The South African Constitution guarantees Human Rights to all that include Inmates serving their time at all SA Prisons. The Department of Correctional Services tasked with the Administration, Facilities Management and Correctional behaviour of those incarcerated which falls under the control and jurisdiction of the Department of Justice is thus vital and accountable for ensuring that the rights of inmates are not violated whilst serving their term and when the inmates are released they come out being better persons to what they were before hence this section was changed to -CORRECTIONAL SERVICES at the dawn of democracy.

What happens then when the very same Correctional Services bosses
treat these establishments as if they are their own Gangster paradises, bullying, mistreating and unfairly punishing whosoever is standing up for Inmates's Rights (as enshrined in the Constitution)?
Abuse their Power and become law unto themselves?
Unfairly categorise inmates label those they do not like or share the same political ideology with/political opponents, as UNWANTED/ Troublesome Persons who must be dealt with?
What Recourse do these abused and ill-treated Inmates have when their cries through the CORRECT channels within the Department of Justice right up to the Minister all FALL on DEAF EARS? What kind of Society is this South Africa becoming when injustices and Human Rights abuse and Violations are a daily practise by the very same Department of Justice, Who do we CRY TO for HELP?
Where is Miles Bhudu when inmates need him or has he now contracted himself to be Julius Malema's protector at what fee?

Has Miles Bhudu forgotten what made a name for himself or was it also all a Step ladder to be captured and perhaps collect a protection from the villains? Miles Bhudu you are sleeping on duty and failing the Inmates just like COSATU and all other so called Union Federations.
Revolutionary And Solidarity Greetings.
To: Miles Bhudu and Media
I wish to address issue of two prisoners rights in Pietermaritzburg Medium A, Maqhawe Sthembiso Mkhize 213 484 189, who is an interim Chairperson of PMC, which is a recognized and approved Structure which address grievances of inmate's but in PMB not officially launched though introduced before Head Of Centre, but failed to launch it officially. Maqhawe is also interim Chairperson of ASRAC, and Section ASRAC E2 wing representative, General Secretary of Association of Art and Culture, General Secretary in Centre Book-Club (Vukukhanye Book-Club), Deputy Secretary General of HIV&TB Control Committee (HTCC), Peer Educator under Support Group, Cell Representative, and Chair of Cell Representatives as he played a crucial role in Establishment of cell reps by former unit Mananger Mr Mkhize (Bheshu), he is a Student advancing his matriculation points, and former N5 2020 Tutor, COVID19 Brigade, and have N6 of Marketing and Business Management though left with two modules to complete his stream at Skills and Development since due to COVID19 symptomatic was disadvantageous to enrolled this semester, and and also skills and Development gave excuse of he is about to go home since April is when he is due to be called in parol, so will be free anytime soon. This guy is vocal and principle, following correct channel's of communication when addressing grievance's of fellow inmate's but he have a stigma from unprofessional DCS officials with Smanga Ndabezitha, who is his Ally, representing fellow inmate's.
Maqhawe Mkhize is serving 15 years of Robbery case with Political Motive. Sentenced from 2013-10-16
And Smanga Ndabezitha is serving 25 years.
Smanga Ndabezitha 211 138 459, is a Radical Militant prisoners rights activist, cell representative, chairperson of Vukukhanye Book-Club 2, tutor and student in skills and Development, under ELangeni TVET College. And Teacher by Profession and have good working experience from outside in Educational Sector.
These two Activist are targeted and victimized for representing inmate's.
Mr Zimeme, the Head Of Centre unfairly treated these Activist badly.
Last week, when RC was here, Mr Mzizi addressed issues concerning life sentences, then Maqhawe Mkhize stood and requested Smanga Ndabezitha to address internal issue and grievances of inmate's representing their cell representatives and internal society as whole.
Afterward, we got bad messages from Zimeme threatening those who represented inmate's.
Yestery, Smanga Ndabezitha and today we got news that Maqhawe Mkhize and Smanga Ndabezitha are in-draft, which we believe is the way Zimeme dictate and send fear to those who shall remain in the centre Nolonger address inmate grievances!
Smanga Ndabezitha as N5 student, as it only PMB with TVET with N-Serries studies, we believe removal of him is violation of Educational right, we believe Mr Zimeme is abusing his power.
Maqhawe Sthembiso Mkhize, closed his file and direction confirmation been done, since he is due to go home, so removal of a person who is due to go home by Mr Zimeme, we believe is an abuse of Power and being ignorance!
We urge an immediate intervention from South African Prisoners Right, Mr Mile Bhudu, and any relevant stake-holders to intervene and investigate this, and stop abuse of power by officials, and violation of prisoners rights in Correctional Facilities, particularly PMB-Med A.
