Our Lord Jesus did not give up His Life in, He did so,so that He Could multiply and He has multiplied for He habitates In You and Me as we time and again confess, "Greater is I Am IN me,than the enemy out there".
The times and challenges we are faced with require us to take up the armour of God,take up our Spiritual Weapons,command the power and authority He has given us and assign our angels to task. This is no time for us to be whining and complaining,nor is it time for us to allow the weakness of the flesh to overpower the Spirit Man in but,it is rather time for us to completely surrender to the Spirit man,ignite the fire of the Holy Ghost in us and and do what we are called to do. The Lord Himself tells us in the book of revelation, "I would rather you are hot or cold, but not lukewarm..."what will make us lukewarm beloved is if and when we bother or rather concern ourselves about what will people say or think of us when we take up the armour of God? They will say that we are crazy,yes as they have done and said that so many times, as they keep saying and at times substituting the word crazy with phrases like "senseless", take that as a compliment and honour my beloved,I personally would rather be called crazy for God than bowing down to lucifer, I would rather be Holy Ghost crazy than fearing the evil enemy, for all of that should not be a surprise to us,crazy were our Lord's disciples called on the day of the Pentecost when they were Holy Ghost filled so whats new?
These ridicules and insults are to be expected but you and me as Sons of The Most High God should consider them a Blessing as cautioned to us in the book of Matthew 5, so my beloved brethen let us soldier on.
I attach below an extract which our beloved brother has published on his Facebook profile, in it he highlights the nature of the enemy we are faced with and I have copied it for us all to have an idea so that we can directly and bold go for the enemy without second-guessing
AN EXTRACT:~Sean Goss~ I wrote this 10 years ago.."Famous Quote:
“The fewer the facts, the greater the opinion.”
Information about our world is scant. For over 200 years our opinions were formed by amongst other, the media, school and the church. Any new information beyond these sources were considered untrue. Hence the inquisitions and ridicule in the past, if anyone question whether the earth was flat or round.
It is much worse today. With the advent of television and the internet, people were further fed lies of our world and various situations. I.e. Of all the significant events that occur on a daily basis, very little of it makes it to the mainstream media.
Just because the majority hold opinion, does not, necessarily make it true! Most of our education has been tampered with, to create information, that controls and program. The media takes care of adults for the rest of their lives. Very few people venture beyond television and newspapers to discover for themselves what is indeed going on.
New World Order Hell!
As so many preachers have foretold, we are heading for a One World Order. Its purpose is to create a centralised state of world power. Its goal would be to accomplish the following;
-To Control the world population more effectively.
-To Microchip each human being on the planet
-To enslave the entire human population.
This will be pre-empted by a radical reduction in the world population through vaccinations, wars and disease.
Please bear with us and know that all of the above are facts. It is in the public domain, and have been admitted by the world leaders, themselves.
The end of Communism in Eastern Europe, and Apartheid in South Africa, was just a preparation for this coming world order. In Fact, Communism, Apartheid and Nazism were just experiments to test the waters for this method of control, so to speak. The forces behind Apartheid are still running the show in a “democratic” South Africa.
Discussions between the ruling African National Congress and the past Apartheid regime goes back to the mid eighties. It is known that discussions occurred even before that.
Who are these “forces”, running the show? Firstly, understand that so-called opposing forces such as Communism and Capitalism are actually the same. Capitalist supported the formation of the Soviet Communist State in 1917. This information can be found in books in public libraries or on the internet. Maybe you have heard of the fraternal organisations called the Freemasons. They claim innocence, but their members happen to be in governments and corporations all over the world.."
Ive been trying to attach a recording of my own conversations with my Father in the early hours of the morning and it just keeps coming back halfway through,allas, when I open the whatsapp group a fellow brother has posted a recording by a Muslim brother and its exactly confirming the conversation and message contained in my own recording this morning, so here is the Muslim brother's video so long: Thank You Jesus for this: