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Cyril"Uphume ngophotsho esiglodlweni"... Defiling Isilo SamaBandla and Nation..~Shezi-RET Champion

Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

Dear Mr President

*"If we stand tall it is because we stand on the shoulders of many ancestors"*

I write this letter as a member of the RET Champions inspired by ANC policies and Conference resolutions not only of Nesrec but going back to the Strategy and Tactics Document of the Morogoro Conference of 1969.

I write to you Mr President as an ANC member in good standing.

Furthermore I write this letter as my duty being part of the Zulu Nation; I am a son of Sobafana Ka-Nomatiyela ka-Mankunku ka-Nondelamzimba a descendant of martyre of our land, INkosi Sgananda ka-Shezi. For you, it would be easy to remember INkosi Sgananda ka-Shezi for his heroic role at age 94 when he assisted INkosi Bhambatha ka-Mancinza in fighting against poll tax and defending Isilo Mawonga woSuthu. But it is of critical importance that I alert you that my great grandfather was Induna jikelele of four (4) Kings of the Mighty Zulu nation,King Shaka ,King Dingane, King Mpande and King Dinizulu.

Mr President

I write this letter in shock and utter dismay at your horrific actions at “ukutshalwa kweNkosi”; iSilo Samabandla's, uHlangalezwe, uHlangalomhlabathi on 18th March 2021.

I was motified at your shameless actions at the Royal Palace KwaKhethaomthandayo.

You Mr President have brought shame not only to yourself as an individual but you forget that you represent the ANC; the ANC still remains a highly respectable and influential liberation movement in the whole of Africa infact to remind you Mr President in case you have forgotten we are the oldest and have sworn for over hundred years to protect, uphold human dignity irrelevant of ethnicity or race.

Mr President the Zulu Nation is a proud nation embedded in their roots and rich heritage and culture.

The Zulu nation the largest ethnic group of South Africa, with an estimated 10 million Zulu residents in KwaZulu Natal.

The Zulus pride themselves in respect and its paramont and is the cornerstone of the Zulu culture.

Respect for a man's home is principal and your actions on Wednesday showed utter disregard to a man's home and it's inconceivable that you'd consider doing what you did at the Kings palace.

Mr President you have brought dishonour to the iNgonyama's memory, have disrespected his wives the Zulu Queens and "Amazinyana".

Ultimately bringing shame to the entire Zulu nation as iNgonyama iSilo Samabandla onke is the head of all our households as the Zulu Nation.

Mr President I seek to school you on the Zulu people as it is clear that you are ignorant at our practises.

The Zulus first and foremost are known for their respect and Ubuntu, any undertaking is conducted with respect.

A Zulu man's home is centered around that respect; his beliefs and are formed around the presence of ancestral spirits, known as amadlozi and abaphansi.

A Zulu man's home is sacrosanct and it's no different from a church or temple to him and his family.

Thus when you enter a Zulu homestead you are entering holy ground.

At the gate men take off thier hats and even before they enter the home "kuyakhuleka" and wait to be invited into the home.

Women "bayashuqula bahize" and are not even permitted to even stand upright a man's yard.

Mr President I would like to bring to your attention "ibhadi! ichilo! ishobolo!" Umuzi negceke lomuzi wo Mnumzane kuhlonishwa kakhulu ingakho ungena, uphume ngesango. Awufohli ungena awufohli uphuma in your actions of cutting a fence of not just a Zulu man but ISilo of the Zulu Nation in its entirety.

"Uphume ngophotsho esiglodlweni" when the Zulu Nation had lost their King.

UBayede iSilo Samabandla is a sacred being the Zulu Nation consider him a God-like being who is able to intercede on their behalf to not only the ancestors but "Umveliqangi".

“Ukutshalwa kweNkosi” is even kept secret due to the fact that even abathakathi must not know where the King lies to protect not only the family but the whole Zulu Nation.

Mr President I would like to bring your attention at the severity of your deplorable and despicable behavior at the repercussions of those actions to the Zulu Nation.

Not only have you defiled iNgonyama, uHlangalezwe and his ancestors but your actions will directly affect the entire Zulu Nation generation upon generation.

You've in essence bestowed a curse on the Zulu Nation.

And for that you must peform a cleansing ceremony to appease our ancestors the great Kings of the Zulus.

Mr President do you forget who we are as the Zulus?

Do you forget King Shaka kaSenzangakhona one of if not the greatest warrior King.

Mr President must I remind you about King Cetshwayo who defeated a mighty British army barefooted carrying only spears and shields?

I therefore implore that you Mr President seeks the council of the elders in the ANC especially those who are of Zulu origin they can then guide you Mr President at the steps that must be undertaken to cleanse the Zulu Nation as a whole.

"Isigodlo" and the entire royal family must be cleansed.

"Amakhosi" "isigodi ngesigodi" must be cleansed.

"Amabutho" must be cleansed.

"Izintombhi", "namaqikiza" omama and all women must be cleansed.

"Isizwe sonke sakwaZulu" must be cleansed. Kanti labo Minister bakho abamaZulu abasakululeki yini?

NgokweSintu ufohlile emzini wendoda. Ukuphuma nokungena ngesango kungukuhlonipha nezinyanya zakhona.

To conclude Mr President I'd like to remind you the plight of not only the Zulu Nation but the plight of Black people in South Africa as a whole:

We are a nation desposed; deprived of our land and all its resources, gold, diamonds, coal and all the wealth that come from our soil.

One thing the colonizers failed to take away from us the Zulu nation is our dignity, pride and respect.

Mr President don't give off the impression that you too are trying to take away something far more valuable than all the mineral wealth which is our pride, self worth and dignity as the Zulu Nation.

All this should resonate in you as you embark on a quest to correct this heresy on the Zulu Monarchy and million Zulu people, generation upon generation.

"One who pays respect to the great paves his own way to greatness"

Zinkomo nezimbuzi eziyaye zitholakale sezifohlile. NgokweSintu ufohlile you must atone.

Issued by Nkosentsha Shezi a descendant of Nkosi Sgananda ka Shezi, National Chairperson of RET Champion


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