"There is no truth in the reason given by "Mr.X" for..."concealing of his true identification at the State Capture Commission.
We know now that Mduduzi Eric Zakwe made allegations at the Zondo Commission making various allegations about:
CASH he claims to "supposedly" have withdrawn from a certain Business account ranging,in approximately R3million cash, and left it at Ms. Myeni's residence in her abscence with no one in site and/or at Ms Myeni's residence, this according to the tone of questions that Zondo evidence leader "put"(pose) whilst PROSECUTING Ms.Dudu Myeni on the second day of what became a Prosecution trial more than "Inquisitorial Fact Finding".
That he ( Mduduzi Eric Zakwe) was in business-partnership with Ms. Dudu Myeni's son
That Mduduzi Eric Zakwe claims that, the aforementioned business got payments without any services rendered/goods delivered.
That on one or all three occassions he claimed to have left the cash in Ms Dudu Myeni's safe in her abscence and with no one in the house
That Mduduzi Zakwe had requested his identity to be concealed, for "...fear of his life" according to DCJ Zondo and on that basis "I decided he would be called Mr.X..." Did Mduduzi Eric Zakwe lie about this reasoning at the Zondo Commission? If he lied about this what else did he lie about? If Zakwe was telling the truth about any of the allegations he had made,and lied about "fear of his life", why would he not be bold enough like other Accusers to say I Mduduzi Zakwe stand by what I have said why would he want to stay "anonymous"
We dig into Mduduzi Zakwe's profile in social media platforms and what we discover is not a person that fears for his life,if anything Mduduzi is a person that puts his life activities out there for the world to see " I have arrived... check-ins:
at Las Vegas Golf Center: USA:27/May/2013
Ceasars Palace: USA

Signature Restaurant: Sandton

UniZulu Bay Compass: 12/10/2012
Registered for Aquoponics Workshop 17/12/2012
December 2010 holidaying in Europe

His life is out there in the open for everyone to see what he is up to and with whom at what time,this doesnt seem to gel with "fearing for his life" as Zondo claims that,that is the reason Mduduzi gave when he requested to have his identity concealed to the public.So yes we are convinced and believe Ms. Dudu Myeni's version when she states that Mr. X lied about the reason "...fearing for his life...".
What else did Mduduzi Eric Zakwe lied about? Whilst looking at Mduduzi's profile we pick up a lot of discrepencies on his CV posted at LinkedIn and what is on news websites archives eg.
His own version of CV does not list the company he claims to have been in business with,with Ms.Myeni's son... Is this an omission? Unlikely because this is the CV he puts out on LinkedIn marketing himself for jobs and this version is up to date,we know this because it includes his current job as CEO- MICTseta a position he took in April 2019. Mduduzi Eric Zakwe lied about his "Business Relations" with Ms Myeni's son's company. Lie No.2

3. At one of the seminars he presented a paper in 2019 he describes himself as having occupied/served in more than "20 boards and board committees in both private and public sector"... this is NOT reflected in his CV. Perhaps Mdu does not differentiate between attending a board meeting/board committee meeting and being actually a Board Member officially and legally... He lied here as well, Lie No.3.
4. If Mduduzi has lied about his Business Relations with Ms.Myeni's son, it follows then that the claim he is said to have made at the Zondo Commission about him taking the cash from that business, and leaving it in "the safe at Ms Myeni's residence in the abscence of Ms Myeni and with no other person to witness is highly and likely to be a fabricated allegation, where would Mduduzi have found the keys to the safe ,if there was a safe at Ms Myeni's residence at all? How would Mduduzi have bypassed the security system which the Zondo Commission evidence leader tells the public there is-courtesy of "Bosasa...according to a Mr.Le Roux...)?
Why would Mduduzi lie? Who is feeding him with information? Who is asking him to lie and for what purpose?
These are the questions that we are still digging but what he have picked up so far is very very interesting.viz.
An association with a Zimbabwean citizen Ms. Tryphosa Ramano. Apparently Mduduzi Zakwe and Tryphosa Ramano are now both associates/partners ( more like fronting) in a white owned WMC Sage Accounting company

Tryphosa Ramano has a long history of enmity and altercations with Ms.Dudu Myeni and the boards at SAA. These altercations and fights date back to the period when Tryphosa Ramano was deployed to the position of CFO (at the time Khaya Ngqula was appointed CEO)directly from Treasury,when Trevor Manuel was still Finance Minister and Cheryl Carolus "veteran 001" was the Chairperson of SAA.
It was well known even then how Tryphosa used to bully the board enforcing her own decisions and over-ruling Board decisions even though she was just a CFO, leaning and relying on her relations with Trevor Manuel. We have seen Trevor Manuel deploying Tryphosa as his own person ( and Tryphosa was not shy to drop Trevor's name even back then in the early 2000s) to several Municipal entities and state organs's boards to ensure that he( Trevor) and his interests were represented. This Zimbabwean girl Tryphosa who now resides in Cape Town, would again be brought back( by Trevor to SAA, around the time he came from Davos singing a new chant viz. "9-WASTED YEARS")to finish off what she started for Trevor viz. "Privatise SAA", which MISSION got derailed by the "9-WASTED YEARS",( NOW WE KNOW WHAT TREVOR MANUEL MEANT BY 9WASTED YEARS, it had nothing to do with President Zuma's administration being incompetent but had derailed Trevor's LOOTING PLAN of SAA amongst other SOEs: and a few months ( after Tryphosa's RE-DEPLOYMENT)down SAA fails to file Annual Result...Put under Business Rescue...Under the hammer...Going...Going...Gone but "BLAME EVERYTHING ON MS.Dudu Myeni...for daring to investigate and report CORRUPTION crimes done by Coleman Andrews,under Trevor Manuel and with the FULL knowledge Sakhumzi Macozoma and all the Transnet-SAA mbeki-blue-eyed boys.
It would not be far fetched to conclude that it is highly possible that Mduduzi is fed ( the fabricated lies) by Tryphosa Ramano to come up with all the allegations he has made,knowing how Tryphosa works and how she sets up the young and naive in companies she has influence on through Trevor, and plant them there so they could be indebted to her and deliver the goods that would surely favor Trevor Manuel's business interests.
Was the MICTseta-CEO position a reward for delivering the goods at the Zondo Commission viz.making up stories about Ms.Myeni? Its possible, if we consider other people like Mcebisi, who has also been compensated with an MTN Boardship soon after he appeared and repeated that lie about him being offered R600 thousand by a "Gupta " brother (he could not really identify which one it was) if he could agree to be Finance Minister in Nhlanhla Nene's place...
We have established that Mduduzi Zakwe is a liar, just like Vytjie Mentoor, just like Mcebisi and in a similar way as Themba Maseko LIED but what is glaring is that all these liars are doing so for their masters behind and they all ( with the exception of Themba Maseko whom we have not checked out for now) get compensated after lying at the Zondo Commission, and Trevor Manuel 's footprints are all over, quite a busy man he is, it must be difficult to try and make "go away" the biggest SAA-FLEET loot after fifteen years it keeps coming back to haunt you because the likes of Ms. Dudu Myeni will not stop talking about it, so Trevor does what he always do and did to whatsoever Executive that was standing on his looting ways, at the SOEs and Gauteng Municipal entities.