We are following up on this story last updated on November 27,2019 ( Click on the links below for catch up) . In our last update we had reported that the devils alliance had approached the notorius captured North Gauteng High Court to interdict implementation of the council decisions that had been taken, resulting in the removal of both their Mayor and Speaker, pending outcome of their case in challenging that action, an interdict which they obviously obtained,no surprise there,everybody knows how deeply rotten that dustbin-mlambo presided court is. Latter Developments: It then transpires that: 1. The interdict and the devils alliance case were both based on fraudulent claims in that, the DA in its application claimed to be supporting an application made by the City Manager ( Acting) 2. On further investigation by the ANC's legal team,it transpired that there never was such an application made by the Tshwane Acting City Manager,nor case opened by him against the council, so the devils alliance lied in court in its desperation to hang on to Tshwane, question is why,why and a lot of why's which we intend to focus on in here to get to the root cause of Tshwane problems 3. I am not a legal professional but basic logic tells us that if A=B & B=C therefore A=C; which would then mean if the DA is supporting a non existing case when it seeks an interdict, therefore the interdict must be declared null and void,and the decisions taken by Tshwane council must be ( should have been ) implemented and case dismissed effective immediately, with DA being sanctioned or charged for lying in court,under oath and making a mockery of the ( already captured) judiciary system, if a rule of law is to be applied without fail, fear or favour, but that has not been the case with NGHC, the fraudulent case has been allowed to go on as scheduled in December 2019,argued before a bot (captured)judge as usual, what a waste of Tax payers money not to mention the City's Rate payers and residents as DA is still using the City's abused budget and Funds for the legal fees ( which are themselves illegal). We ask the question again why, why would NGHC allow this fuss of a non-existing case to go on,having been given the information now and being aware. Having an affidavit in front of them signed by the Acting City Manager refuting the DA's claim that he ever lodged any case against Council and /or its decisions to fire the Mayor and Speaker, WHYwould NGHC equipped with judges who ought to know the rule of law and apply it promptly and correctly at all times not do their job as required? who are they serving? who are they protecting? whose interests are they pursuing? well, we are not going to focus on the nitty gritties on this one,safe to say its a confirmation that the JUDICIARY IS CAPTURED and leave it at that for now. We then go back to dicept the goings-on in the Tshwane City, the behind the scenes manuvourings and dynamics but first we start by the question we posed under no.2 above viz. Why is the devils alliance so desperate to hang on to the City of Tshwane by any means necessary? To get to the bottom of this we perhaps need rewind the tape back to 2016 before the devils alliance got the reigns of Tshwane. Months before the local government elections there was a sudden mushrooming of "service delivery" protests that were characterised by massive burning of buildings and removable assets, at least that is what white monopoly captured media showed us and lead everyone ( it turns out WMC CAPTURED Media was lying to shield their own shenanigans with their planted moles and traitors of the Natives within ANC)to believe bogus SDP including Tshwane residents themselves. The question they never asked themselves is why did they only notice the lack of service delivery just a few months before elections? why did they wait for the almost entire five years to register their complaints if SDP really was a genuine reason and why do so in such a destructive manner? Well it turns out the protests and burning of city assets had nothing to do with service delivery but were rather protests over mayoral candidates and councillors positions wrestling for power and priviledges associated with all of that. So the question that authorities ought to focus on and should have investigated,were the Tshwane protests sponsored? who sponsored them and what was/is the motive? why was there no investigation done on the Tshwane protests and destruction of state assets? who was the minister of police in charge then? ( Fikile Mbalula) why did Fikile not follow through and ensure that his ministry gets to the root cause of the shenanigans that were underminining