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Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu


The so called Covid19 non-existing “virus which the state and government of this country has admitted to court that they have no evidence that there is any existence of such a virus in South Africa, nevertheless have imposed state of emergency regulations for a period of no less than two successive years through the enforcement of unlawful and unconstitutional acts viz:

1. Total Shutdown of the Economy

2. Lockdown and Shutdown for all business activities and people movements which has not only affected the people’s livelihoods, business and commercial interests, the normal way of life, Cultures, Traditions , Felloworshipping and close-down of churches thus, denying the people their rights to practise their Spirituality and Religion, the rights which are enshrined and protected in the constitution of the Republic all wiped out in a split second for a “virus” whose existence could not be proved thus,

3. Violating and changing the Constitution without following due processes,

4. Forced Blanket wearing of masks, thus further endangering people with respiratory, chest, asthmatic conditions and other related illnesses and conditions ,

5. Forced, “Testing” of people in a military and Apartheid style using in-effective “Test-kits” which were NOT designed for “ Covid19” non-existing unproven “virus”, whilst the “testing” itself was done by unqualified personnel for the purpose. The entire show and episodes instilled fear on citizens and traumatized everyone affected the rural and township residents being the most vulnerable targets and recipients’/victims of the barbaric and inhumane acts & treatment by the Police Force, The Military, and The Department of Health Staff (Nurses and Doctors) ,

6. Failure to give treatment and Medication to those that needed Medication resulting in massive deaths in hospitals throughout the country, as every patient was now put on “ventilator” emanating from a “government directive “ to do so, results: deaths caused by “ ventilator” which was then referred to as “covid deaths “

7. Then comes an untested “ covid vaccine “ , which had not even been approved by respective and relevant Medical & Authorities, and it is made mandatory, a pre-condition to travel, get certain services and benefits, get shortlisted for a job and government post, keep a government job, admission to school-Education Institutions anything and anywhere for as long as the government’s target of vaccinating two-thirds of the more than fifty-four million population ( estimate) is reached, so what do they do: let’s use carrot and stick approach meaning offer payment to the citizens to have the so-called billgates vaccines tested on their bodies, thus making humans guinea pigs using all sorts of tricks from lies, to instilling FEAR, Deception about cooked up Spreadsheets they referred to as “Statistics” of “covid19 Infection and “Death rates” which effectively classified and reported EVERY death as COVID19 CAUSED and to cover their tracks make it mandatory for the deceased to be buried within 2-3 days, No viewing of the “body”, No post mortem should be performed, only family members up to a maximum of 50 to attend funeral, people buried wrapped in plastics ,all of these in violation of every Human Right both of the Dead and Surviving Family members whilst creating a negative and devastating effect that would impact the Family, Communities and Nation for a very long-time Emotionally, Psychological, Mentally ( as we have witnessed the increased rate of Depression/depression related illnesses ( diagnosis), Financially, Economically and Socially.

8. Talking of Socially: SOCIAL “DISTANCE” became an unlawful tool used against Humanity, we could no longer shake hands, express love, compassion and relate as we are created to, we could NOT hug, we could not marry and we’d as such wedding couples were arrested on scene before they could even say “I Do” and the entire wedding ceremonies turned into terror events. Families were broken and the divorce rate sky rocketed as a direct and indirect consequence of “SOCIAL DISTANCING

9. Family Breaks and Dysfunctionalities’ The Reign-Of-Terror which could not even be equated to the Apartheid atrocities, has turned Family members against each other, created divisions, enmity, and mistrust against each other even those living under the same roof. One day families were relating well as Husband and Wife, Mother and Daughter, Mother and Son, Father-Son, Father-Daughter, Grannies and Grand-Children , the next day following the 27th April 2020, all of this changed, the elderly became suspect carriers of the “disease”, the following month children of a certain age were a no go area, the age group of high risks kept changing depending on the target segment. At some point the Middle Age 40s -60s/80s age group were “immune” or safe according to the propaganda and disinformation disseminated through the Main stream Media houses owned by the 1% billionaires and billgates connected “ billionaires” ,YET the “unwanted” people in the same age group were murdered under “Covid19” auspices their sin was to confront and keep challenging the Ministers and Government to stop killing people under false pretence simply because they are pushing targets, so because they knew and talked too much they were silenced permanently leaving their wives as young widows and children destitute & broken. Total disarray to family and families overnight for two full years.

