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Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu


Al Jazeera is in Zimbabwe on a mission as instructed by AMERICA’s CIA to cause chaos, Infact this is the very same hostile takeover and heist they masterminded and performed in Libya, after they successfully orchestrated “Arab Spring “ which we now know that they are just a wing , a Stratcom of Pentagon in their mission to Americanise Africa for the exploitation of Afrika’s Mineral Resources, Labour, Capital and Intellect.

In actual fact America is after Africa’s GOLD (as first prize) and all the other Mineral Resources for control now that they are losing their hold on OIL and the USD is heading for a total collapse, meaning an end to the American/UK partnership empire which has been built on nothing but the biggest THEFT of Africa’s GOLD and Asia’s OIL. The SADC is proving to be the CIA's Target GATEWAY for PROJECT-AFRIKA RE-COLINISATION and New World Order Agenda if one scrutinise the events that have been taking place since 2016-2017 to date and the most obvious recent after the busting of the non-existant " COVID19" SCAM of the Century, the Simulated and manufactured "STATISTICS" ,Replays and recycling of Zelensky's last Movie VIDEO CLIPS for the so called "WAR IN UKRAINE" and most recently the recapitulation of " BLACK ON BLACK" KILLINGS through #OperationDudula, #ZamazamasInTheWestRand #ConstructionMafias "HEADLINES" in KZN, "ILLICIT GOLD TRADING" in Zimbabwe back to " GOLD MAFIAS" in the crime scene called SA all of this in just a couple of weeks or days mhhhhh, "PUMP THEM WITH TOO MUCH INFORMATION TO CONFUSE THEM AND/OR GET THEM DISSUADED FROM THE REAL CAUSE..." this is the same old strategy the SYSTEM is recycling and improving with technology as an effective and willing tool of course

Here’s how they are screwing their prey

1. Get the actors willing to act in their simulated videos/movies that demonstrate a “crisis”/revolution/crime , through their in-house “Al-Jazeera” “station”/ provide the generated simulations to locally CAPTURED broadcast instruments like SABC in SA case, Twitter which is now Elon Musk owned ( Elon Musk by the way is the new Bill Gates made by America who its claimed he is among the top richest through his “electrical cars with no MARKET SHARE, it’s like a Patrice Motsepe case, story for another day); Sponsored Tiktok video clips that just go viral and get taken down after a few days just to try convince people “its an independent report by a supposedly eyewitness” … ,WhatsApp groups of STRICTLY PROPAGANDA many of these groups target group admins mostly unsuspecting and without their consent they get added to the STRATCOM-PROPAGANDA groups wherein the PROPAGANDA material is posted as “SCOOP”/HOT/Happening Now, the trick though is to get the naive inexperienced broadcasters to disseminate the propaganda mats without realising it and mostly thinking that they are warning people WITHOUT FACT-CHECKING/Verification of Authenticity of the mats …

2. Then there’s “Twitter Bots” whose status has been elevated to “first to flight journalists “ with zero journalism skills/experience, theirs is to generate a big enough “following” and just plant MANUFACTURED “rumours” and boom the twitter trolls retweet and make screenshots that then get disseminated to other SM platforms and there the MYTH & PROPAGANDA is just taken and swallowed as gospel truth without any questions nor EVIDENCE provided, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED > “Keep them busy with SOMETHING/ANYTHING so that they do not focus on the REAL CAUSE , that will buy time for the 1%iles to figure out the next move to fix the mess (MAKE IT GO AWAY),Counter the MOVE/devise DEFENCE or strategy to launch the next “crisis” that will give some justification for implementation of “STATE OF EMERGENCY” rules… bluh bluh bluh…

3. Then there is the trusted army of FACEBOOK "journalists" whose mission is nothing but to spread PROPAGANDA of LIES LIES AND LIES adding to the army prefects of haling INSULTS to the "UNWANTED" people like Jacob Zuma and whosoever tries to place and defend the truth,infact the little said by FACEBOOK the better as it is a well-known truth that it ceased to be what it used to be since it was bought or taken over by the luciferians some years back.

4. Then there is the well known CAPTURED SABC which has turned out to be on a puppet string controlled by CIA-ALJAZEERA with no regard anymore about the Broadcasting Act and Standards,that coming as no surprise considering the sudden ( since 2017 Nasrec Heist) elevation of the beauty faced-presentors in to "JOURNALISTS" and not to live out Disc-Jockeys to "Talk-show" Hosts on matters of National Interests whilst these same ( influencers as they proudly regard themselves) have nothing constructive to add/give neither do they have knowledge nor qualifications in the Political,Economic, Financial,Health and any/all fields they talk about in their "shows", all they have to do is simply show up in their sponsored design suits,overdone makeup and attitude ,then follow the Rupert-CIA script without questioning a thing. Journalism has gone to the dogs no doubt about that ,but what is alarmingly concerning is it taking the entire Nation and Nations of the World to the luciferians pit along with all in the name of "In the interest of the public..."

On the positive side one can take solace and comfort to the fact that at least there are still some awoke and sober Patriots out there who are bold and able to take these organised crime syndicates and propagandists by their luciferian serpent tail and expose and squash their lies before any bloody damage :


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