"Ngomhlaka 23 la ethekwini KZN singena emgaqweni as MKMVA sicela wonke u comrade ohambisana nama RET Forces abekhona sothatha isonto lonke si marsha..."
Date: Tuesday, 16 March 2021
The Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) is outraged by the failure of the Department of Military Veterans (DMV) to pay the school and university fees of the children and dependants of Military Veterans. This is an unforgivable act of callousness that will impact on the lives of young people, whose lives are being destroyed by heartless beaurocrats.
For the DMV to present a lame excuse that “files have been lost”, and therefore it was not possible to make the payments of study fees only adds insult to injury.
It is important to emphasize that the paying to school fees of the children of military veterans is not some kind of ‘favour’ that is being done. It is legally provided for in terms of the Military Veterans Act 18, of 2011. Failure to do so is in fact illegal!
Overall MKMVA has lost confidence in the Department of Military Veterans (DMV) because of their perennial service delivery failures, in literally every area where critically important services must be delivered to military veterans, who are in urgent need of them.
One of the most disasterous is the utter mess that the DMV Educational Support Programme is in. The consequences are severe, the children of military veterans are now seeing their hopes for education being destroyed. In many instances students will loose a whole academic year, and such a severe setback can lead to a young person’s hopes for education and a better life being derailed for ever.
This disaster is made worse by the serious challenges that students are faced with throughout South Africa, and the financial crisis that the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is in. The ongoing student protests for free quality education, under the #FeesMustFall campaign, emphasize the seriousness of the overall education crisis on a daily basis.
MKMVA fully supports the #FeesMustFall campaign. We do so on the basis that free quality education is the official policy of the ANC, and is well documented in the various policy documents, and National Conference Resolutions, of the ANC.
The promise of free quality education had been made by the ANC during every election campaign since our first democratic elections on the 27th of April 1994. Twenty seven years later it cannot be deferred any longer.
It is totally unacceptable that students must every year go through the traumatic experience of having their studies and futures placed in jeopardy. It cannot be that young people must literally throw their bodies into the front line of the struggle for free education, and risk their lives in the face of police brutality, for what has been stated over and over again as official ANC policy.
MKMVA welcomes the intervention of the National Working Committee (NWC) of the ANC, that led to a commitment by government to find the resources, and to reprioritise the budget of the Department of Higher Education, in order to meet the legitimate demands of the students. However, we must admit that we have heard these undertakings before, and therefore cannot simply accept them on face value. This time round the promises must be kept, and neccesary steps must be taken to ensure full sustainability, also for the future.
As far as police brutality, in response to peaceful student protests, is concerned, it must be stated that it is simply not good enough to condemn the unprofessional brutal behaviour of some police officers, and to express regret when young people are injured and precious human lives are lost.
Those who are responsible must be exposed and brought to book. Such responsibilty must cascade up to the highests ranks of the South African Police Service (SAPS). This must include the Minister of Police, who ultimatrely cannot escape political responsibilty, and must not be allowed to do so. The prevailing culture of no consequence, and impunity, for failure to act professionally and responsibly within the provisions of our laws and Constitution must be rooted out.
In stating this obvious, but far too often neglected demand, MKMVA reiterates that we cannot allow the failure of the payment of the fees of the children of our members, and also other military veterans, to go unchallenged. Nothing less than the immediate and full payment of these student fees can, nor will, be accepted. Our children are the future of our country, when their lives are destroyed, the future of our country is being destroyed.
Among many other concerns MKMVA has raised this ctritical issue with the Presidential Task Team (PTT) to addres the concerns of military veterans, that President Ramaphosa appointed under the chairpersonship of Deputy President DD Mabuza. MKMVA sees the preparedness of the PTT to urgently, and successfully, address this issue as a litmus test for the PTT, about whether the long overdue legitimate concerns of military veterans will now finally be addressed.
It cannot be that the PTT will in any way whatsoever try to legitimise the totally dysfunctional DMV, nor continue to protect officials who are responsible for the callous lack of care, and dismal failure to deliver the most basic services to our members.
All of this is a dreadful shame. Throughout the world military veterans are recognised for their huge contributions, and the sacrifices that they have made for their countries. It is a disgrace that this is not similary the case in our country.
These terrible situations have now literally dragged on for decades, and the democratic government of South Africa, which directly and largely derives its existence and ligitimacy from the heroic and selfless contributions of military veterans - such as those who are the members of MKMVA - should hang its collective head in shame!
MKMVA is uncompromisingly clear that the legitimate demands of our members must receive all the required attention, and must be urgently resolved. Any further delays and dilly-dallying will not be tolerated. Enough is enough!
Together with the young people of our country, we as the vanguard of an older generation, are clear that fundamental change and the full empowerment of our people in every respect - also economically - can no longer be delayed. Nothing will prevent us any longer from joining hands - also across generations - to achieve our ultimate revoltionary goals of human dignity, black (especially African) economic empowerment, and full freedom.
Aluta continua! END.
Issued by Carl Niehaus, member of MKMVA National Executive Committee (NEC), and National Spokesperson.
For further information contact Carl Niehaus on: 081 881 9408v
