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As We Take Devils by their Horns...Dont Let Hani's & Marikana-AbeNguni Butchers Walk Free☝🏾

Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

The "COVID19" satanic scam and debacle has proved to be the greatest lie lucifer has ever pulled since the crucification of Christ-Jesus. Of greatest concern to us Humans are the pensioners from the nursing and hygiene and health related fields who have whimsically resurfaced to volunteer to be propellers of deception and scare-tactics to give credibility and some belief to the existence of the non-existing luciferian made-up "virus". One wonders what level of desperation could have driven these failed pensioners to stoop to this level of at their pension years when they should be enjoying their pension. Is it pure desperation or is it witchcraft being perfected by satanism glorified and disguised as "COVID19" demonic spirit?

Whatever it is, it will not prosper not when we as the Church of Jesus of Nazareth are still walking,breathing and talking on the planet earth, we shall continue to cast the demons, bind and paralyse them and they shall not prevail but be exposed as they are defeated, that is a declaration we make in the name of Jesus and will continue to do so until Jesus comes back.

Here is another truth we expose and want to remind the people of God and those who do not know where and how far we have come:

On the Issue of "Black on Black" killings in the late 1980s- 1994

" Black on Black" was not started by umntwana kaPhindangene, this became a stratcom term used by the regime to discredit Black leaders who were vocal against the slaughtering of Blacks in the Thokoza townships. This butchering of abeNguni was started by Cyril Ramaphosa working with the regime right after the 1987 biggest NUM strike which saw scores of abeNguni and abakwa-Moshoeshoe sent back home bringing mining to a standstill. On coming back they would find "amagundwane" having been brought ftom Malawi and Tzaneen mostly taking their jobs and even their hostel dwelling places, before they knew it operation hlasela was launched on them under the false auspices of "Zulu vs Xhosa" attacks, which could have fooled a lot of people as it did at first as these shangaans spoke fanakalo-Zulu, until their disguise was uncovered and then the "Zulu vs Xhosa" attacks was soon dubbed "ANC vs Inkatha",around late '89 and only called Black on Black killings around '91 because all these other covers to kill BLACKS with ramaphosa being at the centre of the onslaught as a servant and agent of the regime and CIA from as far back as 1977 when he was also imported from Angola to stay with the Oppenheimers at the residence whilst pretending to be a Wits student along with Barbara Hogan and other CIA implants which would later include Hannekom ... all these implants and impimpiz were working and trained under Clive Derby Lewis British MI project famously refered to as WITS ( but not Wits University hence most of these regime tools claim of Wits studenthood is not supported by WU records).

It was cyril ramaphosa that caused and fuelled the onslaught of BLACK people in Gauteng, and the reason for that emanated from the NUM strike and the Pension Monies which cyril took and kept for himself instead of disbursing to the miners, he replaced them with amagundwane and armed amagundwane to attack miners so they could be killed and never discover that he infact had not only sold them out but robbed them of their monies as well. Those pensions would later become the seed of ramaphosa's first BLOOD money paid to him later to start business and BUY other ANC leaders to sell us at CODESA, nelson mandela became one of the first benefactors of that BLOOD money delivered to him by ramaphosa as he became the "suitcase-man" delivering bribes to nelson and convincing him to sell out, where was Umntwana at CODESA? nowhere his only sin was to defend Zulus just like Holomisa took a stance to defend "abaNtu bam" refering to Xhosas coming from then Transkei who were attacked and driven away from hostels by amagundwane assisted by SADF... lest we take Stratcom propaganda and lies as gospel truth...


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