In Politics and in the ANC in particular You do not disrespect and diss President Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma and get away with it. President Zuma is ANC,and that is the truth that cannot and is not denied by REAL ANC even when Stratcom and skellembosch mafiasco try to downplay it by choosing to refer to real ANC as "Zuma supporters..." when referring to real, undiluted, unflinching, uncompromising tried and tested ANC cadres who know who Jacob Zuma was, is and will forever be not only in ANC and for ANC but throughout Afrika continent and the existence and liberation of the Indigenous Afrikan Child in the entire Continent over decades in the trenches and having fought and won guerilla warfares against colonialists. President Jacob Zuma is known and respected for his role and sacrifices he has made in the liberation of Afrika and his continued role in liberating Afrika Economically during his nine year term in Presidency during which he has made tremendous strides and quickly destroyed the devious " Gs" of the West hence they plotted and sponsored a coupe' de'tat against Zuma and even today they still cant get over the "nine wasted years", truth is it is wasted to them because for nine years the West lost grip and control of Afrika and the "uneducated" Zuma whom they undermined is responsible for opening the eyes of the Afrikan Child and liberating Afrika from centuries of indoctrination force-fed through the "education"-spoon often marketed and branded through slogans and taglines such as "education is the key of life...",what a hogwash and lies Zuma exposed and they did not see him coming and that is what frustrates the devious luciferians of the West, whilst it is equally what makes Indigenous Afrikans and Real ANC proud and genuinely grateful to The Almighty God for Blessing Afrika with this Blessing in the Great Son of The Soil Comrade-King-President Mhlanganyelwa Gedleyihlekisa Zuma.

Now for Mzwandile Masina to become so stupid, arrogant,and irresponsible so as to twek the nonsensical tweet he did on tweet yesterday it beats common sense and one seriously wonders what was Mzwandile thinking if he does even think or even has brains to think at all,maybe the big head has become hollow with the "smallanyana" power he has tasted over the three years-eight months he has presided over Ekurhuleni,a small Region of Gauteng as mayor, maybe Mzwandile has even forgotten that even in the Mayoral seat he was literally hand-picked though undeserving and not qualified let alone the fact that he was not and still is not a resident of Ekurhuleni,yet the ANC of President Zuma literally put him in that position yet today Mzwandile has the audacity to disrespect an Elder, his political Senior who is not only responsible for the liberation he tastes today but has literally made him Mayor and now he has grown wings to think that mayoral powers go beyond administering bylaws to administering what and what not President Zuma an MK-Commander should or should not share on an interview or video? Mzwandile must have a special kind of gaul if its not plain stupidity and disrespect for the elders or perhaps it is his true colours coming out as the saying goes in Xhosa "ISISILA SENKUKHU SIBONWA MHLA LIGQUTHAYO..." and so is Mzwandile's true calibre,exposed in full view of the public just like that without any provocation and now Masina is all alone and for grabs,the vultures and hyenaes will have an uninterrupted feasting on his weak blood and he on the other hand will have no one to blame but himself and his over-inflated ego for getting into his big-head,talk about one's own west enemy.
Who is Mzwandile Masina? Politically Mzwandile is a non-entity, who thanks to President Zuma,made his poliical debut as Deputy Minister in the Department of Trade and Industry, ineffective and overshadowed by an equally useless Minister as his principal in that portfolio it would be President Zuma who rescues him and boosts his miscarried political career to paraschutte Mzwandile to the Mayoral position in a City and Region he does not even have residency. That did not end there, the President even went as far as doing all he could, roping in every contact and influence he had to mobilise people within the Region to vote for the ANC in the Region amid the boycott and displaced "ban" by provincial PEC, and in the end Ekurhuleni in 2016,became the only region that was salvaged from the hyenaes and devils alliance that had plotted carefully with the puppets and apartheid-spies and infiltrates within Luthuli house and the tripatite alliance. It seems Mzwandile has quickly forgotten all of this or perhaps the "COVID19" virus is playing a trick on him, the Minister of Health Dr Zweli Mkhize should examine his comrade maybe the virus is showing an unusual symptom/effect in Mzwandile which only can be found in baby-politrians with no experience and not other decent career in life save for lying to the public every day and blowing own trumpet about non-existing projects and programmes he has supposedly delivered in Ekurhuleni ranging from:
(a) "Ekurhuleni Mayor to expropriate Land without compensation", ( that time he is referring to the City rightfully taking charge of dilapidated and abandoned old plots...)
(b) "Ekurhuleni Mayor empowering farmers..."( that time the "farmer" is the Mayor himself posing on a tractor bought by Council money, no other people around not even the farmers said to be empowered"... just hot-air baloon , Mzwandile lies and desperate attempt to sway the focus away from him and his disgraced "chemical toilets" tender-rigging and interfering on the processes if the City...
Its become a trend for Mzwandile to be so opportunistic and seemingly he would use anything and everything to get ahead and stay in power even resorting to joining the enemy oppressor in the "Blame It All On Zuma" and "Bash Zuma To Gain Popularity" gimmicks we have seen over the years and today Masina is the new recruit and he doesnt see anything wrong withit, mhhh what a fresh zombie!!!!
Not so long ago knives were out for Masina's head and it has been the same RET Forces that defended him and ensured that he survives the no-confidence motions tabled against him by the thumamina brigade that he himself is part of,yet now when the askaris and sellouts are getting comfortable thinking that they have won it is Mzwandile that shows off and spits on the ANC face,where was Mzwandile during the struggle years for him to spit and disrespect President Zuma on a public platform like that, not forgetting that President Zuma is old enough to be Mzwandile's grandfather even with all other political credentials, experience and legendary put aside?For Mzwandile to even spew the rubbish "... people must allow to be lead..." this part alone would qualify this political juvenile delinquent to be suspended and subjected to discipline but then the ANC is no more, its a shame I certainly would bury my head in the sand with shame if I was Mzwandile's mother for failing to discipline and teach this young boy respect, Thank God he is not my child nor my blood relative, what a disgrace Mzwandile is,he surely does not deserve to be a mayor nor hold any leadership position in society,not with such behaviour,disrespect and recklessness he is surely leading the society astray.
