It is twenty-four months exactly since the current 92 membered ANC-NEC was installed at Nasrec with a mandate to specifically implement conference resolutions,key amongst those being:
1. Land Expropriation Without Compensation
2. Radical Economic Transformation
3. Establish a State Bank
4. Nationalise South African Reserve Bank
5. Strengthen BRICS relationship
Evaluation of Performance:
LEWOC: To this date nothing has been done by the ANC-NEC except playing with the hearts and minds of the Landless and Land-dispossessed people hiding behind and through so called consultations,task-teams and in the end elevating a friend and acquintance of Patrice Motsepe, Vuyokazi Mahlathi to be a judge and jury over-ruling ANC-Conference,the highest decision making body's Resolution by recycling the Mbeki era's failed policy viz. willing buyer-willing seller with some useless frills making reference to conditions under which the state may expropriate land without compensation. This in a nutshell is simply trivialising the brutal and inhumane Land-dispossesion and the effect thereof that Indigenous Afrika People went through since 1652 and continue to suffer as a consequence of that.
Radical Economic Transformation: Any Standard 8 High School student knows that there are four factors of production for any economy and vital amongst those is the LAND, without which one cannot begin to talk about the economy,hence,it is by no surprise that the ANC lead government through the ANC-NEC collective has not moved an inch in this area either, needless to say that there is no plan nor strategy tabled by the Luthuli house to implement Radical Economic Transformation as resolved and mandated by Conference.
SARB Nationalisation has not happened either since the inexplicable withdrawal of the item from National Assembly agenda at the eleventh hour in 2018, oh and Nene was the minister of finance in charge then and soon got dismissed afterwards for an unrelated reason. Was the re-appointment of Nene a set-up without him knowing it?Did the ANC-NEC re-appoint Nene temporarily so he could take the flap for their failure to deliver on this resolution even when he is no longer seated in that portfolio nor a cabinet minister anymore? A logical person would justifiably argue that,that cannot be because two years have passed on since then,but then this ANC has done and said un-imaginable and senseless things which are completely parallel to basic logic not to mention the lies they and continue to feed the citizens day in and day out only to run to the captured courts when they are caught with their pants on fire,the billion-rands bribe has worked wonders for the "thumamina" Rupert-"boys", speaking of which Rupert seems to have been the only one who has gotten a thousand times return on the Nasrec-heist "investment", with well over eleven-billion rands profit reported for the 2018/2019 Financial year,he must have been the faceless highest bidder in that auction prior and post Nasrec Auction termed ANC-Conference,and won himself ownership of the ANC as a new addition to his empire which not only gives him controll of the state but also legitimise his illicit "business" activities which he has been doing for time immemorial fronting through tobaco industry whilst siphoning proceeds of crime to getting stakes in different sectors and businesses taken over by his Business Partners partners in crime, but we park the stellembosch mafia boss's shenanigans here for now as our focus is on ANC-paralysis.
State Bank establishment: There is no state bank established but ANC government will tell lies and list a thesis of reasons and barriers to establishing a State Bank to whoever cares to listen and believe their lies. The truth is there is simply no political will nor drive to deliver on this Conference resolution as doing so will take the bread away from White Monopoly Capitalist'Bank cartel refered to as "the big four", where Rupert,Christo Wiese and Koos Bekker hold sizeable stakes and protected in the syndicate economic treason crimes by their partner the Rothchilds with henchman Trevor and Maria Ramos-Manuels of the apartheid-UDF project. It would be careless if not suicidal for the staunch ANC-members to believe any lies and/or excuses afforded to them by the Rupert-boys for failure to establish a State-Bank in the past two years when in less than a year since they came to office,they have facilitated and necessitated establishment and approval of two Banks viz. Discovery Bank and Tyme Bank headed by Richard Branson a foreigner in the Afrikan soil and Patrice Motsepe of the Swaar United Front ( SUF) brother inlaw to Ramaphosa,respectively. It would be interesting to see how much of the PIC money went into funding this two supposedly private owned banks when the same cant be used to bail-out a state owned institution nor fund a creation of a new State Owned Business Entity without an uproar from the "Media" which is basically the hired mouthpiece of Stellenbosch mafia and WMC crooks.
