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Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

During this period in our country when we have rendered body and soul to government, the most revolutionary thing to do is think.

Whilst 99% of South Africans are in shock, at home and in Trauma, the wealthy 1% which owns and controls the economy of the country is making huge profits out of our collective misery.

Like prisoners, we have rendered our trust to a government which we believe is acting in our best interest. Unfortunately, during this period, President Ramaphosa and Treasury are using our collective shock and this Health Crisis to impliment Free Market economic Policies that they would not have implimented if South Africa was not disoriantated.

In her world acclaimed book, world renowned journalist, Naomi Klein, succinctly explains how market fundementalists use shock therapy to sneak in free market policies. “I noticed a brutal and recurring tactic by right wing governments. After a shocking event – a war, coup, terrorist attack, market crash or natural disaster – they exploit the public’s disorientation. Suspend democracy. Push through radical “free market” policies that enrich the 1 percent at the expense of the poor and middle class."

She goes further to say: Only a Crisis Real or Perceived produces real change. A Privatised world cannot be imposed in the ABSENCE of an economic and political crisis. Collective trauma puts us all in a state of shock and in the aftermath, like a prisoner in the interrogation chamber, we too become childlike, more inclined to follow leaders who claim to protect us.

How different are we to prisoners? We are at the mercy of a goverment which refuses to use State resources to bail us out but parading the most brutal capitalists as our saviours whilst also pushing for the IMF to give us loans that will put us and our children in debt for years to come?

We are silenced by fear and by death and the

educated class could not bother to question government but simply wants reassurance that they would not die.

Ask no question tell no lies, ayihlale phantsi i bambi umthetho.


Post: Blog2_Post
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