This is one of the biggest revelations that came to the fore this week on the first day of a marathon three day presentation as Former Board Chairwoman of SAA and other Businesses/entities who is an estimeed and successful high profile Business-Woman herself Ms. Dudu Myeni finally got to appear at the Zondo-"State Capture" Commission this week in spite of her being presented to the public and the witness stand as an accused person whom the collaborators have already found GUILTY and convicted of being a "DELIQUENT DIRECTOR" using and abusing State power and State organs where they found willing participants in the form of "Judge/s" residing at the well known notorius North Gauteng High Court.
The revealation pertinent as it is was Watered down by the collaborators throughout the three-day marathon when instead they chose to focus on further demonising Ms. Myeni for choosing to exercise her right and priviledge to remain Silent lest she incriminate herself further as the Captured judge has further instructed the NPA( National Prosecuting Authority) to further investigate Ms Myeni's case for what seem to be an unclear SCOPE and reason for investigation. To a lay person who seeks to un-earth logic it looks and seems like this NGHC-Order to investigate is nothing but a ploy to seek to justify the baseless "deliquent director" judgement the mafia style : ACCUSE-Judge and CONVICT-Then INVESTIGATE later. This is contrary to the Bill of Rights which states that any person should be presumed INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty, but in Ms. Myeni's case,she has been FOUND guilty already by the plotters and they further put it upon her to PROOVE her INNOCENCE in their eyes whilst they( the plotters) are pulling all their stops to try and pool a wool over the public to see Ms. Myeni guilty and thereby justify the villains evil acts, only the Almighty God knows how far longer can and will the plotters get away with this,as we know God is not mocked and He is The Redeemer as He was,He is ,and always will Be.
Another very pertinent REMINDER which Ms. Myeni brought to the public's attention is the fact and truth that during President Zuma's tenure as the Country's State President,"SAA was assigned to President Ramaphosa as the deputy president at the time, who was responsible for government business,” said Myeni.
“SOEs that were seen as problematic by cabinet were all assigned to him as the then Deputy President.. *#StateCaptureCommissionOfEnquiry
This fact and Ms. Dudu Myeni put in so CLEAR and unambiguous terms so even those citizens that are suffering from insomnia can be assisted to remember what and where exactly the truth lies even ramaphosa cannot deny this truth that as the Deputy President and Head of Government Business,during his so called "9 wasted years" he was the CUSTODIAN and responsible for South African Airways together with pravin gordan and Mr. Nene( Nhlanhla) in their capacity as Finance Ministers. It cannot be that ramaphosa only jumps to take credit for the successes of President Zuma's administration and dissociate himself from the same administration where there are challenges that may/may not have resulted in failures. If Ms Dudu Myeni is accused and found guilty of any wrong doing, which we as the citizens still have to be presented with convincing evidence of ( not hearsay allegations that cannot and have not been proven), then ramaphosa himself as the principal -( Head of Government Business) at the time of occurence Should and MUST be held to ACCOUNT, that is what ACCOUNTABILITY means and that is what a JUST, FAIR and EQUITABLE JUSTICE system should be all about, not having eyes that see and are sensitive and allergic to COLOUR, RACE, GENDER and political affilliation/camp or Faction/s within the ANC.
In a CONSTITUTIONAL "democracy there should be nothing wrong with a citizen choosing to exercise his/her own Right to remain SILENT yet WMC-Paid-Media un-educated and clueless RACIST puppets where running around like headless chicken trying to demonise Ms Myeni in the entire three days for " Invoking her rights", when in actual fact theirs is a frustration for not getting the ammunition out of Ms. Myeni which ammunition would have served their masters behind the COLLABORATORS to further the New World Agenda objectives which NWO Agenda has seen its implementation accellerated since the 2017 Nasrec-Heist which have seen the well known British-MI spies in tge form of Paul O'Sullivan growing wings and actually coming out boldly and unashamedly in conducting and execution of their mandates in the entire Afrika soil, an unashamed evil repeat of 1652 & 1903 by the same evil 1652s with the help of "better" BLACKS who are comfortable with being classified as "Middle Class" by the masters which is nothing different from HOUSE NEGROES,mhhhh time will tell.
For all its worth,this country and continent will be liberated for as long as we have Bold, Strong and assertive women like Ms.Dudu Meni whose persecution can be likened to that of Mama Nomzamo Madikizela-Mandela ABAFUNGA BANGAJIKI like Zondo is doing at and with the "State Capture Commission" rules which today he says " we do not negotiate timeframes/timelines schedules with the witnesses and/or their legal representation,....(when it comes to President Zuma), and the next day he is caught on a camera at the very commission negotiating the availability of and time convenience with a Ms. Kwinana and her Legal represantation Ms. Mbanjwa...the State Capture Commission is itself captured or is simply a weapon to deliver New World Order Agenda,which is nothing but Afrika RECOLONISATION