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Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

Updated: Mar 18, 2020


Questions that have for decades been asked and could not be answered with absolute surety are now beginning to give us clarity with clues surfacing over time. One thing that cannot be disputed is that "Chris" Martin Thembisile Hani knew about the many attempts on his life and had vivid knowledge and intelligence who and what organisations were involved and why the continued desperation to permanently remove him from the earth surface. If that is the case as we concur with this inference,the question then arises as to why did he not take pre-cautionary measures on that fateful sunday as he usually did in terms of keeping his body-guards along? Was he perhaps blind-sighted by the enemy or was he too trusting of his "comrades" within the ANC?

Before constructing this reconcilliation,we have first gathered and presented to the public the relevant INFORMATION THAT IS ALREADY IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, so the people can have a clear perspective how and why these characters connect and connived in assassinating Comrade Chris Martin Thembisile Hani.

Chris Hani's Version: AfraVision courtesy


From analysing information we establish that:

1. ANC INVOLVEMENT: The suspicion of Hani's assassination being an inside job from the ANC as an organisation itself is and was a set-up from inception,as we now know that the people that were coersed to spy on the ANC leadership from exile were and still are themselves infiltrates and apartheid agencies with very strong ties and relationships not only with the apartheid regime but also with WACL,IFF, IRL, UK, French, Germany, USA, with the British monarchy being in charge as the "principal office" and many other governments and states which are/were members of the EU.

2. The Modus Operandi:

(a) Creation of fake and/or imposters,

(b) give them names of either existing or deceased persons,

(d) Ship them to South Africa under the auspices of "immigration" with dual citizenship being maintained

(e) Incorporate these characters within the SSA/CCB having been trained prior immigration and given a mandate to execute,

(f) The apartheid regime would then plant receive and plant the infiltrates under different institutions,such as universities where depending on age and assignment,some would be registered as students/lecturers but their assignment being to focus and spy on ANC/PAC/BCM/AZAPO students leadership and ANC activists and leadership inbound and outbound.

(g) A strategy similar to "The Student Exchange Programme" where an agent would not be assigned to work within their area of origin(birth and upbringing) but would be deployed to a location where their background is not known and from there start to build an "activist" profile to fit the newly fodged imposter character.

(h) when the profile has been built then the imposter-agent is then assigned to infiltrate the exiled organisation in this case the ANC with the pretence or fake story that ".. Im a white-left from South Africa,and are an "anti-apartheid" activist... I am on the "underground" structure or "strategy", as "Barbara Hogan" puts it in her recited testimony at Neil Agget Inquest

3. Timing and Trend: This massive infiltration and plantation of these kinds of agents happened during certain periods of time,the trend showing from analysis of information and events points to times where there would be massive detention and/or arrests of known political activists,banning of known activists/leaders and or murdering like in the case of Steve Bantu Biko, or death sentence through hanging of activists such as Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu: SUCH EVENTS

(a) 1976 - Students uprising : which many leaders in exiled ANC have numerously admitted to it having taken the movement by surprise,mostly that many of the young students had flown South Africa to and seek refuge and training at ANC exiled within Southern Afrika region mostly: Mozambique,Botswana,Lesotho and Zambia camps : hence the 1976 Detachment reference within MK

(b) 1977- Steve Bantu Biko

(c) 1980- Peak of political activismn and counsciousness mostly driven at factory level and effective in and around the Eastern Cape Industrial areas: The Motor Industry in that region suffered much with the following: Few such examples

1. The FORD Company with its plant in New Brighton- Port Elizabeth experiencing frequent labour unrest leading to its relocation to East of Pretoria-near Mamelodi Township and name change to SAMCOR- South African Motor Corporation

2. Mercedes Bentz in East London curtailing most of their manufacturing activities,from complete operations to a few divisions like assembling only and distributing the rest of other activities to North of Pretoria viz. Mangope's Bophuthatswana homeland in Garankuwa.