the Zuma administration in the province of Gauteng? perhaps before we park the questions for authorities we should point out that Fikile Mbalula himself is at the forefront of the askariz that sold out the ANC, its no longer a rumour, now everybody has seen Fikile at the ZonduZuma kangaroo court,trying very hard to convince the Nation though,without tabling any concrete and conclusive FEASIBLE evidence,that,the three Gupta brothers had "captured" the state. Secondly it is well known that Fikile Mbalula is an ambitious opportunist whose eye is also on the Presidency of the country,infact we have confirmed reports that Fikile featured as no.3 ( following Dr. Zweli Mkhize and the Julius Judas malema) in a secret succession plan which was crafted by the Alexandra mafia in Gauteng and leaked to some Luthuli house officers in 2011. According to that failed plan, Dr Mkhize was to be a president of the ANC taking over from President Zuma immediately after his term ends, what became clear from the follow up questions to the structure of the "succession plan" was that, the mafia realised the weakness of their constituency ( or non existing) in Gauteng,so they sought to use the KZN structures to take over ANC reigns,hence the Mkhize name was touted or rather Mkhize was enticed with the Presidency after Msholozi,to which he agreed, and that is when he started spying on Msholozi, the man that trusted him and treated him like his own son. Here is what a reliable source from KZN says in confirmation of the Mkhize role : "Well thought of observation of ANC politics . An aspect , perhaps , missing is the role played by AKF? That's where many an egg was laid.Even a seasoned Kathy was unaware of infiltration by Kasrils, Hanekom&Paul &of course Hogan ? 2014 brought Zweli & Kasrils to my hometown , urging senior leaders join a campaign to oust Zuma.this I tweeted &immediately withdrew my support for only party I knew . So those involving KZ N u was aware of ?" The plan which many denied could have succeeded if KZN grassroots was not alerted on time about the mole inside their own province,hence Mkhize with all the financial backing shared between himself and Cyril through what is now famously known as CR17 Bank Statements, failed to take off, in a similar way as with Baleka Mbethe's attempted presidential campaign. Perhaps Fikile is still hanging on to that failed plan with the hope that if he continues to pledge his loyalties to the askariz camp lead by Cyril who is controlled by london and America ( and constatly reporting back and taking instructions through his regular Davos meetings) he would probably take over one day,how naive and dumb is he not to realise that his political career is finished, over and done with as soon as Cyril is out of Mahlambandlovu residence for good. Back to Tshwane 2016,Luthuli house then deploys what they believed would be a neutral candidate to quel the situation,hence Thoko Didiza was then named as Mayoral candidate. That didnt go well either, as now the gang behind Tshwane riots started asking lots of questions around Thoko's eligibility, ranging from her non-residency status(in the region) to other trivial issues. When their claims were disproved, they raised (in the corridors) her ethnicity as an issue,but that did not hold water in the face of the Constitution both of the ANC and the Republic. So what do they do next? Sabotage the ANC campaign not only in the Tshwane Region but in the entire province. Not only that, the provincial executive lead by Paul Mashatile went to the extreme when they : 1. barred the President of the Organisation from campaigning for the ANC in the province 2. Refused to wear/use t-shirts or any ANC regalia bearing the face of President Zuma 3. Boycotted or did not actively campaign nor supported the regions on their Local Government Elections campaign,in their own province 4. Influenced township residents who would normally vote ANC to "vote on their feet", as they referred to boycotting the elections, so the DA could win. The results: The ANC lost the two very big and strategic cities in the country viz. Tshwane and Joburg, with Ekurhuleni only saved from the jaws of the devil at the eleventh hour, thanks again to President Zuma who made last hour arrangements with NDZ, to come and campaign for ANC, out of her busy schedule within the AU as she was chairing AU then. One would argue that" ...but the DA did not win, it was the EFF that gave the DA votes..." partly granted, only if you look at it at face value not knowing who/what EFF is and who its owners are. The fact of the matter is EFF is insignificant as it was even in 2016 and perhaps even in 