10. Economic Disruption and Sabotage: The first casualties of the “Great Reset” which is this Reign of Terror imposed on us the People by the State was the Informal Traders, Black Business, The Taxi Industry, Independent Professionals, SMMEs at large, all of whom were just switched off without warning and with nothing to assist them and the thousands of families that depended on these sectors to put food on the table and live a normal life YET all off their Economic participation and livelihoods was forcefully DISRUPTED from 27 April 2020 this suddenly turned families to Un-Employment, POVERTY, Hunger and Starvation and Slavery, where all the people had been turned into slaves that depended on a R350 a month which only got disbursed two-three months in area, Totally in-humane conditions that we have ever witnessed and experienced as Human Race, we were attached by the State and Government we had put into power , not even the opposition party Members of Parliament came to the defence of Human Race instead all the parliamentarians were instilling the same fear, preaching from the same “covid19” disinformation and “vaccine” Murder Weapon. It became a situation of them( Parliamentarians) against Us ( The People – The Human Race), It still is.

We are just highlighting the top effects and impact of the Covid19- Reign of Terror, there are many which we cannot cover in here, this situation cannot be left un-attended and unchallenged, nor can we afford to brush it aside as a by-the way issue lest it repeats itself. The State, and all its organs and Government and partners and Enablers in executing this Reign of Terror Must be challenged and Must Pay for everything they have caused us the Human Race to endure.

We therefore as the People and the Human Race cannot expect the same villains to do the right thing against themselves, except for us to unite now more than ever and fight to defend the people and the Human Race at large and ensure that this never happens ever again.

We as MBOKODO -Imbumba YamaNina For Humanity hereby Appeal to all citizens and Invite everyone that has experienced the above-mentioned injuries and sufferings to submit information to the MBOKODO via email or WhatsApp 0671068003. The information would be used to prepare and co-ordinate with a Team of Law Firms who would launch and file one Big Law-Suit litigating against the Villains and their partners and Enablers in executing a “covid19” Lockdown & Mandatory “Vaccine” Reign of Terror, on behalf of The People-The Entire Human Race vs The State/Government/Parliament et Al.

Format/ Template for Information: To be Provided as Follows:

1. Full Names and Surname

2. ID/ Security Number:

3. Residential Address:

4. Province:

5. Contact Details: Email, Cell Phone : Alternative Cell Number

6. Number of Dependants: ( Including Elderly People)

7. Detail on a Separate page Your Experiences, how you suffered, The loss you incurred, Number Family Members You Lost through “covid deaths” and as a result of “Vaccine”. Detail everything including how the entire lockdowns and/or death of Family Members have affected your Family Livelihoods Emotional Scars, Psychologically ( if you can), Spiritually, Socially, Economically, Financially and otherwise.

8. All other information you consider relevant which has not been covered above, that should assist yin Healing as Family and Recovering the lost opportunities and all to Start living a Normal to Better Life as you would have had the Reign of Terror NOT been Imposed by the State and Executed By Government ,Private Business Partners and Enablers.

9. Briefly State Your Qualifications; Occupation and Business/es Before The Reign Of Terror and provide all relevant Information like Your Take-Home Income ( whether from Business , Hustling Job, Spaza Shop, Informal Trading, Professional Services Provider, Trade, anything/Form of Income Generation You were involved in before 27/ April/2020) even if your Hustle and d/or Business/Trade was Not formally Registered with CIPC( Cipro) , as long as you can provide reasonable proof that you were running the Business or this is what you did as an Entrepreneur/ Informal Business to Earn a Living.

We would again appeal that the information be submitted on time through-out the Month of May until 31May2023. Please submit information all in one batch preferably compressed in one PDF attachment to avoid loss of information through sorting, as we as MBOKODO would be co-ordinating and consolidating all information received to hand over to the Professional Lawyers for further Processing and Categorising their case as they deem fit. No payment is expected from you as the citizen nothing whatsoever, we as MBOKODO will engage and negotiate with the Law Firms in terms of how their fees would be charged and/or Paid for on behalf of The People.

We appeal to everyone that has access to Email and Internet and every citizen to firstly disseminate this information to everyone you know starting from your Email and Cellphone Contacts, to your neighbours, Communities ( especially Rural citizens) Colleagues at Church, Societies everywhere,. We also appeal to every learned Nation Builder and citizen to assist ,the poor, vulnerable, illiterate and elderly people to complete and compile the information requested in English/Zulu/Xhosa/Sotho/Ndebele/Setswana and/or any other language of their proficiency that would enable the people to express themselves comfortably and stating their cases CLEARLY.

Thanking you in advance for helping us to Help and Build our Nation and Nations of Yahweh Holding Hands Together We SHALL OVERCOME.

Ngokuzithoba Sizwe Ndim




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