3. Nissan establishing its new homebase West of Pretoria-Rosslyn

(d) 1984: Also characterised by another increased political Activism,mass mobilisation and intergration of political programmes amongst all "Black"tertiary institutions"mostly lead by or at Tertiary Academics and Student Leaders at Institutions such as your Fort-Hare,(Makhenkezi Stofile 's base as a lecturer in the Spots department) University of Transkei which started as a branch or campus of Fort-Hare based in Mthatha, Ongoye in Zululand, Turfloop in Limpopo,Unibo in Bophuthatswana . This is the year that Bathandwa Ndodo a Student Leader and SRC member at Unitra, was brutally murdered through a rain bullets at his Cala rural home,by the SSA/CCB and the Special Branch police and in full view of the residents is the year that follows the year

(e) 1983 when the Dis-Investment campaign was launched; The Necklace> the use of tiers around the necks and burning those that had been identified as apartheid-regime informers

(e) 1985: Formal launch of COSATU as a Trade Union Federation, which had its roots and influence from the Eastern Cape through Motor Industry and Western Cape which was dominated by the Textile Industry.

The trend being noticed and common here is that shortly before or after these events,a group of "ANC" leaders with suspicious ( which was not obvious then) and fake backgrounds would mushroom, and infiltrated local structures before reaching to their targeted destination which was exiled ANC leadership. Barbara Hogan, Desmond Tutu, Frank Chikane ,Trevor Manuel, Derrick Hanekom, Siphiwe Nyanda, Tito Mboweni, Cyril Ramaphosa, Jay Naidoo, Popo Molefe, Ramatlodi,Sydney Mufamadi, Cheryl Carolus, Barbara Creecy are some of the "leadership" products that came out of nowhere to become then leaders of The Apartheid UDM project which initially hijacked SANCO and Street Committees under false pretences, before they repeated the same and positioned themselves leaders in a committee they made responsible for " welcoming of ANC Exiled Leadership" and later declared themselves responsible for "welcoming mandela" from prison. By 1988/89 the leadership at grassroots level within communities were mostly in jail under detension without trial, a carefully calculated move by the regime and western forces, which enabled infiltration and imposition of their agents to the exiled leadership as being " ANC" leadership within. They lied, but their lies could not be easily picked up immediately by exiled leadership until they had intergrated and effectively checkd these characters out from inside the country using not only their intelligence but being inside the country, at home and engaged with communities hands on,exposed the imposters and these fake leaders and their activities,involvement and link with the Western devils and de klerk's agenda, hence harsh decisions were made

such as:

(a) withdrawal of Chris Hani's indemnity

(b) assigning of President Zuma to rural Zululand

(c) Bannishment of Harry Gwala to Midlands

(d) The sudden urge to pressure for Election Conference or election of ANC leadership abruptly, which was never a priority nor focus of the ANC,hence the first meeting of structures did not elect leadership but focused on what was priority ,the building of organisation and setting up of formal structures, but the imposters and these apartheid UDM project kept pressing for the need of an Elective conference, which ultimately took place in 90/91. It is public knowledge by now that Cyril Ramaphosa a non- ANC member, went into that conference as rather a guest, with non-voting delegation accreditation and boom, came out of the conference being a Secretary General of the ANC, despite the ANC's long standing practise of electing and nominating leadership on the basis of generations first and being strictly guided by THROUGH THE EYE OF THE NEEDLE POLICY, which he did not meet this policy's requirements nor The Generation Practise. Cyril being a non-ANC member was then pitted against a legend, revolutionist Ntate Alfred Nzo, who was and continues to be undoubterdly a tried ,trusted and tested ANC Leader, in the same breath and league as President Zuma, Ntathe Sisulu, Chris Hani,Govan Mbeki, Skweyiya... these are the names that equated or synonymed ANC even to a sixteen year old from rural areas and up to a young lion at University. These are the names and people to us as young lions then epitomed the blood of ANC when we were talking and being taught about ANC Leadership, or being given messages for the programme of ANC. These names are what and who ANC is both as an organisation and as leadership. The term ANC was always a reference to exiled ANC Leadership which was these names, and we knew as young lions who was part of that core leadership and even the Robben Islanders such as Ntate Govan Mbeki and Sisulu knew and respected those in exile, there never was any confusion as to who was responsible for decision making within the country and outside and protocol. Positions and contestation were never an issue, hence it came as a surprise how cyril became Secretary General in that conference, but that secret did not last long as it came out , later on and became one of the reasons that lead to the devils deciding to murder Hani instead,

(e) Removal of President Zuma as Head Of Security and replacing him with Terror Lekota another Apartheid-UDM project leader with no military/intelligence background within ANC-MK

