LIES AND MORE LIES LIKE THE "Khwezi Book Of LIES" signed by Redi Direko,The Deadly Weapon Used by The Evil Enemy To kill Indigenous Afrika Nation...

Earlier This afternoon I received a call from an unidentified caller,well because my True Caller Identifier was switched off,nevertheless I answered the call because its coming through to my official business number and being in the Media sector I appreciate and understand the necessity of concealing and protecting the identity of whistleblowers and sources of otherwise sensitive information.
The caller,starts by asking if I am ok-meaning well and safe and then explains the cause of her concern. She informs me that Redi Direko has posted a thesis about KhayaN Media and Publications which she claims to be a case she and Webber Wentzel have filed and won against our Media Company. The details given are fussy as the caller herself is worried about my safety as an individual,which I immediately assure her that I personally am safe and under no threat whatsover there is nothing to worry about.
I now respond to the other question posed with regards to @media_khayan twitter handle NON-ACTIVITY:
1. It is true that our twitter handle has NOT been active since sometime early in February stemming from a "SUSPENSION" by "twitter" which supposedly was imposed stemming from our twitter comment made on Simon's Time Line... In our comment we stated that Hellen Zille should first go and apologise to Ntate Credo Muthwa for the LIES she told about him whilst mascarading as a journalist,which LIES lead to the brutal maiming,rape and murder of innocent people, Ntate Credi Mutwa's wife being the victim who paid the ultimate price for Hellen Zille's lies. shortly thereafter our account was suspended citing that comment as against twitter "rules". Subsequent to that FACELESS "twitter" has sent us several messages "DEMANDING" that we:
(a) Take Down the twitt
(b) apologise through another twitt about posting
We have categorically REFUSED to do both of these silly racist demands and told "twitter" in no uncertain terms where to go and shove their "twitter rules" and platform for that matter, in hell where jan van riebeeck msunery is roasting.
We have since made a conscious decision to not associate ourselves with Twitter RACIST platform anymore,not only because of suspension but also as part of ensuring that we use every avenue at our power and disposal to sanction and boycott every tool used by the imperialist enemy in advancing the oppression and enslavement of Indigenous Afrika People in general and Afrika Continent in particular.
The Media industry in its entirety and Social Media Platforms-Twitter in particular has over the years from 2016 been targeted/infiltrated and made a tool by the West Imperialist to propagate, LIES, Dis-Information and the most evil propaganda,character assassination and even as a soft pad to hatch coupe'de'tat against Legitimate and Democratically Elected Presidents in Afrika countries who refuse to bow down to London, the CIA, and evil-worshipers calling themselves "freemasons and illuminates", we in Azania situated south of Afrika know that for sure,we bled when not so long ago our Father in the Struggle for Liberation of Afrikan Child, HE.President Zuma was toppled by these evil forces in 2018, we saw how they plotted and bragged in Social Media platform through the twitter handles of their agents, we saw the lies the likes of Redi Direko,Palesa Morudu, Pierre Vos, Nombasa Gasa,Thuli Madonsela and many others who sided with the enemy against our very own brothers and sisters,parents and leaders of society, and we witnessed it all hurting and disgusting as it was and continues to be.
When all and most of the evil that transpired after the popula "soft coupe's" KhayaN Media was not incorporated then,there was not even a plan at that stage to establish a media house. The decision to incorporate was accellerated by and large by political reasons,blockages and censoring of information and any literature which sort to expose the truth and secrets of the dark forces,more than it being a business decision. It was on this basis then that once we had incorporated to ensure that we fight against the aforementioned issues in the Media Sector we should then make it our Mission literally and explicitly so state in our Business Plan as Mission and Objectives to be an
1. Unapologetically Pro-BLACK
2. PRO-Indigenous Afrika
5. Advancement and Realisation of Afrika Agenda.
We have Since launched and went into operations in December of 2020,forcefully so after I personally survived a "Gavin Watson" like attempt on my life,simply because of the stance I have made and vowed to stand up for the Truth and expose satan and his agents who willingly sell their souls to the devil and keep selling out Afrikan people to the evil west highest bidders for crumbs.