From Concerned Person what I believe is wrong doing by Head Of Centre Mr Zimeme, by unfaily treating these two humble, principle Prisoners Rights Activist.
PMB Medium A
Head Of Centre
Mr Zimeme
O79 888 7126
Office Numbers
O33 845 5622
South African Prisoners Rights Organization
-Mile Golden Bhudu
O83 9675 742
O67 165 8205
IPV-Regional Commissioner
O31 366 1900
These Relevent departments been engaged to intervene, also Zimeme been called but failed to give Accurate answers why to he want them removed without any transgressions or charges, or under-go any hearing, even with no warnings imposed to these Prisoners Right Activists in PMB Medium A E-Section
Min. Ronald Lamola-0798357179
DMin.Phakamile Holomisa-0788557322.
Nat.ÇZ, Nat.Çomm. Arthur Fraser-0824134668.
DNat.Çomm. Mkabela-0747156201.
DÇS Spokesman-Singabakho Nxumalo-0795235794.
DDÇS Spokesman-Chrispin Phiri-0817812261,
DCS Prov. Çomm. Gauteng-0825777657.
Northern/Free State-0828867795.
Eastern Cape-0827703676
JIÇS. Judge Edwin Cameroon-0763303903.
CRY FOR HELP IGNORED BY PRISON OFFICIALS Right up to The Justice Ministry lead by Ronald Lamola
Revolutionary And Solidarity Greetings.
To: Miles Bhudu and Media
I wish to address issue of two prisoners rights in Pietermaritzburg Medium A, Maqhawe Sthembiso Mkhize 213 484 189, who is an interim Chairperson of PMC, which is a recognized and approved Structure which address grievances of inmate's but in PMB not officially launched though introduced before Head Of Centre, but failed to launch it officially. Maqhawe is also interim Chairperson of ASRAC, and Section ASRAC E2 wing representative, General Secretary of Association of Art and Culture, General Secretary in Centre Book-Club (Vukukhanye Book-Club), Deputy Secretary General of HIV&TB Control Committee (HTCC), Peer Educator under Support Group, Cell Representative, and Chair of Cell Representatives as he played a crucial role in Establishment of cell reps by former unit Mananger Mr Mkhize (Bheshu), he is a Student advancing his matriculation points, and former N5 2020 Tutor, COVID19 Brigade, and have N6 of Marketing and Business Management though left with two modules to complete his stream at Skills and Development since due to COVID19 symptomatic was disadvantageous to enrolled this semester, and and also skills and Development gave excuse of he is about to go home since April is when he is due to be called in parol, so will be free anytime soon. This guy is vocal and principle, following correct channel's of communication when addressing grievance's of fellow inmate's but he have a stigma from unprofessional DCS officials with Smanga Ndabezitha, who is his Ally, representing fellow inmate's.
Maqhawe Mkhize is serving 15 years of Robbery case with Political Motive. Sentenced from 2013-10-16
And Smanga Ndabezitha is serving 25 years.
Smanga Ndabezitha 211 138 459, is a Radical Militant prisoners rights activist, cell representative, chairperson of Vukukhanye Book-Club 2, tutor and student in skills and Development, under ELangeni TVET College. And Teacher by Profession and have good working experience from outside in Educational Sector.
These two Activist are targeted and victimized for representing inmate's.
Mr Zimeme, the Head Of Centre unfairly treated these Activist badly.
Last week, when RC was here, Mr Mzizi addressed issues concerning life sentences, then Maqhawe Mkhize stood and requested Smanga Ndabezitha to address internal issue and grievances of inmate's representing their cell representatives and internal society as whole.
Afterward, we got bad messages from Zimeme threatening those who represented inmate's.
Yestery, Smanga Ndabezitha and today we got news that Maqhawe Mkhize and Smanga Ndabezitha are in-draft, which we believe is the way Zimeme dictate and send fear to those who shall remain in the centre Nolonger address inmate grievances!
Smanga Ndabezitha as N5 student, as it only PMB with TVET with N-Serries studies, we believe removal of him is violation of Educational right, we believe Mr Zimeme is abusing his power.
Maqhawe Sthembiso Mkhize, closed his file and direction confirmation been done, since he is due to go home, so removal of a person who is due to go home by Mr Zimeme, we believe is an abuse of Power and being ignorance!
We urge an immediate intervention from South African Prisoners Right, Mr Mile Bhudu, and any relevant stake-holders to intervene and investigate this, and stop abuse of power by officials, and violation of prisoners rights in Correctional Facilities, particularly PMB-Med A.
From Concerned Person what I believe is wrong doing by Head Of Centre Mr Zimeme, by unfaily treating these two humble, principle Prisoners Rights Activist.