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Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

A packet of seeds like this,could be whats standing between human life and death by starvation, take action now .


Yiya embovaneni vilandini...let us not be lazy,leave the sofa and television and go plant a seed in the garden, fields and everywhere ,every piece of soil must be planted and not be left idle. Take out the flowers and lawns and replace these with food seeds.

Dont ask what will happen if you do not heed this call and warning, dont ask why is "the government" not giving you the warning and lastly do not be a doubting thomas- okholwa ngokubona, this is not the time for that now anymore, there is great famine that is coming within this next three months, and the target is the poor and BLACK communities, this is part of "DE-POPULATION" programme which is aimed at halving the population size of Afrika people, governments are part of it and have infact been captured by the luciferians, most of the civil servants are not aware of the consequences of their actions as they continue to play a public relations role in this entire " lockdown" fiasco. The truth is the lockdown only targets the public this is so that people do not meet and start protesting against this biggest CAPTURE OF THE STATES by the luciferians. Their final nail on the coffin would be to FORCE people to worship the satanists through STARVATION. When there is no more food in the shops or markets even for those that have money to pay/buy, people will be forced to take the mark of the beast first before they can be given food. This is part of the luciferians's New World Order plan and strategies to launch the satanic antichrist one world.

Do not be a doubting thomas now,get out of the couche/bed let us do what we can to prevent the inhumane and demonic catastrophy,we do not want see people eating other people because of famine and we do not have much time left. Plant a seed today please,and please also tell your neighbours and family whereever they are to start a food garden that should be producing harvest within the next two to three months. Make sure its organic seeds that you plant,and let every home especially in rural areas ensure you produce your own eggs, milk and meat, dont eat the eggs use them to hatch more chicks the entire Nation might depend on you to save the population from STARVATION in the next two-three months.


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