Since our launch and even from our pre-launch testing articles that we have published we have NOT disappointed, our readers and Afrika people agenda. We have not only exposed the evil because its not the "scoops" that we are after,we Dig beneath what is "reported" dicept the evil reptile and sift out the REAL TRUTH. We have exposed and proved beyond doubt the following amongst others:
1. The Captured Judiciary: Judges,NPA, Lawyers
2. Captured politicians, sellouts, Apartheid agents
3. De Klerk and apartheid looting, crimes and most importantly the "secret"society web,
4. Pravin gordan is an indian in the mafia syndicate and we consider him a small fish in the pond,besides our brothers in the EFF are doing a great job pealing him off "like an onion", hence we have not made him our focus, but we rather go for the big fish pravin and de klerk's handlers,
5. We exposed in detail how de klerk has even sold out the "afrikaner broederbond" and why it was easy for him to do so,being an imbecile of the French and Indian whilst claiming a "german-dutch" national origin on the official papers:
All this information and more is contained in
◦ a book penned and 1st published in 2018... Titled THE REAL STATE OF MZANTSI CAPTURE...Zeeemkinkomo Magwalandini!!! now available through our ONLINE SHOP on the website;
◦ morethan 45 investigative analysed articles available on our website under respectiv columns: which we have offered to public for free a more than three months. Our work speak for itself and we leave it up to the public to judge us on the basis of our work if there is any judgement to be done by the public,through or as a consequence of the "Court of Public Opinion" which Redi Direko has certainly opened and is leading through the LIES and attacks she is now propagating ( as I have been told) through what she has twitted/posted and is spewing lies against KhayaN Media and Publications.
2. In Response to the "case/trial" whatever Redi is talking about: It is our official response as KhayN Media and Publications that:
(a) We have no knowledge of the claims/case/trial that Redi Direko-Thlabe is talking about
(b) We have NOT been taken to any court of law by Redi Direko-Thlabi or his representatives "Webber Wentzel" as I am told
(c) KhayaN Media and Publications as an organisation has NOT received any summons nor do we have any knowledge of any allegations labelled against KhayaN Media,for what reason by Redi or his "lawyers"
3. As an organisation KhayaN Media would therefore not grace Redi-Direko-Thlabi and/or her so called lawyers any decent or official response, suffice to say that :
◦ WE ARE NOT IN THE BUSINESS OF PEDDLING LIES, GOSSIP AND/OR "HE SAY,SHE SAYS"... HOWEVER IT IS NOT OUR DUTY NOR IN OUR INTEREST TO STOP REDI THLABI FROM ENGAGING IN SUCH GOSSIP AND LIES, She must continue to do so if that is what make her happy and a lullaby that sends her to a peaceful sleep.
◦ It would not be fair and would be uncivil of us not to thank Redi-Direko for the free publication and promotion she has given to this Media house,through her tweets which were aimed at nothing but destroying another BLACK MEDIA INITIATIVE, your evil agenda Redi has infact achieved the opposite.
Lastly and as a reminder we extend once again an invitation to Indigenous Afrika People to not take our word for what we say we are doing, have done and will continue doing to serve the interests and realisation of Afrika Agenda : but judje for yourself ,read our articles via Wix APP on your mobile phone,as we have taken a decision never to return to twitter ever again: or via our website , downloading the WIX APP which is free,enable you to get immediate notifications whenever there is an article or post that has been just dropped, and you can engage with the rest of members in the same way as with racist-WMC-twitter, BUT here its a very calm and friendly environment with like minded people that share same patriotic interests about me and you as a BLACK CHILD IN OUR FATHERLAND-AFRIKA!
~Inkosazana yabaThembu~
Further I now publish the Accident photos from "accident scene" on October 19th 2019; near the ERPM Golf Course in BOKSBURG. I have only shared some of the photos with close associates to avoid creating panic to fellow RET-Warriors, and that was before I locked myself in the sanctuary with my Father,Jehovah Ralphs,Raphik,Pappa Adonai, I am now completely healed and out of danger and I give all The Glory and Might to The One and Only God,my Creator, The Most High God, El Elyon ,my El Chai for being who He Is , Was and Will Always Be; Yeshua Hamashiya Jesus of Nazareth ,He who was Word ,that Was in God, That was God and that Became Flesh ,lived amongst His people, gave Himself to the enemy to put Him on the cross,so He could nail all Our sins, transgressions, and all in the cross and defeat death itself leaving lucifer with no other weapon. I give all praise and Glory to my Father who loves me unconditionally and stays True to Covenant He made with my Forefathers and The Word He has given me and continues to do so in fullfilling His Word.
