The official opposition in the Tshwane Region and City, African National Congress under the capable and effective leadership of Dr Kgosi Maepa has earlier this evening issued a Media Statement which one would not be persecuted for summing it up as a desperate plea for Intervention by powers that be viz. COGTA to swiftly impose a Section 199 over Tshwane if the poorest of the poor and residents of that Region are to be rescued from the apparent demise and devilish autocracy and inhumane conditions which have become the order of the day since the imposition marriage of devils alliance visited that City in 2016, an unwelcome visit which the devils are holding to by hook and crook to make a permanent habitation. THE STATEMENT THUS READS: *African National Congress (ANC) Greater Tshwane Statement* For immediate release To: All Editors; All media; All Journalists 04 March 2020 1. *ANC as the main opposition party in Tshwane* The ANC is the main opposition party in Council. We have been an effective opposition in Tshwane Council for almost four years to date since 2016. The DA coalition has been the governing party. In the last Fourty Two (42) months, the ANC Tshwane Caucus has done well, executing with precision its opposition work. It can be said that the ANC caucus has been doing a magnanimous and stupendous job, using it's well thought opposition strategy and tactics to expose corruption, malfeasance and maladministration of the DA coalition as government in Tshwane. The ANC Caucus has been meticulously focused and succinct in the execution of its opposition strategy. In February 2019, the DA Federal Council removed Solly "Poster boy of Corruption" Msimanga for the R12 Billion Glad Africa corruption scandal and hiring unqualified senior Executives in the City. The ANC exposed Solly and the shenanigans of Glad Africa. Again in February 2020, the DA Federal Council removed Stevens "Gimmicks" Mokgalapa for the R18 Billion corruption scandal involving Aurecon, hiring unqualified senior Executives in the City, but more importantly for abusing his position when he engaged in sexual activities with his female MMC, the controversial Ms Sheila Senkubuge in office. A story dubbed and famously known as "Sex in the City". The ANC exposed Mokgalapa and his shenanigans. The DA then illegally proposed an Acting Mayor called Abel Tau without him being appointed by Council to be an Acting Mayor, a person who really tried to solve problems in communities. However, Tau was then abruptly removed due to racism in the DA and replaced by a member of the DA "white caucus" called Randall Williams to be a Mayoral candidate. Randall Williams has been imposed by "Madam" Helen Zille and John "Judas" Steenhuisen, but all that is none of our business. We know that racism is ravaging and finishing the DA almost every day. What we are indicating is that the DA has brought a lot of instability in the City of Tshwane. Ours is to reverse the damage and horror brought by the DA in the City. Our people in the Townships live in veritable hell. 2. *A false narrative about Collapse of Council meetings* The ANC as the main opposition has no capacity to collapse Council meetings alone. The ANC has since June 2019 taken a position to call for a motion of no confidence on the Speaker Katlego Mathebe amongst others. The DA Speaker is a constitutional delinquent and a law unto herself. The ANC's view is that she must be removed unceremoniously. The DA Caucus people call her a "witch" and we are starting to believe them. Since 2019, the ANC has been staging walkouts as protest against the Speaker and her unconstitutional decisions to deny democracy in Council. Opposition parties stage walkouts when they are unhappy. The DA has been staging walkouts in the National Assembly for years but that didn't stop the ANC from doing its work in the National Assembly, the DA is opposition there and they are allowed to walk out anytime. Why is it now a problem in Tshwane when it is done by the ANC as we are also opposition in the City? It is not true that the ANC is collapsing Council, the ANC is opposition and has no capacity to collapse governance in any way. The DA must take responsibility for it's failures. The DA cannot govern, they don't understand the principles of fiduciary responsibilities of diligence, due skill and care. The DA has been running Council since 2016 and after failing to govern, other parties decided to stop voting with them and in June 2019 they could no longer form quorum and or take decisions in the Council. Unfortunately the media bought into a wrong narrative that it is the ANC collapsing Council, instead of asking the DA what happened because the DA has been running the City since 2016 and there was no problem when the main opposition left the chambers, why is there a problem now? 3. *Way forward, a Metro Unity Government* Due to clear untold damage, proven corruption, malfeasance and maladministration of the DA in Tshwane, the ANC is proposing a new form of local goverment. We propose that parties should come together and form a Metro Unity Government and elect a new Speaker and Mayor so that we proceed with the business of Council. There are seven (7) parties in Council and the ANC is proposing that the parties forward at least a representative each to form a Metro Unity Government proportionally, so that Council continue without any further hindrance. The ANC will subject itself to the wisdom of the collective leadership provided by multi-parties in pursuit of a Metro Unity government. The ANC has no intention to bully or demand any specific position in that government, all we want is that the leadership crisis created by the DA be sorted out and for services to be delivered without hindrance. END// ISSUED ON BEHALF OF THE ANC GREATER TSHWANE REGION BY: Cde Eugene Modise ANC Regional Secretary Enquiries : Cde Bafuze Yabo 072 278 8560 Regional Head of Communications/Spokesperson or Cde Tlangi Mogale 073 927 6116 Regional Communications Manager The Statement by the current Tshwane Regional Executive is self explanatory and if anything is to be read through it,it is the leadership qualities, Humility and Batho Pele demonstrated through out,qualities which we have not seen infact to put it bluntly,these leadership qualities have been lacking from the Gauteng Provincial "bosses" who have allowed the Tshwane situation to deteriorate to this level despite their knowledge and constant briefings and warnings about the demise which could have been prevented long ago. Perhaps The PEC executive of David Makhura has no appetite nor interest of seeing Tshwane functioning normally given the fact that his( Makhura) own hands are not clean if we are to dig to the root cause of Tshwane demise. We would recall the 2014-2016 anti-Zuma campaigns orchestrated by the very same PEC which was lead by Paul Mashatile from a party-political level,and Makhura from a governance level. We could mention many incidences from organised and sponsored booing of President Zuma at FNB Stadium during Nelson Mandela's memorial service to the heavily WMC-sponsored #ZumaMustGo marches,but most relevant to Tshwane they culminated into literal burning of City property and burning of tyres by crowds hired and paid by the same Gauteng PEC working and collaborating with the enemy and devils alliance opposition with Makhura and Mashatile being at the centre of that. Where are they now that the chips are down and ordinary people are suffering? Makhura and Mashatile with their opposition friends are nowhere to be seen instead they left the current Regional Executive to pick up the pieces and even frustrate the genuine efforts to get the City Managed and Administered properly so that Basic Human Rights and Services could be provided and afforded to the people. Who needs apartheid generals of the Malans and Vorsters when you have the kind of "comrades" like Makhuras and Mashatiles in the leadership of what is supposed to be a liberation movement? The only hope left for the people of Tshwane is COGTA and for COGTA to move in swiftly and impose or exercise the powers they have at their disposal viz. Section 199. We all hope and pray that this cry for help will not fall into deaf ears for the sake of restoring humanity and affording Tshwane people the dignity they deserve.