The sooner you BLACKS realise this the better. It is tiring to hear and read little people 's complaints and rumbles and mumbles on social media platforms day in and day out. The sense of entitlement from these little poor people is so extreme one has to wonder where they are were trained or mistrained rather. Its almost as if they all are hypnotised to keep mimicking the same old irresponsible useless complaints like:
" The Media did not report"
" The Media must investigate"
"The Media must tell us..."
" The Government must open a Black Bank..." Hello the "government" is not in the business of opening a "BLACK" anything-Business for you,dont be a retard too now little people.
The Government must pay us "our" R350.( Really now?)

This sense of entitlement from these little people has reached levels never experienced ever in our lifetime and the sad part of it is that these little people are so confident that they are doing the Nation and the World a huge favour for being useless ,irresponsible and social media noise makers who add no value in the Nations livelihood except to complain from dawn to dusk, find faults, wrongs and impossibilities with each and everything proposed or implemented without presenting any workable solutions to the table except to look out for crumbs. This is the type of behaviour that has contributed in regressing our Nation to the level of living a life of reminiscing about the good old past/days, where each day is not lived fully but instead is a commemoration of what responsible dead people did when they were still living one has to wonder when is this " Know-It-All"generation going to start living and make their mark, history and USEFUL LEGACY that would beneffit generations to come, if, they live in history with everyday that passes by?
Who died and declared you poor little BLACK people Anton Rupert's heirs or Johanne Rupert's nephews/nieces for you to expect Rupert to use his Media and business empires to beneffit you? Did your mammas not tell you that you owe it to yourselves to make responsible living,characters, careers and honest living for yourselves? Didnt your mamma tell you that nagging and mumbling does not pay? Didnt your mamma teach you respect ,to respect yourself you have got to respect your family's clan name first and not do anything that will make people want to know what kind of parents gave birth to you and from what community were you raised, al for the wrong reasons?
Do you expect Johan Rupert to stand on top of Mount Everest and shout out the obvious truth that is " BLACK britz I owe you nothing... STOP blaming your failures on rupert... Start taking responsibility for your failures and make life work for yourself..."
If you are waiting for Rupert to tell you this,then you are worse than a little person infact you are a self-made retard and for that you deserve to suffer and suffer until you get it in your retarded brain that sitting next to the kraal and smiling at your little balls day in and day out is not what makes you a man and will certainly kill you as it should and so does keyboard activism and moaning and groaning without any solutions.
The sense of entitlement BLACK people must fall it just is not fashionable nor acceptable anymore than it is nauseating as much as it kills us as parents to see our children turning out to be this irresponsible, highly entitled with no foresight, we pray to God day in and day out for change, turnaround and restoration but deep down we know that our prayers alone will not be sufficient if and when you children are not willing to change your behaviour and renounce this evil irresponsible spirit of entitlement,SHAKE it off and cone back to your senses.
Rupert does not owe his wealth, create and work your own.
The "Media" do not owe you any favours, the media does not owe you any

investigation remember you are not paying their journos, the media is not your little private investigators, Media is business to media houses and they do not and should not take orders from you nor are they your life guard, so shake off the misguided expectation, there us nothing that is preventing you from creating your own Media business or Media charity organisation if you feel strongly about media charity but do not expect WMC nor Rupert to do charity for you, Shake it off!!!
Lastly the "Government" is not your long lost uncle,Shake off the irresponsible behaviour and nauseating " government must .... thisi and that..." you are not little children that must be spoonfed anymore now grow up Black people and take responsibility for your life you cannot be born in 2000 or matriculate in 2005 and still be blaming apartheid for your 2019 failures nor should you be blaming your parents not when you were quick and still are in pointing out your " Rights" enshrined in the Constitution , now take RESPONSIBILITY for the consequencies of your rights that you have exercised dont hide behind your little thumb now. Someone has to tell you this and someone that loves you, someone that want the best for you poor little BLACK child, and that someone is me,and I say it with love for your own good SHAKE IT OFF, SHAKE OFF THE ENTITLEMENT EVIL SYNDROME SHAKE OFF SELF ENTITLEMENT SHAKE OFF THIS EVIL SPIRIT OF SELFISHNESS SHAKE OFF THE EVIL REBELLIOUS SPIRIT SHAKE OFF THE BITTERNESS SHAKE OFF SELF-HATE SHAKE OFF EVIL HATRED SPIRIT SHAKE OFFTGE SPIRIT OF JEALOUSY SHAKE IT OFF SHAKE OFF LAZINESS SHAKE IT OFF SHAKE OFF LEIZUREFARE SHAKE OFF FOREIGN CULTURES AND FOREIGN BEHAVIOURS AFRIKAN CHILD COME BACK TO YOUR ROOTS AND VALUES OF YOUR FATHERS AND FOREFATHER OF YOUR LAND SHAKE OFF FOREIGN EVIL SPIRITS and LIVE LIFE