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ReDEFINING THE RULES OF Economic Game...Here To Stay dont be like a Dinosaur

Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

Looking at the global market trends in the past eight weeks or so it is undoubtedly clear that the 4th Industrial Revolution has arrived and is here to stay. Surprisingly the driving force is perhaps what most people would probably have not anticipated viz. Technology and it is right at palm of our hands even though some of us do not realize it,the questions that come to mind is

  1. how well prepared is the society for this rather rapidly changing Economic Rules,game,players and all?

  2. Could there have been a better way to prepare the society for the NEW Economic game plan?

  3. Whose role and/or responsibility is it to prepare the people is it a sole responsibility of the political leaders and/or society leaders in general?

  4. In a society where everybody knows everything when in actual fact the madames and messengers "know it all" have zero knowledge of anything even with their "model c's" and private schools'grammatically incorrect english mimicking accents where does one begin to educate or open the eyes of the blind (though with open eyes).

Perhaps these and many more questions should be left for some other day or for those people who have an appetite for endless debates and debating everything without any resultant Action Plan that is actionable and actioned, what would be referred to as "UmzaNxele" in Nguni languages.

Back to the topic of Re-Defining The Economic Game,Standard 8(Eight) Economic syllabus (for those of us who grew up and study Economics from High School), taught us of the Four Factors of Production viz. land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. The first factor of production is land, but this includes any natural resource used to produce goods and services. This includes not just land, but anything that comes from the land.

Technology is not included in these four main factors perhaps it is simply cluttered or rather Incorporated in and within Entrepreunership considering that the penning of Economics as a Subject to be studied was done centuries ago even before the 1652s "discovered the Cape" and considering that the socalled "forefathers of Economics" died centuries ago even before the First Industrial Revolution which is why I personally believe the time for Revisiting and re-writing of Economics as a subject is long overdue,the Academics should have come up with relevant literature on the subject decades ago if they were not overly occupied with posing as "political analysts /Intellectuals"when in actual fact their Agenda is to drive racial and societal divides amongst Nations all to please their colonialists masters who converge in davos annually to evaluate the progress status of their New World Order agenda and give their puppets new instructions to accellerate their evil plans. Technology has clearly taken not only Labour Union Federations by surprise which have as their arguably concern,the replacement of manual labour with robots, it does provoke and upset to most Business Industries and executives who probably have not done a proper Strategic Vision for the organisations they are responsible to lead well into the future with proper Business Strategies,one wonders though how could these self-proclaimed "Leader/Industrialists/Entrepreneurs and Executives" have missed or failed to come up with proper Strategies and Visions that would ensure their organisations are not negatively impacted by the Rapid Economic Changes brought about by the 4IR? Where were they sleeping when all the signs and symptoms were there? What is it that these glorified office executives doing in their so called "Strategic " Breakaways and Bosberaads if not just pretending to play golf they dont know and show off their new BMW machines or Harley Davidson toys they acquired?

The truth is its not only Blue Collar class that is affected,infact Artificial Intelligence is less of a threat to blue collars than it is to "middle class" with their expired and outdated knowledge,they are the first casualties of the 4IR and the shame is they did not see this coming which is probably why they become uncontrollably upset at the mention of the word "Crypto" or "Bitcoin" especially now that they have realised that their failed trick of bad-mouthing and critizing everything "CRYPTO" is just that, a failed and "tired" trick . This kind of behaviour or reaction rather is quite disappointing and unexpected especially coming from those who aspire to be leaders in society and fail not to blub a lot of nothing in the presence of societal leaders whom they think will take notice of them and present them with Corporate positions in state owned entities,somebody please tell these JctJs thats not the way to impress organic intelligent leaders our True African people Liberators are naturally Intelligent with Foresight and Wisdom they cannot and will not be fooled by fake english accents thats not how politicking is done. Before you roll your eyes again about "politics" and "Economy" topic, let me give you a free lecture from Economics 101, Economics and Politics are siamese twins,they are inter-dependent and inseparable one cannot talk of politics as an island and live Economics in another island,even Adam Kock knew that and your Karl Marks(Max) you so fondly like to quote knew it so should you if you call yourself a politician and/or aspire to be a leader in society otherwise you are bound to lead the Nation to doom if at this day and age of Information age ( TECHNOLOGY) you you do not know the Basic things and aspects about the Economy yet you mimick Radical Economic Transformation and 4IR from dusk to dawn yet fail to grasp a simple truth and fact that "CRYPTO" is an ECONOMIC FACTOR of Production ( under CAPITAL)and it replaces MONEY as we know it, infact CRYPTO falls in two or even three categories within the Production factor viz.

(a)Land ( including minerals under the land)as most Crypto Miners are backing their Crypto with real GOLD COINS not just logarithms stored in a big server room,

(b) Capital: MONEY, paper money is out, Crypto is IN and it stays where we like it or not,me and you can argue about this for probably decades but arguments wont change the truth

(c) Entrepreneurship, if entrepreneuship is the ability to come up with creative ideas that always question the status quo/way of doing things and seek to always come up with new and improved ways of doing things and Solutions, I would say Technology has outdone itself and ought to be given ten out of ten if a performance evaluation score is to be assigned. Why am I saying this? One Word AIFA. Artificial Intelligence loaded in a "robot" which completely and abruptly boots out the self proclaimed middle-men who have long been posing as "brokers" in the Forex Trading Industries whilst gatekeeping and shutting out the vast majority of not only Indigenous Afrika people but mostly ensuring that only less than one percent of the population the world over get to be active participants in the Economy from the Stock Securities Markets to Minerals Mining.

Now with AIFA everybody and anybody who is willing and open to changes,can cease to become a spectator in the Economy and be a player in the Economic game,there is no limit to what one can achieve that my dear Afrikan people is what the 4th Industrial Revolution entails and that is the essence of Economic Transformation, and the word TRANSFORM in essence mean TOTAL CHANGE/TURN AROUND and for that to happen there has got to be an accepted level of FLEXIBILITY, you cant turn a screw if it is rusted, you dimply root it out and replace it with a new modern one or alternative and that analogy of a screw equally applies to Economic Transformation. and lastly whilst we are still on the subject of Transformation another important feature thereof is Adaptability and Willingness to Learn,this is what they call in the Masters class "A Learning Organisation", simply and bluntly put in a street language adapt to change by ensuring that you always keep abreast of developments in and around your territory and area of interests ( which in this case is the ECONOMY) or be like a Dinnosaure, Now Im sure your pre-school toddler can best narrate to you the story of a Dinnosaure.

In conclusion my dear Afrikan brother, I humbly advise you to take wale up and catch up,times have changed, The Economy has changed if you take another nap day you may find yourself left out of this new Economic Game completely and unable to catch up with this rocking boat. It is no longer a question of how/what or when will the 4IR come,it is here with us throughout the World and its taken different forms,shapes and aspects which in the end all tie up and their CONGRUENCY is fascinating.

"VukaDarkie uzosala, sukuma emaqandeni abolileyo ixesha lisavuma

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