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FOUND MYPurpose and Living It

Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

Conversations With MyFather

02/03/20: Funny I was under the impression I had finished off this series of Israel Will Be Reedemed/Restored when I finally released Found MyPurpose,little did I know it was just the beginning.

Just yesterday I finally finished completing the documents for accident claim, took me two full weeks to complete a mere four page document and its been very hectic for me to have to go back to the day of the accident.

Its more like re-living a nightmare the body,soul and mind do not want to remember but all the Glory and Thanks to You for The Strength and Wisdom You daddy gave me, bendingaphinda ndibeyini kodwa ngaphandle kwakho?

Haaaa did I tell you I made it back to the Ishmaelites group again last month, dont answer that of course you know,and you know why you let me back there and with other Israelites, yhoo ngontamolukhuni ke nyhani ababakho ozikhethele bona kodwa ke ngabakho baziwa nguwe njengoba usazinje futhi ukuba kutheni undithumela kubo futhi-futhi, I get the message loud and clear and again thanks for the confirmation,I needed it and You know me so well.

You know what I like about this relationship is that with you I can just be myself without having to worry about judgement or eyeballs rolling kind of attitude, something which the blind-eyed lost children of Israel do not have nor know. Shame they are so lost and what hurts is they think they have it all figured out,yet they keep circling around the same spot for more than two decades now without even realising it, hayi kubuhlungu impela, I get it now why Your Moses often got so frustrated with them to the extent of breaking that first set of scribe. I cant say I know it all though but I have tasted the experience,yhooo hayi zilukhuni iintamo cha azifuni ukuzethemba komuntu wenyama kuphela,not when dealing with this type,kodwa nomakunjalo Mveleli noMnininto-zonke elami ithemba likuwe nje.

Do pappa what only You can do by and through Your Spirit. To You Father I surrender,lets do this I want to get it over and done with as I also am tired of circling around the same spot year in and year out,finding myself having to repeat the same thing over again and then each time these people ,your people go through the same information its like they are hearing it for the first time,no, even children are much easier to teach than the lost Israelites who keep reminiscing about the pharoah days,they keep looking back and flip-flopping every now and then,no wonder it took our forefathers forty years to get to the promised Land even when You had already taken them out of Gibhitha,here we are again more than two thousand years later and more than twenty generations after,they are still as stubborn as their forefathers,why? The supposedly learned ones are worse,I guese they take after the scribes and pharasees. No wonder they could not even recognise You when You came in flesh and lived amongst them. This generation of Israelites is one that cannot even be likened with Thomas. Their belief is short-lived and when they wake up the next day they dont believe the very same thing they believed the previous day having seen all evidence and perhaps wonders. If it was my decision and will,I would cease gentleness with which You operate and just use the power that Holy Spirit have,just quicken them with the knowledge,wisdom and will that is required of them to begin to do the right thing at the right time so we can get our promised land back,but ke Father its not my will but your will,wisdom and Plan that must work,for you know the end from the beginning,mina Im just your obedient baby Elijah, Let Your Will Be Done and It Will be done that I declare and decree In Your Name and the Only Name that is above all Yeshua Hamashiya and all The Glory Be To You and only You Lion of Judah, Lord of Lords , Elohim, El Shaddai, El Elyon, El Chai, El Hakkadov, Adonai,Emmanuel. AMEN

Jesus Lord what have you just shown me? Why on earth would You Father allow lucifer to zombify so many of your people? village upon village thats how it looked from afar, only until I got to what seemed to be mud-houses villages did I realise that its actually your people buried alive and still breathing beneath the ground, This surely isnt my battle but yours to win and give us Victory, For my Lord,My God ,Yeshua Hamashia of my Yaweh, You are the only one who has done it before and forever, So Lord let just do what I can and leave the rest To You as only you can do,

Talita kumeh, Talita kumeh , Talitah kumeh, The Blood of Jesus, The Blood of Jesus The Blood of Jesus The Blood of Jesus, The Blood of Jesus, The Blood of Jesus, The Blood of Jesus; Talitah kumeh Talitah kumeh Talitah kumeh Talitah kumeh in Yeshua Hamashia,Shamah shubrskah rikoh karamba kro kapotsh treketa trokam bropaska meke sotho rabai krokatsham kimun krokam kimun Shamah Shamah Yaweh Amen


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