(f) Removal of Thabo Mbeki as Head of Negotiations as replacing him with Cyril ramaphosa himself with no knowledge of ANC, and both these removals and critical decision taking place in the absence of the key officials of the top six and endorsed by a structure that did not collate in terms of quorum if one has to apply or consider the normal governance principles, even worse when we are to consider that this decision bordered on compromising the security of the ANC ( as described above what is synonimous to ANC or Leadership) and threatening its continued existence, effectively aimed at collapsing the ANC ad killing it from within before even the riddled and rigged CODESA could be concluded. This strategy is articulated in what is known as The New World Order Plan, and in his interview with Afriforum, dubbed "The Banned Interview" Clive Derby Lewis confirms this plan, even though in the interview he does not precisely reflect to the events or activities that took place to achieve that objective,nor does he specifically make mention of the term New World Order, safe to say that ( we paraphrase)we wanted

- SA to be declared ungovernable...(so that)

- martial law ( would be) declared

-once that happens ( SA is declared ungovernable) SSA would take over- i.e Military rule ( MR)be in place temporarily

- MR would be followed by Elections

- Fundis had predicted that Conservative Party would win...

This statement or rather confession by Clive Derby Lewis in the 2016 interview, for what happened in and around 1991-1992 whilst CODESA is in cession already confirms for status that the entire CODESA was a farce at the least and a ploy to entrap the ANC into surrendering up armed struggle first and killing the ANC and organisation which is constituted by the membership body, hence the rush to go for elective conference before the ANC could even get an opportunity to build its formal structures inside the country now and go to Government Elections with solid structures as an organisation.

This validates the concerns and inferences which as student activists in the late eighties we had, having gathered intelligence...we drew conclusions as student bodies that :

- the unbanning of political organisations

- Talks about talks and the resultant CODESA itself announced by De klerk in 1989, was not done nor taken ingood faith but a plot/ploy to get militant MK leaders and ANC inside SA... Hani became a victim, we were proved right...our worst fear and nightmare became real.

Clive Derby Lewis in his evil cocky attitude of a real Nazi-German settler continues to justify their evil deeds as this network groups of World Apartheid , functioning under the Conservative Party umbrella name in 1992:

- We were :

- preventing the take over of our country by the " communists" in ANC... Derby Lewis is lying in a convincing way and still protecting the WACL and de klerk... He is telling a "white lie"... telling half truths here and there and deliberately leaving out the entire so as to misguide whosoever could be digging deeper. This in its essence is dis-information which is what Stratcom under SSA wing was trained at and assigned to do. Of cause Clive Lewis would know about disinformation and be goid at given his British Military Intelligence training by Colonel Charles Stallard,followed by a nineteen years service as British MI operative under Witwatersrand wing, where he worked with "Barbara Hogan" the imposter, also an underground British MI agent, deployed to Wits University ( on her account), .

4. We have established that the "Barbara Hogan " who claims to have been married to Ahmed Kathrada after 1990, if there ever was any such civil marriage, is actually an Imposter and a FAKE. Records show about six faces of a MRS. Barbara Hogan a UK citizen, and two other Barbara Hogans, who subsequently died ( or they killed those other two characters) over time as obituaries posted on the net suggest.

Our interest though is drawn to a scanned "Telegram" posted in Nairobi,filed by a worried Mrs Barbara Hogan repirting the disappearance of "her daughter Kathleen Hogan", In the Telegram Mrs Barbara Hogan does not give the authorities much to work on, to assist and the response from authorities also highlights this...(paraphrase) ...daughter Kathleen Logan is reported missing by mother Mrs Barbara Hogan after she went to pick up $125 Trust Fund check, she had stated she would go pass somewhere before catching a flight out of Nairobi... no further information is given by Mrs Barbara Hogan

- Then a Miss Barbara Hogan surfaces in SA out of nowhere... with on 1977 she starts living and joining a banned non existing ANC she would not have met anywhere as a "white-left" priviledged "Benoni -born"(questionable) supposedly to have schooled at St Dominicks which is a catholic school in BOKSBURG, a staunch base of Conservative Party (CP)...There is just no way even if this account by "Miss Barbara Hogan" was true,she coukd not have been a student at St Dominics which had always been a boarding school in a "verkrampte" CP town like Cullinan and the likes of Bronkhorstspruit, that out of such an institution there would come a "white-leftist", that is an anti-apartheid activist, who would almost immediately join "ANC"... but as it turns out the fake Barbara Hogan soon gives in to this piece of lie... she then tries to white wash it by saying " I never really joined - SIGNED UP to ANC, nor carried its membership card ( as ANC members inside the country and during CODESA once it was "legal" one would have to formally join the ANC and be issued with a Membership card, which any of us considered prestige and priviledge hence the term "Card Caring Member"

- I trained Derek Hanekom... this is what imposter Barbara Hogan says at the inquest... a very important revelation... which Barbara Hogan in her either arrogance or stupidity gives away..

