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Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu


The gloves are off the luciferian toys and tools have CLEARLY and LOUDLY shown their hands and demonstrated to all whose they are and whose interests they represent, when they CENSORED AND TOOK DOWN EVERY POST AND INFORMATION THAT EXPOSES THE ANTICHRIST's New World Order Plan via "CORONAVIRUS"- "VACCINES" and 5G spectrum insertion.

We as the Church have been keeping our peace but we it is now time for us to be lax no more about this continued provocation of The Church Body. This is a Clarion Call to all Members of The Church and all those that care about Saving HUMANITY!!!

The Church MUST Stand Up And Take Back Her Power:Defend Our Jesus On Earth Now Dont Let The Pillates WASH THEIR HANDS...

"Wash Your Hands..." This is what the luciferians are telling the people,God's creation to do for the past two months whilst efforts and plans to launch the Mark of the beast on all humans without the people even consenting nor knowing that they are now being marked,the world over are being accellerated daily whilst the captured states and government officials are telling people to "Wash Your Hands"... how misleading is this though as we all know by now that the so called "COVID19"-Virus is a figment of the luciferians imagination with the ultimate plan to instill fear on the people so that they may "voluntarily" consent to what they believe is a vaccine meant to treat the imaginery virus,whilst the luciferians know very well that this "vaccine" is infact the Mark of the Beast which when injected on a human skin changes form and becomes a chip genius centuries work of the luciferians who by the way have no medical qualifications yet they have found a way to capture all States and governments in the world and dictate through WHO what must and must not be done by people in the whole world. Since when has any citizen of any country voted WHO into power? When did the citizens of any State or Country in the world voted bill gates, patrice motsepe and george soros to be in charge of not only the individual countries but the entire Human race?

Have the citizens forgotten that the first and last time anybody of significance at the time to "WASH HANDS..." was Pillate and the Bible states it explicitely the gruelling inhumane maiming,torturing and murder by crucification of our Lord Jesus following the WASHING OF HANDS. Now that was one Pillate yet the impact is still visible and felt mote than 2000(two thousand years later), now have we as the Human race stopped to think how much more damage would be caused to the Human race with the zillion multiplication of Pillate? Why have the citizens of the world in all the continents taken this deception lying down or rather in a very casual and ignorant manner as if there is no precedence to the WASHING OF HANDS? Is everybody that is not a luciferian bewitched already? Or is this a demonstration of how far the luciferians have wormed themselves into every sphere of the Human race and society ?

I personally do not expect the natural people to understand any of this,but the Church-Body of Christ-Jesus members and limbs should know better,brothers, Sons of God we owe it to our Jesus The Lord to step out if the comfort zone and defend our Lord, we failed Him once when we were disciples we dare not fail Our Lord again, not this time not ever, Let The Church members rise up and defend Our God our Father's creation now.

Jesus-Christ(The Annointed One) was crucified once and put to death through the cross,that was in the times of the Bible age,and this had to happen the way it did for the prophecies to be fullfilled, and for the Sons of God to have ertenal life which is to come with the Rapture of the Church followed by the second coming of Jesus to reign on earth with His Church. Seemingly the anti-Christ would have none of it hence launching a preliminary attack and attacks on the Church not playing by the rules but intimidating,bullying and physically attacking anyone and everyone they deem to pose a threat to their plans.

All of this should not be surprising for the True Sons of God know that our inheritance will not ,not be challenged by the luciferians,they have been doing that since time immemorial,however we would be doomed and dumb if we become passive and not fight for our rightfull inheritance as Sons of The Most High God.