2013 the year of its formation. We may not know, or not get into the intensions of the genuine founders of EFF now,but this we will register, that it got infiltrated at the very early stages and the effect of that infiltration resulted in Julius Malema being approached to become the face of EFF alongside Andile Mngxitama, something which Julius doesnt want his flock to know as he has now hijacked and turned EFF into a his cult and literally so, the zombified flock worship him and they literally bow to him, as we have seen this past December at their conference, a very worrying and concerning scene of EFF supporters literally going on their knees singing praises to Julius, without any protest from Julius , only for the Judas to issue a statement a day later ,his lousy response to twitterites after realising the bad publicity his cult had received and Social media responses.The point we are putting accross is EFF would not have survived post 2016 had the ANC not been sabotaged from within, it would have died a natural but quick death and that would have meant another failure by Thabo Mbeki and his boys, and perhaps victory and Total Liberation for the Afrikan Child... wait a minute where does Thabo comes into the picture? in 2016 nogal? ok then lets entertain this question because its very relevant. One of the things we have to keep in mind is Thabo is a very cruel and conniving askari,who has to this day never gotten over his loss at the famous ANC52 Polokwane conference and so are his boys. In his cruelty he has shown the Nation that he would even work with the devil or become one to achieve his ambitions,as we have seen him parading and holding anti-ANC meetings with an apartheid general de klerk in 2017, to prevent an NDZ win and in favour of Cyril a known Apartheid-Police-Reservist and CIA-Agent,who was groomed by the Apartheid regime and housed by Oppenheimers from as far back as 1977. Before 2016 elections Malema had begun praise-singing Mbeki to the extent of "apologising" to him and going to his Idutywa homestead,interestingly this happens a few months after Julius's london visit to Renwick. Are all these coincidences? Not at all, but lets continue with the Julius Malema trail. How does he fit into the ANC-Gauteng leadership sabotaging its own campaign? How does Julius fit in, we trace it back to his handlers/ sponsors in the ANC whilst he was living an extravagant lifestyle in a R16million house in Sandton,driving expensive luxurious cars, yet he was on a mere salary of a ANCYL president. The WMC sponsored media pointed us to OnPoint Engineering, it may be true that On Point was a source of income for Julius but that was part of the truth and not the entire truth. It is well known that Tokyo Sexwale was the biggest sponsor of Julius Malema's lifestyle, and that Tokyo has shares in the media, the Financial Services sector, Mining, Construction just like Cyril. It is a well known and documented fact and truth that Tokyo Sexwale was into drugs smuggling, and has been sponsored by Johan Rupert in many ways than one,and by his own admission,he cited in his divorce papers that the "holiday house" in the Cape Winelands actually belonged to the Ruperts , the Johan Rupert who is heir to the Stellebosch mafia boss, the now dead Anton Rupert. Paul Mashatile is known to be the Alexandra mafia, but he is not the mafia boss there, he is a runner for Tokyo who has for a very long time been the boss of the Alex mafia but his identity hidden up until 2005/6. We now know that there is a very strong bond and connection between the Alex Mafia and the Stellies, but the Alex is the subject of the Stellenbosch mafia,they do the dirty ground work for the masters in stellie and doing that hiding behind politics, and ANC in particular since the unbanning of ANC and return of exiled activists. How does the Alex mafia fit into the sabotage of ANC provincial elections and Tshwane in particular? And besides Paul being a runner and front for Tokyo, how is it possible that Mashatile known for his like for power, would easily hand over power to the DA? Well first we need to point out that Mashatile did not just hand over power to the DA, at least not the Democratic Alliance but the DA which is literally the devils alliance that operate in the secret dark isles,which he himself is part of,which is situated and operating right inside the ANC,disguised in blue by day under DA ( democratic alliance) in parliament, provincial legislature and municipalities, by night it conducts its meetings in the rich suburbs of Johannesburg and Stellenbosch... We have mentioned the leaked succession plan above, what we now mention is that