BRICS is no more, Ramaphosa and his investor friends made sure of it and the collective ANC-NEC just closed their eyes and ears more like "see nothing , hear nothing and tell no lies" kind of approach. So even on this one when this NEC goes to give a report and Account to the ANC membership life blood at the upcoming NGC,there will be zero results to show on this aspect.
So if five out of five Resolutions taken at ANC CONFERENCE with the objective of positively impacting and changing the lives of South African citizens for the better,have all not been implemented by the ANC-NEC collective,
what have these Rupert boys,ladies and gentlemen been doing for two full years?
Have they been sleeping on duty? If so Why?
Is there merit in the young people's ascertions that "these old madalas are useless they must just go home and sleep and give way to the young people to lead?
Is age the problem that makes or leads to the ANC54 leadership useless and unfruitfull or is it not just age but the BAGG-Age=Baggage
is there a cure to the baggage that these Rupert boys,ladies and gentlemen are carrying? If there is what is it? and can the ANC and citizenry at large afford to take chances with entrusting these people with the Mandate of ANC54 any further than the twenty-four months they already have without risking the Indigenous Afrikan people losing their lives and the little that is left of the ownership of their land with its mineral riches?(that is assuming and hoping that the ownership of the South Afrikan land is still under the jurisdiction of South African government,lest there is a secret document stashed somewhere in London wherein control and ownership of the land,country and entire citizens have all been ceized to the queen of england in one of those many/frequent Davos visits,who knows).
These are questions that the members of the ANC in their capacity both as individual members and as collective should be asking themselves,deliberate on and come up with a solution and solution that would:
Be Bold, Precise and without delay
To the in the best interests of humanity,the Nation and future generations,that is if there could be a future for the next generations in light of the status quo
Would be implemented and implemented with the speed the status quo deserves if this Nation has to be salvaged out of the WMC colonialists and satanic freemasons and illuminatie vultures'mouthes
Not be subject to the will and dictatorship of the very same perpetrators,collaborators and apartheid apologists in the ANC-NEC collective for the reason that,that body as a collective is now conflicted for it to be giving direction or guidance with regards to corrective measures and way forward.
Not be prolonged nor delayed for a supposedly "upcoming" NGC,because, the NGC will never happen the writing is on the wall and only the blind cannot see it. We are already in a dictatorial colonised state,under the apartheid state of emergency which has effectively reversed all the smaller gains and stripped the entire society of all the liberty and freedoms and this situation is not going to change unless the people stand up and fight against the status quo,which they will and if the ANC as an organisation does "self-correct.
One thing that is clear is that the "Thumamina brigade" is on a mission and that mission is not the ANC Mission but one that is predetermined and prescribed by the evil West through the NWO plan with Rupert boys taking and following orders from Davos,not the organisation whose banner,name and soul have auctioned to the highest bidder in 2017.
Indeed Davos won the "battle for the soul of ANC" in 2017 without even getting on the battle field but by simply flashing out one-billion crumbs to the monkeys who were too dumb to even realise that the crumbs come out of the bread that rightfully belongs to them which they should be having and having it all along with the fields,seed,and the soil which is the primary source.
Questions put to the engine room of the ANC,which is the Secretary General's office were not responded to,no surprise there because that is the political football strategy the Secretary General plays throughout even with the ANC-structures,comrades and members,he does not avail himself,nor convey or put on the ANC-NEC agenda any memorundum presented to him (through his office)for processin,deliberation and resolve by the NEC if such memorundum is questioning the status quo or anything that question ANC-NEC decisions or lack of, this absentismn from the Secretary General of the ANC used interchangably with victim of WMC ( attacking him) card seem to be the best strategy trusted by the SG. Perhaps Fikile Mbalula was not completely "out of order", when he expressed his disagreement with Ace being touted for an SG position. Maybe Fikile knew something or secrets nobody else or only a few knew about The ANC-SG but without elaborating or stating the facts,Fikile simply signalled a warning that ,he (Ace) will kill the ANC,and Fikile being himself and his known tendencies of opening his mouth without thinking,nobody took the warning he lamented seriously and two years down the line Mbalula's fears have come to haunt not only the ANC but the entire Nation suffer the consequencies and sadly the clock cant be turned back or maybe it can but the effects will take longer to heal or reverse.
