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The BLESSING in #Lockdown

Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu


You are the temple of Christ,He is in You and as you confess:

"Greater is He in me than the one out there..." why should you then be moved nor scared when they bombard you with all sorts of stories,from death statistics to rapid spread of "the virus"? Have you no FAITH in God? Have you forgotten His WORD? Have you forgotten how He has magnified His Word above His Name? Have you forgotten what our Lord Yeshua tells us in Matthew 24,that these things must all happen and be fullfilled before He returns again?

Beloved brethen,let it not bother you that they have closed the synagogues and the brick and mortar buildings,they can close them all for "ertenity" if they so wish,but they will never close The Church. For The Church is not in the buildings but in you and,me. Now sing praises to The Lord God and let Him ignite the Holy Ghost fire in you, for this body of Christ,the Church,is the only ONE that they will NEVER shutdown,for they do not have the keys. You and I are given the keys to the Kingdom of God and our Lord Jesus is the door, now let no evil keep you away from the Kingdom of your Father through fear,not when you have the keys-in His Word, unlock the door and enjoy your Life He has given you in Love,Peace and Joy worshiping Him that is able to give abundently above all that we may ask,in Truth,Love and above all in FAITH for verily His Word shall make manifest and ye shall she with your eyes of flesh the defeat of lucifer again,as revealed in His WORD.


We sing Praises to our Gloryous Gracious Jesus,Jesus,Mighty Jesus

We Give You all the Power ,Might and Glory, Gloryous Gracious Jesus, You worthy Lamb of God,You Holy Holy Holy One of Israel, We bow before your Thrown,and We Submit and Surrender to The One and Only,

King of Kings, Lion Of Judae,

Lord of Lords,Adonai,Elohim,Emmanuel,El Chai,El Elyon,Jehovah Rapha,Jehovah Jirah, Jehovah Shama, Jehovah Roi,Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Saboath, El Shaddai, Abba ,Pappa,my Father in Heaven,You are Holy Holy and Gracious Almighty God,Yaweh my Yaweh,Rock of my Salvation, Shield and my buckler, My Fotress and my Safe refuge, My Redeemer, My Sheperd, my Hallelujah, my Light ,my Life, my Help, My Source ,my Provider and my Sustainer, my Teacher, my Wonderful Guide, my El Shadai, my Hallelujah, my Friend, my Comforter, Wonderful Comforter, my Great IAm,

Greater IAm in me, Reign Jesus, Reign , Roar Lion of Judae Roar,

Roar in the cities

Roar in the villages

Roar on the country

Roar in the suburbs

Roar Lion of Judae, Roar my Jesus and take back dominion, All the Power amnd Might and Glory to You ,Son of God,We Worship You ,Glory Glory Glory To the Holy Lamb of God,

We Love You Jesus, Love Yaweh, Love Yeshua,Elohim, El Shaddai, Spirit of The Living God ,We Love You,

Love Love Lovely Holy Spirit

my Hallelujah, We Fall inlove once again with our Jesus,

No #Lockdown nor demons will separate us from the LOVE OF OUR CHRIST-Jesus




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