in that succession plan Paul Mashatile would have been the no.5 President after Msholozi and making him the ultimate President from the Alex Mafia squad, him being a runner of the Mafia and planted by them , would guarantee the Mafia total and complete capture of the state and free and permanent reign of the country, SADC and perhaps the entire Continent's control of Mineral resources. If that is the plan then,and Paul Mashatile knows about it as he was central in its crafting , the question remains why would he hand over control of his province to devils alliance via the DA? what guarantees did he have that he would still have control after? what did he hope to achieve? We have alluded to the fact that, Mashatile is one of the devils alliance players,that we know for sure as everybody has seen with our naked eyes him giving assurance to WMC devils disguising as "Business Forum" whatever they call themselves these days, assuring them early in 2018 that they have told President Zuma to resign and have given him an ultimatum. What everybody has seen on National televisions is nothing compared to what goes on behind closed doors. One thing we know for sure is that the Mafia runner boy was planning to dribble everyone in the succession plan even if it had succeeded as per 2011 draft, all the other four or some of them would have served one term at most with others having been toppled ( recalled as they say it) half way through. Well the plan may have been uncovered as it has but that does not mean that the devils alliance have abandoned it, instead they went for plan B, or Plan C, which is where Cyril comes in, and contests the ANC presidency without even articulating what he stands for, because he even surprised himself up to the last moment when fabricated Nasrec results were announced, that is no wonder he is a " SURPRISED" president with no direction but articulating dreams at SONA which do not even begin to reflect nor address the State OF The Nation, just fairy-tale dreams. Where is Paul Mashatile when his presidential candidate is blundering and becoming a laughing stalk in the entire globe? conniving Paul is smiling and happy because it fits his plan very well. One thing we have to give to Paul though is that in all their ( thumaminions)stupidity, Paul is the brighter one,or grade-A tsotsi than the rest of them all put together, perhaps his close proximity to the Mafia boss, Tokyo gives him leverage over other nincompoops . Then comes in the UDF-Cabal and the Pravins SARS Rogue gang. A very important partner in the devil's alliance that has made the 12 year old effort come to fruition. The Alex mafia may have under-estimated the strength of this gang,in their desperation to cutting deals with whatever devil that would deliver them the reins of ANC and State power. The alliances of convenience are now fighting amongst themselves in the Luthuli house which had now become a lithuli ( dusty). They have knives at each other and the Rogue gang of Pravin, is now using the leverage it has against Mashatile. In the past two weeks alone we have seen the droppings of pieces of information about Paul,news to many of us, which we are taking with caution such as that: 1. Paul is infact a Malawi immigrant, who came into the country as a plumber, accommodated in the Alexandra men's hostels, Cyril would of cause know this as he was instrumental in recruiting Shangaans from accross the colonial borders during the period 86'- 89 to replace the striking mine workers. so this move is no doubt Cyril 's comeback/warning move to Paul 2. That he is not of Vha-Vhenda ( as he claims)nor a Shangaan as Vha-Vhendas place him,when they place it on record that he is not one of them,nor was he born in Alexandra township, ( again cyril is guilty there as charged) 3. That Paul Mashatile is a pure infiltrate in the ANC, planted by Apartheid regime, and claimining to be an SACP member in the early 90s when ANC leadership had come back from exile. It is said that he never was even an SACP member nor COSATU,but just like Pravin Gordan and Stratcom,he was planted and/or shielded under SACP, perhaps to continue his mandate or new mandate of killing ANC from within, a task he may have carried and executed very well under the Mandela and Mbeki administrations, or maybe not but he may have enjoyed the continuing protection of his real identity given the reality that both the Mandela-CODESA and Mbeki administration were characterised by askariz, hence it became possible for the CIA-Agent, Cyril to "pursue" Business interests and later to be joined by Tokyo the mafia Boss, hardly 4years after 94 Election. The dropping of these pieces