Growing voices from a number of organisations for Pravin to resign continue to trickle in,in addition to earlier calls from #BLACKTwitta, SAEF & ANCYLFS, EFF, COSATU ,and NEHAWU have issued their STATEMENTS ( attached below). Meanwhile #PravinMustGo is the new twitter trend with #BLACKTwitta "influencers" aiming for 20thousand Retweets and promising to physically go to the ANC Headquarters and stage a SIT-IN until Pravin Gordan has been fired and taken out of the Cabinet and Parliament completely. Meanwhile Nehawu is also calling for the head of the Finance Minister Tito Mboweni... South Africans are #Gatvol and they are showing up #GatvolShowUp. The clock is ticking for the mafias and as things stand it doesnt look like the R1billion will do the trick this time, Cyril's days at Mahlambandovu are numbered.
The Social Media is abuzz with fresh and concerted calls for Jamnandas to resign or be fired effective immediately. This happens after DD has just revealed that pravin is mislead the president about Eskom situation leading him to lie to the public about Eskom sabotage and promises of a halt on loadshedding until 13 January. #Blacktwitta and a number of organisations did not miss the moment, stating categorically that Pravin must me fired and cyril himself should follow,as he himself is responsible and should not have been gullible so as to take pravin's word for it, especially given that pravin is not a qualified engineer ( nor is he a pharmacist as he has for the past 30years lied about his pharmacist qualifications). Some twitterites suggested that DD might be throwing pravin under the bus to protect cyril or throwing a bait, whether there is truth or not in that theory, one thing that is clear is that citizens are tired of lies, lies and more lies from cyril and his matric prime minister gordan and will take no more of it.
SAEF immediately issued a statement shortly after the DD revealation and that was to be followed earlier in the evening by ANCYL statement below:
For immediate release
09 January 2020
The ANCYL in the Free State Province calls for the immediate removal of Pravin Gordhan as Minister of Public Enterprises
The ANCYL in the Free State Province has learned with shock the admission by the Deputy President of the ANC, Cde David Mabuza when responding to a question as to whether Mr. Pravin Gordhan and the Eskom board misled the President regarding load shedding.
The Deputy President is on record confirming that indeed the President was misled by Mr. Pravin Gordhan and the Eskom board, we have no reason to doubt the Deputy President on this matter as he has been very close to the Eskom processes.
We feel vindicated that our long standing view that Mr. Pravin Gordhan has no interest or the necessary competence to turn around the unfortunate state of affairs in our state owned enterprises is confirmed on a daily basis.
It remains our view that his interest is based on deepening the crisis at our state owned enterprises, particularly Eskom and SAA, in an effort to collapse public confidence in these entities and pave an uncontested route towards their privatisation.
We strongly believe that the misleading of the President was deliberate and a calculated move not only to embarass the President, but to further create a public hysteria around Eskom challenges and prepare for its "donation" to his friends in the private sector.
We call on the President of the country and the ANC to remove Mr. Pravin Gordhan as the Minister of Public Enterprises with immediate effect, and appoint a young and competent minister who has the best interest of our country and its people at heart.
The challenges facing our state owned entities are not insurmountable, they require genuinely patriotic leaders who will demonstrate through practice that indeed, they place the interests of our country above the interests of capital and as such shall never be proxies or ball boys of white monopoly capital.
The immediate removal of this fellow will restore public confidence in our government, we cannot as a matter of principle, allow a situation where the President is misled on the issues he was about to address the nation about and nothing happens to those who deliberately mislead him.
The President is on record telling the nation that there won’t be any load shedding before the 13th January 2020 due to this misleading briefing, however we continue to experience stage 2 load shedding.
The sooner this fellow goes the better.
Issued by the ANCYL in the Free State Province
For Enquiries
Reagan Booysen
Provincial Secretary
078 191 7473
For additional information
Sello Pietersen
Provincial Spokesperson
072 682 0202
Cyril ramaphosa has once again come out this time introducing a new "culprit" named SABOTAGE as being a man behind what is now popularly known as Eskom-#LoadSheddingStage6. He is reportedly said to have sketched the works of sabotage as follows:
"Hawu, the President explained it nje. Someone disconnected an instrument in a boiler of a unit that generates 400mw and it affected 2500 megawat that resulted in 6000mw failure which we call stage 6. We still dont know the name of the instrument, 😊😊😊"~~ Khandani Msibi
Most tweeps have dismissed the london prefect as just one of his many lies is known to have fed the public,as confirmed by the Public Protector earlier in the year who in her investigations found that the man behind Marikana massacre indeed lied in parliament...
We however choose to not dismiss ramaphosa's utterances this time around and ask ourselves what if cyril is not lying this time? what if he for once in his lifetime of lies he is telling the truth? Let us read between the lines not in what he tells the public but rather focus our diception in what he does not say.
We begin our diception with questions that a Warrior of BLACK Unity 4Land and RET has listed, search and put together the information that is already in the public domain which we shall refer to as "common cause"-loosely borrowing the term from "legal" minds, and see if we are able to get answers as to the real identity of Mr Sabotage, what his motives are, who does he work for, what is in it for him,are his partner in this crime/s which another publication> abasikibebunda has correctly categorised and/or described as TREASON( see: )
BLACKUnity4LandAndRET Warrior ~
12 July 2018 - Ramaphosa together with Jeff Radebe and Patrice Motsepe goes to Saudi Arabia and the Saudis invest $10 billion at Eskom.
24 July 2018 - Eskom signs a R33 billion loan with China Development Bank.
4 November 2018 - Eskom shuts down two power plants claiming diesel shortages.
12 November 2018 - Eskom issue out a statement that load shedding will be back because they are running out of coal.
15 Nov 2018 - Minister of Energy Jeff Radebe leads the interviews for the National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP) position.
29 November 2018 - Eskom needs a R5 billion bailout.
30 November 2018 - Eskom issues out a tender advert for the supply of diesel and it closes on 3 December 2018. It was advertised on Friday and it closed on Monday.
Now wait for it:
01 December 2018 - Patrice Motsepe who went to Saudi Arabia with Ramaphosa donates R3.5 billion for now the land reform that was land expropriation without compensation.
04 December 2018 - Cyril Ramaphosa announces new NDPP Shamila Batohi.
05 December 2018 - Middelburg Chamber of Commerce CEO Anna-Marth Ott says there's no shortage of coal at Eskom. Eskom is not collecting coal for reasons unknown.
What is happening here??
~There is no shortage of coal at Eskom. This load shedding crisis is deliberately created to loot the money invested by foreign governments. Look at the diesel tender advertised by Eskom over to the weekend and closed on a Monday. Again they are making way for IPPs while looting and bankrupting Eskom in order to later privatize and buy it at a fraction of its worth.
~Is the R3.5 billion donation from deputy Mandela money channelled through his benefiting from IPPs a scheme to compensate white land owners, should we expect more of these donations from deputy Mandela, is deputy Mandela's involvement in IPPs a strategy to channel money for their land reform?
~Why did Jeff Radebe, the minister of Energy lead and conduct interviews for the appointment of the head of National Director of Public Prosecutions? Why were the interviews not chaired by the minister of Justice? Will these people currently looting through load shedding at Eskom and the real state capturers be ever prosecuted if the NDPP is head hunted by the Sbari United Front (SUF)?
~The money invested and loaned from foreign governments is not meant for Eskom but is meant to enrich few elite individuals like the SUF and the foreign companies from the foreign governments that invested the money.
Send out so that the whole country may know !
Stuur uit dat die land kan weet.~~
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