Our honest assessment though based on the zero results above and the effects of the ANC paralysis have on the entire Nation is that of an ANC engine room that has completely failed because:
1. It does not have an ENGINEER,
but then in this case the supposed Engineer is there so its either :
(a) the engineer is overwhelmed,
(b) or still reeling in "shock" that he made it to the spot,
(c) or he simply does not possess the right qualities and capabilities to function at this level,
(d) or worse, he is probably one of the Rupert-buoys ( as referred to by Rupert himself in his correspondence between him and Helen Zille pre-Nasrec, "Our buoys must win...") in which case it would explain why Ace has adopted the political football game strategy he has since Nasrec,probably even before if one has to look at the pre-Nasrec events and Ace's role or lack of in them with a fine-tooth comb and compare those to the behaviour or performance rather of the ANC-NEC since Ace took over as SG, and further make comparison with his predecessor Mantashe and how that office performed and carried the ANC under the Mantashe leadership, looking from outside,the difference is huge and maybe if and when the members of the ANC start to do an honest assessment without favouritismn of any sort they might begin to realise that it is probably not only President Zuma whose shoes are too big for the succesor to fill, but "uncle Gweezy" as well.
If its any consolation for the public,it seems at least that some of the members of the ANC have begun to realise the Nasrec mistakes and are talking, if the extract ( from one of the ANC groups)below is anything to go by, as for ordinary Landless people they want their Land back no more ANC gimmicks, lies and deception.
"what is revolutionary about Ace since Nasrec when he:
1. was at the forefront of removing President Zuma without mandate from branches,
2. suppressed and sabotaged all countless petitions, letters and marches from& by anc membership & masses protesting against Zuma removal,Nasrec heist et al
3. ignored calls for earlyspecial NGC and/or disbanding of Nasrec leadership amid evidence of bogus branches and ghost membership presented to NEC via his office all of which he has never tabled to NEC?
FACTS and Truth only please people want their land back and implementation of all Nasrec Resolutions rather than being used as fighting tools for leadership positions to elevate Ace,ANC was never about defending an individual to fight his narrow political ambitions its about the return of our Land, Ace & his nemesies are incapable of putting the organisation interests first and so they should all step aside & (fight their battles out of ANC ) allow the organisation to progress and rebuild without them."

Good Morning Mr Magashule: ANC-Secretary General
As you know by now that the North-Gauteng High Court has made a ruling with regards to the "CR17 case,a verdict which effectively throws the ball back into the ANC's court to deal with the matter,we at KhayaN Media & Publications would like you to put some questions to you as the Secretary General of the organisation,which matters are of public interest given that the Constitution of the ANC makes pronouncements and guidance that is very clear on the matter of the use of money to entice or influence votes as stipulated in the Extract below:

The questions are as follows:
Has the ANC-NEC through SG office obtained or requested the Public Protector Report since it was published and made available to the public in 2019? If not why and when does the ANC intends to do so if there is any intension or not?
If the answers to the latter and former parts of the question/s above is no,could you please explain why?
It is well known that since the release of the Public Protector Report on CR17 ANC-Presidential campaign that several Media Houses have run the story on their Front page publications,Mail & Guardian for example ran the story which showed the following benefactors paid by the CR17 campaign.

These are ANC-NEC members,MPs and Members of the 6th Parliamentary Cabinet and some are Mayors/Councillors or Regional Executives in their respective structures:
(a) Minister of Small Business:Hon Ntshaveni
(b) Minister of Transport: Mr. Fikile Mbalula
(c) Deputy Minister of State Security: Mr. Zizi Kodwa
(d) ANC-MP: Me. Berry Swartz
Subsequent Beneficiaries as revealed in the FNB Bank Statements which had gone viral also show the following top ANC members as benefectors who were paid by the CR17-campaign
(e) Me. Marion Spargs
(f) Mr. Vukile Phokwana
(g) Mr Pule Mabe: Your (ANC-SGoffice) Head of Communications
(h) Mr. Enoch Godongwana
(i) Mr. Mxolisi Dokwana ( Dokoana) as the spelling keeps changing on the statements
(j) COSATU: R500 000 : ANC-Alliance partner
(k) Tito Transport: Mr. Tito Mboweni
(l) The new Mayor of Mogale City:Francisc Makgatho
(m) North-West mysterious Revolutionary Council; statements show it was funded by and paid through the CR17-Campaign Funds-FNB Bank Statements. This is the body which lead campaigns resulting in the chaotic situation and violent incidents leading to the removal of the former Premier Mr. Mahumapelo in the North West.