of information to the public, may be a warning by the cabal,to Paul ,for him to back off the CIA-Agent, London prefect,always " surprised ndodengaziwa", as it has become public knowdledge that Ndodengaziwa no longer enjoys the support of Mashatile in the Top six,nor does he enjoy the support of his deputy, David Mabuza. Infact it is highly suspicious that the recent lithuli house non-payment of December salaries may have been the CR17 sponsors and /(or cyril himself ) sending a message to Paul that you touch our boy , we will flush you, expose you and hand you over " to the vultures" to finish off. How Paul responds to this, is everyone's guess. So far the RET forces have not come out to call for Mashatile's head, and Mashatile has not responded to all this information being made public, its like a game of chess, with everyone studying the opponents moves, meanwhile the Tshwane situation is hanging on the balance, why? Probably because Tshwane belongs to Paul Mashatile. Mashatile has not been stupid, and should not be under-estimated by either party. It is by no accident that the day-DA suddenly accepted Black candidates who were not DA members to run for Mayorship under their ticket, both in Tshwane and in Joburg. Paul out-manovoured, out-smarted and outplayed The "Zuma aligned" candidate Sputla ( Tshwane)and the Mbeki-kid Parks Tau ( Joburg) and they did not see him coming, in the end they lost and became dependent on Mashatile for political survival and come back, more like prisoners of stomach politics. Meanwhile Paulie had struck a deal with day-DA in the devils alliance to accommodate his two boys, Solly Msimang and Herman Mashaba. It was a calculated move but not off Paul's head, he is not that clever, but rather an instruction from Thabo Mbeki lost & Pololokwane losing camp. In Tshwane they did not go for an unknown name, went for Msimang, whose relative is the Msimang that used to be a pravin of the Mbeki era, holding everyone at ransom with supposedly "dirty little exile secrets". The naive little Solly didnt last long as he was not seasoned politician nor activist, just a poster boy holding fort for dearest daddy Msimang. Just like Julius Malema, his love for money,bling, greed and freezbies soon landed him in hot water with one scandal after the other being exposed. The 2019 Elections provided the gang with an excuse to remove him gracefully under auspices of premier candidature. Then comes the Sex in the city starring-Steven, who had not lasted a year and ANC Tshwane has busted and removed him, and then its the courts scenes. Where does the province stand in all of this, one would ask, and rightfully so, because it should not happen that the people of Tshwane are made to suffer yet there is a provincial structure which should have intervened, as we have seen and its been claimed in KZN when they removed Mayor of EThekwini, Msunduzi and Emalahleni very recent. We now know that even the appointment of the now new ANC Joburg Mayor did not have support of Gauteng province,had it not been for the behind the scenes assistance from KZN comrades, the DA would have been given Joburg on a silver platter again guaranteeing control of the province by devils until 2021 and further. Why is then Paul holding everyone at ransom with regards to the city of Tshwane? what does he want? Could it be that he is holding it as his last trump card to get to be the President or the Deputy President, when cyril is removed, (as he will be very soon, that there is no longer any doubt nor discussion about it and cyril and his masters know its a matter of when their stooge is ejected from Mahlambandlovu)just like DD did with the "unity" votes at Nasrec? If so how long will the ANC allow itself to be held at ransom by apartheid-implants who have only one mandate to destroy and kill ANC from within whilst handing over reigns to America and Britain to recolonize and rape Africa of its almost depleted mineral resources? How long? We will find out soon but as Indigenous Afrika People we will not rest until we find out what Paul and his handlers are up to, and rest assured they will be exposed and stopped. "We want our Land Back and we shall take it by any means necessary,in doing so we will spare nothing and no-one that becomes a stumbing block or causes derailment in the execution of this task, if it is Paul's greed or his masters in Stellenbosch rest assured we will remove them, we are not pepared to wait anylonger, we have played enough games with these sellouts, whilst our people are landless and suffering everyday..."says ANC CHILD http://wix.to/l0D1BEk or https://www.khayanmedia.com/post/economic-liberation-ret