Her Name is Thobekile Mchunu,based in Kempton Park ,She delivers Nationwide. You can contact her on whatsapp 0847363160 number provided #CakeBossLady . Support BLACK BUSINESS/HUSSLERS & Entreprenuers it is the only way we are ever going to get this RET right from scratch. Support one another's hussle, let the money circulate amongst the BLACK entrepreneurs for no less than 12 ( twelve) times before you can even go out to buy/source from WMC, and VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT; PAY FOR GOODS AND SERVICES BAKITHI AKHE NIYEKELE UKUTHANDA II FREEBIES WHEN IT COMES FROM BLACK KODWA BESENIYAKHOKHA WITHOUT COMPLAINING WHEN IT COMES from baas john, yekelanukusababelungu man you are sabotaging The Nation and RET at the same time please
Updated: Mar 12, 2020