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Throwing A Humility Spanner in SA'S "Bonnie and Clyde" Debacle~INkosazana YabaThembu

Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

Dr Nandipha Sekeleni-Magudumana just took the profile and status of Xhosa women to the highest levels with her improved skills and tactics in emulating the Bonnie character in reality "Bonnie & Clyde" of SA. All thanks to this Intelligent, Young , Bold and Beautiful Doctor the Xhosa Spinsters, Widows and Ntombfuthis are now Hot and rated high on the list for those that are looking for Partners to wive. That my dear is the positive that this entire " Bester Prison Smart Escape" debacle has brought for the single women, well not just women but us Xhosa women, our X-factor has just been boosted ( though not in the ideal circles we admit) ,but a BOOST IS A BOOST , Thanks Dr.Nandi

Come on now folks,let's get real, open and honest here for once, who would not help their person when the need arises? Nandipha is NOT a criminal here, Bester is the only convicted murderer, stop making this entire fiasco be about Nandipha crimes. If Nandipha should be judged of any crime it would be her being madly in love and allowing that love to blind her to the manipulation and deception of Bester the Con-artist and Convicted Murderer, even so who amongst us as Human Beings has never done anything stupid out of LOVE? Has it ever occurred to any sane person out there that Nandipha could be a VICTIM of not only "LOVE" but TRUST / BETRAYAL of TRUST by the very person/s that was supposed to have unconditionally Love and PROTECT her now that Mr. Sekeleni , her Father has been charged and now that it has been revealed that Mr Sekeleni, Nandipha's Father has( might have) a direct link with the G4S Security company that had scored a 25 year Prison Management Tender at Department Of Correctional Services that is most notorious and corrupt since the days of the erstwhile Director General Linda Mthi , BOSASA, Nosiviwe Maphisa-Nqakula, Vincent Smith,Nomvula Mokonyane, Gwede Mantashe and the list goes on as Mr. Angelo Agrizzi exposed the files at the Zondo Commission, remember that before you all shout "crucify her, crucify her..." because you might just be falling once again into the romans prefects, Pharasees and scribes sitting in Luthuli house and Cape Town "parly"wearing blue-green-black-gold and red robes and calling themselves law-makers and politicians whilst they buy themselves time to shelve under the carpet the shenanigans and MONEY LAUNDERING -PHALAphala SCANDALS whilst the rest of the Nation is getting amused at the "Bonnie & CLYDE" remix Movie that will end nowhere.

Those that have no sin must throw the first stones, otherwise it would be wise and very wise now to live by the idiom, " Those who live in glass houses should NOT throw stones", otherwise GIVE NANDIPHA A BREAK, and let the LAW take its course before you CONVICT the Young Woman of a crime she may not even have committed in the first place. From the look of things Dr. Nandipha Magudumana may well be a scape goat or a sacrificial lamb to saving a much more influential and we'll connected syndicate of Mafias in high places, lets not fall for the Media fanfare yet again, entertaining and tempting as this might be,just remember there's more to this than meets the eye. Give Nandipha support and Benefit of Doubt, BE OBJECTIVE, ask the right questions and give her a chance to state her "case" without prematurely judging her as she might just be the one and only person that could lead us all to the BOTTOM of the TRUTH of the luciferian shenanigans even prior to her "2017 visits to Mangaung Prison which is the TRUTH that we've been all searching for in connecting the dots to the REAL "STATE CAPTURE" by the luciferians and their satanic New World Order Agenda SYSTEM.

The luciferians are very experienced and masters at deflection, point you to the other direction meanwhile they are busy stashing millions of illicit laundered American dollars under and inside the mattresses and sofas lets not forget that nor get swayed easily.

AmaXhosa athi "Uzakuyiva ubawuyingxamelanga..." and so will it be even with this one, we will soon hear and see what "dollars and bodies" they are trying to stash, where now even with this "Bonnie and Clyde" movie deflector.


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