your hussle address e.g Gold-Spot /Taxi Rank name,your contact details.
Let us begin to consciously support and build RET through "informal"sector and stop reliance on tenders. We will have this database under a Specially created column to be called RET-Husslers Corner.
Makwande mawethu✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