We have the power to put an end to the luciferians plan once and for all and take this battle to the finish line , however we need to be consistent and bring to alignment our Spiritual Warfare declarations and decrees with what we do in the physical so that the victory we have achieved in the Spirit realm is not delayed nor derailed by our foolish and/or ignorant physical actions or non-action, for example we have taken down the evil anti-Christ alters and bound and paralysed the strongman of the anti-Christ spirit through our prayers over the last 14-21 days and that we have achieved succesfully YET in the physical realm we still continue to feed the luciferians and empower them with resources and profits which enables them to resuscitate their evil agenda,what are we doing? why are we sabotaging our very own victory and destiny Church? Why are we still subscribing to the luciferian cult platforms namely: YouTube; Facebook ; Twitter when they are all owned and controlled by satanist billgates whose plan to launch the Mark of The Beast prematurely we gave exposed and defeated?

When are we as the Church going to wake up and take drastic action, PARALYSE billgates's cult organisations disguised as "business under the above-mentioned labels and brands. We can do this jus switch them off, cancell subscriptions, cancell contracts, withdraw our funds from whatever long term business arrangements and connections we had on their platforms. Our life and existence as The Church is NOT dependent on social-media platforms,there was life before Facebook,YouTube,Instagram and Twitter and there will certainly be life and quality Christ-like life without the anti-Christ platforms .

Let us switch off and EXIT these anti-Christ platforms en-masse . That will put an end to bill gates's arrogance and clip him of his wings to dare take on the Church and try to rob us of our inheritance at broad day light.

We are the Light of The World , our Jesus told us so therefore let us not be deceived by the luciferians when they claim to know what we should and shoukd not be doing as The Church, It is our inherent right for us to defend abd fight for our inheritance ,we should not be giving bill gates a second cheak ,Lets take back our Purchasing and Consumption Power Now, immediately, this is war lets cut off the cult organisations of bill gates, Cut off Facebook, Twitter,YouTube, Messenger, Instagram at once we should have not fellowship with anti-Christ, nothing to do with this cult whatsoever.

We have been warned in the Bible about mixing up with athiests and all these luciferians who go by different names nevertheless all pursuing anti-Christ agenda, the scriptures say "... have nothing with them..." if the censoring of our articles,platforms,services and the most recent censoring of online-Church sermons hosted under Christ Embassy banner by Pastor Chris, does not show us that the satanists mean business and their business does not include the Church and Humanity but rather is aimed at mass killings and murdering of Human Population under the auspices of "depopulation", forced vaccines and luciferian dictatorial anti-Christ one world ruler,hence they see The Church as a stumbling block they have been trying to put under by hook and crook for a long time using their very own members of the cult,the "arch"-bishops who took it upon themselves to masquarade as speakers and representatives of The Church, whilst knowing that theirs is a religion which has nothing to do with our Jesus's Church Body that we are.

We have refused and disallowed these imposters to be the mouth piece of The Church, hence they make no mention of Jesus'Church anymore but stick to their satanic coined "religion" term which we have no problem with because,religion is an evil spirit much like the anti-Christ, and ours is not religion but a Relationship with Our Most High God, Yaweh Elohim by His Grace, Gracious Jesus of Nazareth who extended the Spirit of Adoption of us as His brothers and therefore Sons of The Father along with Him.

The message is clear this is an all-out war, no fence-sitters, if you are not with us,you are against us, that seems to be the position and stand point the luciferians have taken, lets not disappoint them, lets accept the challenge by cutting ties and clipping the evil's wings, starve their businesses,cut ties and cut off their evil television channels and social network platforms, they are evil and offer corrupt content that pushes the abomination and anti-Christ agenda anyway,this is the diet we do not need especially now.

We have to move fast and identify Christian and Kingdom platforms so that we are not caught napping by luciferians again. The Wix platform is an alternative platform we have been testing, however we have not done the research and can at this stage not give assurance nor guarantees as to whether the owners or founders of the platform are in any way associated with the luciferians or not, we certainly hope and pray that they are not associated.

The Wix platform is a promising growing platform and has a free downloadable APP, offers everything Facebook, Twitter, YouTube all combined offer and more and is not heavy on Data. Migrate to Wix App with all your social network groups and simply invite your groupies to do the same joining the Wix Community via an Invite Code generated with each invite. Gather The Church Gather The Sons of God lets cut off the antiChrist cult for good.



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