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Whilst the devils alliance is pointing "corruption" finger at "StateCapture" where are the other4?

Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

Updated: Jan 14, 2020

Pravin Gordan and his deputies in crime have managed to divert everyone's attention away from what crimes,injustices and inhumane attrocities brought about by Slavery,colonisation and apartheid. His dulk and diving tactics since 2014 has up to now worked to keep him out of jail. It is not only his fronting, which the EFF termed "dog of WMC"that triggers our curiosity, but a whole lot of other players like the Democratic Alliance which portrays itself as "anti-corruption" buster yet its actions show the opposite.

The silence of the DA has been loud and very visible in instances where the pravin character allegations and findings relating to corruption,maladministration and even treason, have been exposed and brought to the public space. We ask the question,why?

Why would the DA an opposition party which has over the years,2008/9 in particular,grown its support and parliamentary representation using the "anti-corruption" ticket,decide to jump to the defence of an opposition Minister who is fingered in very serious criminal conduct and charges viz.

1. Illegal establishment and operation of the SARS ROGUE UNIT...

Fraudulent and illegal Pillay "Pension" payout apporoval

2. Illegal and irregular appointment of a Std 8 Ivan Pillay as SARS Commissioner

3. National Treasury IFMS Scandal...2017

4. Fraudulent qualification claims > pharmacist from an institution which did not exist at the time

5. The Public Protector findings that Pravin has lied in parliament... 2018

6. Now Eskom's historical Stage6 LOADSHEDDING and

7. looting of SOEs under different/various disguises with SAA having hastily and unilaterally "placed under Business Rescue" with,a BR practitioner appointed in less than a week,without National Assembly and the public in general including the stakeholders being given explanation,nor a transparent and legitimate process being followed before considering or implementing such a move.

This is the same SAA that has not tabled the Audited Financial Statements to parliament for the last two years under the board that is chaired by CR17 campaign "donors",yet, the concealing of Financial Statements or abscence thereof is not considered a matter of concern that should have required dismissal and dissolving of entire SAA board from the very first year this occured;

Further,:How did pravin unilaterally come to Business Rescue decision , when he is a deployee of the ruling party first, and a member of the executive( cabinet) appointed by the president of the republic without them knowing?

When they (ANCNEC ,president) became aware, how and why did they allow the throwing away of SAA which is basically the broad-day light looting of a Strategic State Asset,to continue unabated?

In the abscence of SAA Audited Financial Statements what informed pravin to come to this gross irregular Business Rescue decision?

These are some of the key questions and issues which should have been of concern and asked by the DA if it really was doing its job as a leader of the opposition in parliament,that claim is concerned about "corruption" as they claim,but they have not,instead they are bombarding the public with pravin praises and trying to convince the public of the good "corruption cleanout" job that pravin is doing.

We ask ourselves what is the definition of this "corruption" that pravin is doing "a wonderfull job cleaning..."

Is "corruption" the new term for BLACK in the "New Dawn" dispensation? Yes we ask so rhetorically because all evidence of what we see as pravin's achievements since he has been brought back to the cabinet, is the purging and firing of every Black CEO and qualified executives and replacing them with matricless indians and european males whose origins are traced back to either apartheid spy agencies or CR17-donor business organisations which have an interest in doing business with the same SOEs as suppliers and/or taking over a large stake of these SOEs when they are "privatised", as we have seen with Richard Branson's statement recently disclosing that he will take a large stake of SAA "when" its finally put on sale

8 . Should we take the DA as an accomplice in this whole looting of SOEs by virtue of their loud silence and in-action to save SOEs from WMC looting?

Is the DA WMC itself or a WMC project as some are suggesting?

In all fairness, we ought not to paint every member of the DA as an organisation with the same brush,but rather look at the key people who should have acted on the DA's behalf.

Who are those people. First who was pravin's equivalent from the opposition benches right from the time he became Minister of Finance,what is his profile, and what did he do? this points us to David Maynier ,who is now the Finance and Economic Development MEC in the Western Cape.