- What exactly would a Catholic school border student, trained Derek Hanekom who we know was a member of the Apartheid Security forces operating under SSA and CCB( Civil Cooperation Burea)

5. - We know from records that Derek Hanekom is one of the racist settlers that left Zimbabwe, after Ian Smith 's regime collapsed and along with many other "white-lefties" crossed the border to the neighbouring South Africa to be welcomed by apartheid government and housed under places like Bronkhorstspruit, Pretoria East, Kempton Park , and Boksburg -Benoni areas. The majority of them are English speaking with UK-England and Ireland and their origin... They detest Zimbabwe and Mugabe and despite the many years of their founding new homes and new marriages to Afrikaans speaking husbands , they have never gotten over whatever haven they used to enjoy under Rhodesia's Ian Smith regime,hence their unflinching detest of President Mugabe and everything he stood for and Indigenous Afrika Natives in general.

- That Derek Hanekom arrived in South Africa as a fugitive,and left behind his wife to be incarcerated and served prison sentence in Zimbabwe, she and Derek Hanekom her husband had been charged of same offences related to spying activities, which Derek successfully escaped and retreated to South Africa to become part of the SSA structures, which would be where he re-united with fake Barbara Hogan...

That "I trained Derek Hanekom..." cited by Barbara in her statement of lies at the Inquest could thus be reference to her orientating Derek Hanekom about the new station and territory within the new base of their WACL -British MI operations under SSA wing now...Otherwise by her own admission of "never really signed up or becoming ANC member"..."Barbara Hogan" invalidates the "I trained Hanekom in ANC", ... Simple logic suggests that one can never train anybody or anything on something you have never been part of ,nor gotten involved in first hand... simple truth maybe that Barbara meant that " I became Derek Hanekom's handler", which is what explains the attachment and controlthat derek hanekom has on the now infamous "Ahmed Kathrada Foundation which has and continues to be a Conservative Party/WACL disguise and platform for furthering this Worl-Wide web of World Apartheid that has existed for years

6. Miss "Barbara Hogan" in 2018 is stated to have a NET WORTH OF $1.25 million dollars and also classified as ONE OF THE TOP 100 ( Hundred) MOST POWERFUL IN THE WORLD in 2018.... Where does Barbara Hogan derives this POWER from??? when she is not even in the NEC of the ANC and even when the late Ahmad Kathrada was alive and active in ANC and government , Ahmed Kathrada himself never commanded such power, so Barbara Hogan has not gotten it through or by association with Ahmed Kathrada by "marriage", How did Barbara acquire this power and "world-wide" recognition in 2018/19 ,when she is no longer a Minister in the ANC led government since 2010, when she was recalled or replaced by President Zuma?

Suddenly Barbara is wealthly and powerful,surely she must have been remunerated for a job well-done, cracking the ANC as we knew and refered to in the 80s and delivering what no other man and agent would deliver even De Klerk himself with all his apartheid orientation, upbringing and preparing, augmented by his French DNA which he disputes and mis-state as Dutch origin ,topped by all the money and power he had a the apartheid regime president ,could not defeat MK-ANC operatives let alone delivering Chris Hani's head in the literal sense, as she did ..." I

compiled the list of the ANC people ( I worked with) ... Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Mozambique, Swaziland ( which is where I would go for debriefing in the beginning...)...Dr. Neil Agget's name was in that list with several others... ( Barbara at Inquest 2019...)

THE LIST: Rewind back to 10 April 1993... Max Du Preez a Stratcom member in the eighties and up until now who has always been deployed within SAUK-SABC covering the assassination of Chris Hani or rather the subsequent arrest of Clive Derby-Lewis about a week later... says ...( paraphrase) ...The list where Hani's name has always surfaced as "enemies of the state that must be said to have been compiled by Clive Derby Lewis's wife..."

1993: During this time Gaye Derby Lewis is Clive Derby Lewis's wife... but what we did not know and is not mentioned then by Max Du Preez' recited script (which is similar to the script one other ENCA journalist was made to recite recently in 2019 after the #GavinWatson staged car accident "murder scene",) is that Gaye Derby Lewis was Clive's second wife, in the records and very detailed nothing is mentioned about his first wife, who she was, her parents and so on except that Clive had children with the first wife,and no children are mentioned with regards to the second wife Gaye...

