The African National Congress's Secretary General Comrade Ace Magashule has finally exercised the ANC-Constitutional Powers vested in him and him only as the Engine-Room and Chief Executive Officer equivalent of the Organisation to finally act and take action against what is famously known as Nasrec-Heist aka PrePaid-Presidency of Ramaphosa which saw more than a Billion Rands spent on votes buying/rigging and influencing of Conference delegates pre and post ANC's 54th Conference held at Nasrec in 2017.
Earlier in the evening the social media platforms flighted news that the SG of ANC delivered the news of suspension and the letter itself to Cyril Ramaphosa the now suspended PrePaidPresident as he became known and referred to as such since mid 2018 when the CR17 Bank Statements got exposed in the publuc domain before Cyril wrote a letter to the North Gauteng Deputy Judge President - Ledwaba ( who is a recipient and benefactor of CR17BS himself) requesting the EVIDENCE to be SEALED , which Mr Ledwaba immediately complied to the bizarre and UNCONSTITUTIONAL request.
In Suspending the "PrePaidPresident" the SG of ANC is executing one of the key Conference Resolutions which states that ( paraphrase) any member/leader of ANC which uses money to buy power or to influence voting must be expelled from the ANC. Based on this Rule we can safely assume that the next logical step would be the EXPULSION of Cyril Ramaphosa from the organisation as the ANC CONSTITUTION DICTATES.
The Wheels of Change are TURNING and this is GOOD NEWS FOR THE NATION INDEED as this clears up the way for the hawks and law enforcement agencies to now act swiftly and freely ARREST Cyril Ramaphosa, De Klerk, Trevor Manuel, Johan Rupert, Maria Ramos, Tito Mboweni and other partners implicated in the Grand Apartheid crimes and SARB theft and money laundering cases that are already before the courts of the land both as Civil and Criminal Cases in Cape Town and Pretoria.

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To: The President
Cde Cyril Ramaphosa
Dear cde Cyril
03 May 2021
The NEC/NWC has on numerous occasions discussed and resolved on matters relating to the implementation of the resolutions of conference.
In particular, the 5411> Conference Resolution on "ANC CREDIBILITY AND INTEGRITY: DEALING WITH CORRUPTION"
Properly read and interpreted Conference resolution in this regard provides that all cadres charged or reported to be involved in corrupt practice ought to step aside or be summarily suspended.
You have been reported to the Serious Offences Directorate and the matter of sealed documents relating to your CR 17 campaign prior and during the 5411> National Conference is pending before our courts.
On 3 May 2021, the NWC, acting in terms of Rule 25.70 read with Rule 13 instructed that letters be written to all affected members, including yourself, to inform them that it has decided that their temporary suspension would be in the best interests of the Organisation.
According to Resolution (8) of the 5411> National Conference, Secretaries at all levels will be held accountable for any failure to take action or refer matters of corruption or other misconduct (in terms of the ANC code of conduct) to the relevant structures.
As stated above it has been reported Cde President that you and your Nasrec Campaign team, raised money in an attempt to get the branches to finally elect you as President of the ANC. It is common cause that this matter has been ventilated in our courts and the documents related thereto remain sealed. This particular matter relating to the sealing of the documents is pending before our courts.
Pmldont: CRamaphoa Dlputy l'lllldtnl: D.D. Mabuu Nalional ~ : G- S o c t u y Gtnnl: E.S. lllgnl,ulo Dlputy Somlary Gtnffll: J Duartt, TIOllll,or-Gentrll: P. -
Chief />Jbe~Lldh(ji House 54 Sauer Street J<>'lannesbuig 2001PO Box 61884 Marnhalttown 2107 RSA Tel. 27.113761000 Website:
Cde President you will recall that quite apart from this matter being reported to our law enforcement agencies, the ANC has lamented the use and role of money in its internal election at conferences.
Based on the way forward emanating from the last NWC, a number of comrades face suspensions from the ANC,
Accordingly, on the authority of the NWC and as a result of the allegations referred to here above, you are hereby temporarily suspended, with effect from 3 May 2021, from all activities of the ANC pending all the internal processes of the ANC, as well as the finalisation of the pending matters to which I have referred above.
In line with Rule 25.70 the following terms and conditions are imposed to regulate your participation and conduct during your suspension:
(a) You may not carry out the duties and responsibilities of the President of the ANC ;
(b) You may not represent the ANC publicly or in any other capacity or forum; (c) You may not make public statements or pronouncements on matters
relating to the organization;
(d) You may not engage in the mobilization of ANC structures, any other
organizations or individuals, including on your stepping aside and matters related thereto.
Accordingly, you are required to update the Secretary General on a monthly basis regarding progress of your cases or internal disciplinary processes. The decision to temporarily suspend you will be reviewed by the NEC every six months or from time to time or on request by yourself.
You are also entitled to refer to the internal appeal processes and to act accordingly, should you wish to do so.
~comradely ES Magashule
Deputy Secretary General
President: C R1mapho11 Deputy President: 0.0. Mabuza National Ch1lrper1on: G Mantaahe Secretary General: E.S. Ma911hule Deputy Secretary General: J Duarte, Treasurer-General: P. Ma1hatlle