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IAm Daughter Of Zion,Washed In The Blood Of Jesus,Royalty,King and Proud To Host Jesus My Lord In Me

Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

Our Weapons Are NOT canal,But They Are Mighty In The Holy Ghost...PUSH Kingdom Warriors🙌🏼

Ive never been proud of my Kingship and calling in The Kingdom like I am right now and have been since last Friday when Pastor Chris made those declarations on behalf of The Church Body of Christ-Jesus,my Lord, he "ironed" me. Just listen to this👇🏾 Treasure In The Field

My God knows how in the past two months I have been fighting a lonely battle with the luciferians on the social media platforms blocking punches from their minions by day and all thanks to my daddy for strengthning my gift of self-control and refusing to bring the battle to the physical realm whilst it is still being waged in the Spirit-realm.

satan is a conniving reptile creature that has not changed since the days of Eve at the garden,but the liar made a mistake by thinking that this Daughter of Zion is like any other woman that can be manipulated,intimidated or enticed with money or punished and subjected to suffering when the latter three do not work. whoa satan you need to tell your slaves the truth for once because here they go on mimicking lies and getting exposed daily with each lie and attack the poor mini-reptiles launch,little do they know that we,Kingdom warriors have crushed their evil prince infact we have arrested,bound ,paralysed and uprooted the strongman and put it on fire,burnt it to ashes NEVER to raise up against our Nations again, thats the nature and extent of the Spiritual warfare we've engaged on for quite sometime now moving from battle to battle and coming out victorious and getting wiser with each battle.

I personally do not know Pastor Chris and have never even been a member of his Christ Embassy Ministery until two weeks back when I came accross The Global Prayer service on You Tube, I call that "Divine Connection" because I was looking exactly for some prayer or message I could share to strengthen people up and Gracious Gloryous Father lead me to that and more,Jesus, He is so amazingly faithful. Talk of Him being able,to give ABUNDANTLY ABOVE what we ask or think of. On that particular friday I was worn-out physically myself as I had embarked on a Fasting and Prayer having embarked in a Spiritual Warfare for sometime since The Lord,Jehovah Adonai has revealed to me the conniving and evil agenda of luciferians,and so I did the only thing I know how,just like an eagle,I personally decided whoa this is the battle that Im not gonna fight here below but would dare the devil to join me up there lets settle this once and for all,I am The Daughter of Zion,washed in The Blood of Jesus my Brother,Friend,Teacher and Rabai,I dont blink and I know who Iam and whose I Am, The Righteous of My Father in Christ Jesus,I have no fear for man,not when I am Royalty, a natural man doesnt scare me infact I laugh when they gang up on me,and then I become sad because poor souls dont know that they are porns in the game of satan that has already been defeated and crushed but the deceiver doesnt tell the poor souls that its game over long ago.

This battle with the luciferians is very much personal for me, you do not mock my Father,steal His creation and hope to get away with all of that as if its another #NasrecHeist or what luciferians casually term "soft coupe'" and as if all of this isnt enough attempt to stage a coupe in Heaven against my Father and my Jesus ,what the nerve, using the "political" platform you have already infiltrated,as your launching-nest pad in the hope that The Church will not find out, newsflash satan,Politics is my middlename next to "Son of my Father in Heaven", you will not hide your evil agenda nor launch it via politics and African National Congresss. satan lose your grip now I command you lucifer in The Name of Jesus,get out African National Congress, Get Out of our parliament,Get out You are evicted ,take your deception,lying spirit and your maritine spirits and go you all to the lake of fire I command you in The Name of Jesus of Nazareth, Go .

A week or about a few days before the Global -Prayer Friday I had come accross Chief Justice Mogoeng-Mogeong 'video clip,asking The Church body to pray,so that was my first confirmation that something more need to be done on the ground with regards to conscietising and mobilizing The Church Body of Christ Jesus to stand up for our Master and defend Jesus'Church,so I started assembling a few people that I knew would not be heavy on my Spirit,I wanted to gather people who would not be asking questions but would simply blend in with the task at hand being able to discern things of the spirit world and taking up the armour of God,I was looking for the Ephesians, but seemingly I did not get

them from the crowd I had assembled hence I felt worn out,knowing that I cant just give up on my Father's people but at the same time the spiritual battle up there needs my undivided attention and as I had found myself asking my Father to take this war to the finish line once and for all,so me stumbling at Pastor Chris at the time I did made me like sing Hallelujah, Jesus, where have you been hiding this man- version of mine,cheeky, Bold,Non-Compromising and definitely not negotiating with the devil, doesnt beat around the bush ,seeks and speaks nothing else but the TRUTH and doesnt buy faces when it comes to Kingdom matters and unashamedly defends the Church,Jesus'Church regardlessof whatever attacks are unleashed by the lucis,I could have sworn this was me talking last friday,reading "the riot act" to the luciferians,Jesus Lord you are amazingly Gracious,Pastor Chris left me stunned,in a good way,can I be listening to myself in another body, but now I realise as I am writing the true meaning in "... One Bread..." though many but One Bread in The Body of Christ-Jesus. Many are those that are with us than the ones against us indeed,Lets keep pressing Kingdom Warriors, My Father's Sons we have all been called for a time like this.

The undeniable Truth,out of this "Lockdown",Christ Embassy did live up to its name,purpose and Vision, Pastor Chris Thank You very much for coming through for The Church of our Jesus,you really are Ambassadors of Christ-Jesus, and represented the TRUTH Boldly at a time when most "Man of God" chose to sit on the fence and be politically correct and instead of standing up for the Truth and Liberation of The Church,they chose to be paddlers of "Stay at home-and -comply..." "coronavirus" lies,Judas Iscariots have multiplied no surprise though as it was to be expected from people of roman catholic religionand their other fellow theology professions groupings under the SACC religion spirit.

The biggest surprise though is the missing in action and loud silence of prestigious "supernaturals",most of which have over the years built state of the art centres and brag about their ability to activate "supernatural", without naming and shaming these commercial opportunists who are no different from the jews and traders that our Jesus rebuked and turned their tables upside down,chastised them for turning a place of worship...My Father's place you have turned it into a market place, this lockdown has clearly separated between the True Sons of God and False Teachers/Prophets if not exposing those that Jesus tells us about when He says,Many will say ,we did heal and cast demons in your name,and I will say ,I have ( do not) Not known you, surely these charismatic "supernaturals" that are missing in-action are the ones that see nothing but business in "ministry" and doing so under the pretence of church when in actual fact they mean a different "church" not The Church of Jesus,well at least now the bats have been exposed and they are going down with lucifer their prince of deception.

Inkosazana YabaThembu Greet you all at Christ Embassy with Love,in The Name That is above all names, Jesus ,Jesus Jesus!!! He is Lord of Lords,May The Lord God,Rock Of Our Salvation continue to Bless you,Equip and Quicken,and Strengthen You Pastor Chris,Son ofvmy Father,and your Team lets prepare his harvest and His flock before we embark of our "First Flight"... Amen



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