- We establish that Barbara Hogan and Clive Derby Lewis had known each other through SSA and British MI wing WACL-Wits which Clive served for 19 years - Cyril Ramaphosa , Barbara Hogan and Clive Derby Lewis ,have 1977 as the year they seem to have surfaced out of nowhere to become Wits students, and be active in Student politics in Soweto even though they are not there physically and despite the fact this is the time when most of Soweto based students and student leaders countrywide were leaving the country to join the struggle in exile yet Cyril and Derby headed straight to Soweto ater '76 events and the killing of Steve Biko in exactly 1977, yet cyril and Barbara "survived the SSA hostility as they have always lead people to believe in their lies and recited made-up Struggle credentials...

-that have all been having ties with this British Military Intelligence which Clive Derby in his interview explains it quite well when Afriforum ask him about the Medal that is seen in his collection of photos receiving from a British MI Colonel Charles Stallard, whom Clive admits openly that he was his handler and recruiter to the in the MI under Witwatersrand wing... Various reports and postings surfacing from wikileaks, from CIA and British MI records have already confirmed that Cyril Ramaphosa, Matthew Phosa, Tokyo Sexwale , Danny Jordan amongst others were and/or still are Britsh MI agents

- That De Klerk has an indian ancestor in his blood line from the late 1600s... Who is De Klerk 's Indian ancestor?

-Is it The Kathrada?If it is that would explain the sudden arranged "marriage"of Barbara to Ahmed Kathrada to get close proximity perhaps to the inner ANC which has now started coming back,which proximity could only be accessed through Kathrada and Mbeki Thabo who are said to have been one of the two Top leaders very close to President Zuma. So to get close to Zuma the door is through Kathrada..

- Which brings us back to the "marriage" in 1990-91; We know from the Mandela that got released from Victor Voster prison in February 1990 that the Apartheid UDF project gang lead by cyril ramaphosa , george bizos, sydney mufamadi and popo molefe became the master-mind that orchestrated that divorce from Mama Winnie, and subsequently mandated themselves the task of shortlisting a parade of the supposedly third Mrs mandela that would take mama Winnie's place: amongst the short listed were:

(a) Fren Ginwala

(b) Bridgete Radebe

(c) Graca Machel who ended up getting the mandela trophy

Seemingly as it turns out now the mandela-machel marriage arrangement was not the only match making this group was doing,the entire ANC as we knew it was encircled, Kathrada was match made to fake Barbara, what was the catch? Was Kathrada a spy?If Not what did the MI and/or De Klerk have on Kathrada that he would break out of Indian traditions to "marry" Barbara an MI operative, If he ( Kathrada) was Britsh MI agent ,unbeknown to ANC as the rest of ( Cyril, Hanekom, Barbara) could this have been the ace used to get Kathrada to "marry" Barbara she would "have just met" in order to open this window and affording her access to the inner ANC circle without creating any suspicion, as this agents would now be regarded as "wives"? Marry her or we will tell your secret" could that have been threat made to Kathrada?

So the evil Worlwide network wins even at this earliest step in consolidating their plan; thy get to have their two most trusted students Graca Machel and "Barbara Hogan" to not only babysit two of the top prominent ANC leaders under the pretext of " new wife" but by so doing they would play hosts to very important secret and confidential Top ANC gatherings and be there to take notes of everything ensuring that the feedback given to securities is accurate to the latter, wow genius, meanwhile the ANC would be dismayed and kept suspecting one another when there are information leaks, break the trust amongst comrades especially those who have spent years and years together in the tranches, if you can manage to do that, gradually the morale of the organisation would be detrimentally affected, but also do that in such a way as to not allow these comrades time and space to breath or to have a moment of catching up and beginning to analyse the situation in a comradely manner as they used to do in exile hence the divide and rule strategy, which sees:

- Chris Hani "marooned in the Transkei" following withdrawal of his indemnity"

- Gwala bannished to Midlands

- Mam Winnie separated from " Madiba" and divorced in a rushed manner which even excluded the baThembu Nation

- President Zuma shipped to warring zone of Zululand hopefully with expectation that he would not survive the hostility of what was called " ANC-IFP" hostile killings which the judge Goldstone commission afterwards found indeed there was third force involvement....

Deklerk's hand and Indian ancestor ... to Continue..


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