(n) Further information as contained on the audio(gone viral) places the Minister of Justice Mr Ronald Lamola in Braamfontein, talking to an unidentified comrade,in which he states the name of Nthabiseng- who is now Chief of Staff in the office of Pravin Gordan.
It becomes clear on the Audio that Mr Lamola is waiting for money to be delivered by Nthabiseng,which money comes from then Deputy President of the ANC and SA... " I told DP not to give it to Nthabiseng... I told Cyril,Nthabiseng is unreliable... Bona manje igcwele lento ye-NDZ..."
(p) Emails and further correspondence clearly showing Minister of Public Enterprise Pravin Gordan being head of "lobbying for CR17" fund raiser way after ANC54 conference up to and including 2019 almost two years after "the ANC presidential contestation", with "Head quarters still running full operations in Sandton and paying Rent and monthly salaried to ANC officials some of which are also on the official ANC-Payroll e.g. Mr Enoch Godongwana, Mr Vukile Pokwana, Mr Fikile Mbalula, Mr Zizi Kodwa, Mr Mxolisi Dukwana,Minister Senzo Mchunu,and others as showing on the CR17- FNB Bank Statements. Why had the CR17 been allowed to run a "parallel structure" within the ANC? How many ANCs are there within the ANC?Why has the ANC-NEC not taken action against these members including Mr. Ramaphosa himself whose name continue to be used by this parallel structure without him putting a stop to it even though he knows that the campaign names "NDZ17 & CR17" and campaigns were dissolved buried at Nasrec after the results announcements and resolutions adopted at the conference?
3.1 When will the ANC-NEC as the highest decision making body in-between conferences, take "decisive action" against these members as determined and stipulated in the ANC CONSTITUTION?
3.2. What will it take for the ANC to show South African citizens and the voting population that the ruling party is indeed serious about cleaning corruption,if the same ruling party that always talk about corruption-busting fails to act against its own members but instead promote them to executive positions at government level?
3.3 What is preventing the ANC-NEC from taking "decisive action" against these individuals and why?
3.4 There is a strong and popular public view that the ANC-NEC applies "different strokes for different folks", this aligned to the NEC ( through its Intergrity committee) flagging certain members,e.g. the likes of Me. Nomvula Mokonyane, Mr Mosebenzi Zwane and the Deputy President of the ANC- Mr. DD Mabuza others on the basis of hearsay/or mentioning of their names at the Zondo Commission without that commission even finishing its project and issuing a report YET these ones whose names have appeared in a Chapter9 institution with solid evidence that they did receive money and/or were the deliverers of money that was paid to branches and delegates "to influence the outcome of votes at Nasrec. What do you say Mr SG,is this view/opinion a fair and accurate assessment of what the ANC has become? substantiate your answer if you do not agree and take the Nation to your confidence please.
3.5 Can South Africans trust the ANC in particular the current cabinet and National Assembly (ANC-MPs)?
3.6 Is Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa an untouchable?
3.7 Is Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa's membership of the ANC above the ANC Constitution and is it also above the Membership of other ANC members individually and as a collective? If all members are equal as the ANC Constitution prescribes why then is the ANC-NEC,being the highest decision making body in between conferences, is not taking disciplinary action against Mr Ramaphosa almost two years since the information about Nasrec votes buying/Rigging/Ghost members/Bogus branches with documentary evidence surfaced and got presented to your office Mr SG?
3.8. Can you also answer the same two questions 3.6/7 with regards to Mr Gordan as well? Is Mister Gordan the "State President"? Is that what makes him to be an untouchable?
3.9 COSATU's appearance on the CR17 Bank Statements as a benefactor cashing out Half a million in one of the direct payments made in its name, where does that leave the "alliance", its partnes's INDEPENDENCE and AUTONOMY and the relationship amongst the alliance partners going forward?
3.10 Would it not have been ( and still should be) a sensible,responsible and accountable decision and action from the ANC-NEC and SG office in particular to have these ministers and deployees of the ruling part, recalled from public office until they can clear their names in and through all applicable avenues available & relavant,for the sake of saving the ANC as an organisation and also the Nation at large from the scathing embarrassment and attacks which though committed by responsible adults in their own capacities may/might be opportunistically and effectively directed at the organisation ,thus impeging negatively on whatever noble objectives the ANC may have had? Why keep them in office with such a cloud of "Billion ANC-Nasrec-Auction" Mr SG?