"David Maynier has served for the past ten years as a Member of the National Assembly in Parliament. 

During that time he (has )was a member or an alternate member of the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans, Joint Standing Committee in Defence, Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Standing

Committee on Appropriations and Standing Committee on Finance. "~~google-chrome

"This Maynier guy is misleading people.

GM has been closing plants world wide due to decline in sales."~~Woke Native He is protecting his WMC interests at Allan Gray ( an "Asset Management" company) which,like Steinhoff,is also havily indebted to PIC and controls a huge stake of both GEPF and Municipalities Pension Funds ,hence he ( Maynier) is so against RET. ~ANC CHILD

DA is not a political party but a WMC project~Woke Native

its a right wing that sits in parliament and in the Financial Sector Committee, David is a staunch anti-RET man, here we are showing you that his anti-RET stance is motivated by his conflict of interest and is also funded by WMC as indicated in his parly declaration under 8. Travel Sponsor for the very same trip where he blames RET for GMSA 's failure

Brenthurst Foundation is owned by the oppenheimers,where the "Mandela"that was released in 1990 started the secret meetings with oppenheimers where its alleged,ANC Economic policies were changed or rather doctored there to become the neoliberal policies that have resulted in the status quo>A Landless and Economically excluded and poor Indigenous Afrika people. These are meetings that are said to have started at Brenthurst and ended up being held at the DBSA offices in Midrand on sundays.

So if David Maynier is sponsored by Brenthurst Foundation,we therefore can safely conclude that he is on the pockets of WMC, either via the oppenheimers or george soros himself who we know is a funder of coupe' de' tats the world over, and our most recent coupe which was #RegimeChange agenda that we saw funded/sponsored through the so called NGOs and organised under the DA banner in protest of the firing of pravin who was the Finance Minister at the time,whilst Maynier was the DA's Parliament Shadow Minister. This answers one of the questions> why would the DA (through Maynier) choose to come to the defence of pravin when he is fired for "regime change" allegations that were never cited as reason by the President at the time,as pravin claimed whilst waving a bogus document to journalists at his media briefing... It is now clear that there was indeed a #RegimeChange agenda driven by the West and indeed that agenda had only one goal viz. To Capture the State, David Maynier was in on that Regime Change agenda.

1. how far and to what extent is and was David Maynier involved?

2. Was Maynier aware of what he was driving or was he manipulated to believe that he was fighting an anti-Zuma "corruption"?

3. If he was manipulated, then at what stage did he become aware of it and why did he not report the treason that was being plotted?

4. When and how did Maynier an ordinary MP acquire a stake at Allan Gray, whilst at the same time sitting in a Finance Sector Transformation Committee which was opposed to transformation of that sector and which did everything it could in 2017 to ensure that a Black Bank and/or State Bank do not see the light of the day?

We would remember the scuffle between members of Black First Land First and some members of that committee in 2017,not to mention the unfair and appalling treatment Black formations, Organisations and individuals who went to parliament to make representations advocating for FS transformation, and the ridicule and other forms of sabotage they have been subjected to afterwards. Some of us have first hand experience of that sabotage,even though we may not have been man-handled in the same manner as BLF members were,but the sabotage we know, we have experienced it to the extent of having our bank accounts rigged and frozen by the very same "big 4" monopolies in the banking sector who are opposed to Transformation. Perhaps we should have known then that the very same committee members we were making presentations to were the enemy or agents of the enemy,David Maynier being one of them, a double agent to be more specific, we would have tried a different approach,strategy or any other plans or would have taken a different approach in the manner in which we approached the committee, just to ensure the FST goal was achieved,we did'nt know then what we know now and keep uncovering as we dig.

Now Maynier is MEC of Finance and Economic Development in the Western Cape, to do what exactly? implement and oversee the recolonisation project he has been part of whilst disguising as an MP?

The State indeed is captured for real, but the Zondo Commission is not looking or digging at the right place, and Natives are sleeping but not for long.

Who else in the DA is complicit to the Regime Change which captured National Assembly?....Continuing


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