3.11 As Executives in the Cabinet,How would they deal with cases of Bribery and Corruption in their respective portfolios( departments) with such clouds hanging over their heads reputations tainted with this huge scandal,?
supposed their department officials are selling tenders or jobs to the highest bidders how would the tainted discipline another tainted?
or even worse in the Justice Department where already:
the NPA-DPP's Name Shamila Batohi also appears in the CR17 Bank Statements as having been paid approximately R1,3million along with
six other Judges( Pillay, Sullet Potterill,Pillay,Ledwaba, Matlojoane, Mlambo)who have passed controversial judgements subsequent to receiving payments from CR17 or shortly thereafter,
no action has been taken by the Justice Minister,Mr Lamola for one can safely conclude),reason that he himself is tainted with and,on the same boat and can therefore not initiate any appropriate sanction against the "captured" judges,
3.12 Where does that leave the Constitution of the country?
3.13 Does it not complete the "State Capture" now that the Judiciary is this tainted and in the thick of things?
3.14 Would you deny/dispute the Notion expressed by the general public that the Country is now in a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS?
3.15 Where is the ruling party to salvage the country and protect the Nation?
Mr.SG, It is almost 9(nine) months now since the matter of Mr. Hanekom was "referred to the Top 6..." to process, no action has been taken by the "Top 6", instead Mr Hanekom has subsequently been elevated to a responsible "Economic Committee" within the RSA-Presidency office,this despite the ANC Constitution being categorically clear about the expulsion of members who conspire with opposition in "removing a democratically elected president who also happened to be a President of The Party that had deployed Mr.Hanekom to Parliament and despite the then ANC-NEC having processed the matter and taken a decision prior to Mr Hanekom conspiring with the DA and EFF for the removal of Former State President : HE CommanderJG Zuma. Is Hanekom above the ANC Constitution? does his close proximity to Mr Ramaphosa, Pravin Gordan and FW De Klerk render him immune to ANC disciplinary processes, procedures and POLICIES including the CONSTITUTION?
Will the ANC-NEC and ANC at large sustain the deadly precedence it is creating by turning a blind eye against certain grave transgressions when committed by the "favourites" yet the "undesirables"(those who happen to have supported the "NDZ17" presidency are hounded like wolves and ostricized at the mere mention of their names- their sin being the mention of RET which seems to be a hot potato for this current ANC-NEC)?
It is now 27( twenty-seven) months since ANC54 passed resolutions at Nasrec particulary as relating to the essence and fundamentals that lead to the establishment and formation of ANC in 1912, viz
(a) The Return of Land to its rightfull owners being Indigenous Afrika people: this encapsulated in the Land Expropriation Without Compensation- LEWOC: Why is the ANC playing a political football game with LEWOC? What will the ANC do when scores of Indigenous Afrika people whose land was brutally dispossessed by European illegal immigrants,lose patience with all this football game and take matters to their hands?Will ANCNEC in particular who have been tasked by the ANC54 conference to IMPLEMENT the organisation's policy and Resolution,take responsibility of any blood-spill that may result when the people decide to take matters into their hands? Or does the ANCNEC collective not think about possible consequencies or even the plight of Landless people in their own forefathers'land more than 300 years?
(b) RET: Why is this policy not being implemented? why do we see the opposite being done instead e.g Reversal of all gains and strides made since 1994- look at the SOEs and the CEOs appointed since 2018, all white males with a spice of Indians here and there. Why is RET Policy Resolution a subject that is not even talked of by ANC since NASREC? Whose policy is ANC implementing?
(c) The above questions apply for SARB Nationalisation, State Bank, BRICS and Combating of Gatekeeping.
Please do not repeat your favorite line of answer ( ...remember we have 5 years to implement...) the clock is ticking Mr SG and it started in December 2017, you (ANCNEC)are now only left with 23(twenty three) months,that is if you pass the NGC evaluation of performance with regards to the ANC54 mandate.Do you think the ANCNEC will pass the performance evaluation at NGC with flying colours Mr.SG given the status? what is your personal independent opinion,suppose you were an ordinary member like the rest would you give this entire ANCNEC collective even a 30% pass-rate?
We would appreciate it if you could get back to us with your written responses via email at by no later than Wednesday 01,April of the instant.
Stay Blessed Comrade SG and may you stay safe and protected always.
Inkosazana yabaThembu
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