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Desperate Times for London's PrePaidPresident Cyril Ramaphosa as calls for his Removal Mount...

Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

The moment of Truth is slowly but surely drawing in and even Cyril Ramaphosa is realising that the lies and manipulation he has used to get into the highest office in the land have finally caught up with him and there is no amount of money that can save his lying sellout skin now,The Native are wide awake and will hear and listen to no more excuses and lies from him.

Last week African Transformation Movement ( ATM) tabled a No-Confidence-Motion against Ramaphosa and along with that they have tabled a requirement that the Bank Statements and all Information that shows who the "donors" of Cyril were prior and after Nasrec which Cyril instructed the DJP of the North Gauteng High Court to "SEAL", be released to National Assembly before voting on the Motion can take place. In the same week that ATM tabled the No-Confidence Motion, Cyril was embroiled in Court for hearing of his application,seeking the Court to have The Public Protector's Findings set aside. These are findings in a Public Protector Report released in 2019, wherein the PP found against Ramaphosa,

in a nutshell that:

1) Ramaphosa had lied in Parliament when he said that his son Andile Ramaphosa had received the payment of R500 000 from Bosasa in relation to consulting services he had rendered adding that he himself had scrutinised "the Contract at close range..."

2) There was possible money laundering in the CR17 campaign

3) Evidence before the Public Protector showed that Cyril Ramaphosa knew of/ and was personally involved in soliciting money/funds from the so called donors.

Of importance to note is that,Cyril in his letter to the Deputy Judge President to SEAL Bank Statement of his #CR17 campaign for ANC presidency,whilst he was Deputy President of both the country and ANC, he forwarded a peculiar reason that the Statements were "illegally obtained by the Public Protector", a reason which has since been proved to be another lie, which this time Cyril has told the Judge resulting in the request or rather instruction executed. The Financial Intelligence Agency then wrote to Court and Presidency saying refuting Cyril's statement and stating that,FIA office had infact and indeed provided the Bank Statements to the Public Protector office, in line with legal statutes, the Constitution and longstanding Working and Cooperation Agreements existing between the two offices. There is effectively no legal basis to keep the Donors Information contained in the #CR17BankStatement "SEALED" and the "subjudice" line cannot be applied either as the matter is now before the courts and all information filed pertaining to the matter must be made public as in all other cases, that is what the law determines over and above the fact that the very same Constitution which Cyril claims to have authored,says ALL MUST BE EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW.

Meanwhile the Red Battalions have pronounced on the fate of Cyril Ramaphosa and this time around they are not mincing their words,they have been very clear in saying that Cyril Must Go. This the EFF -through their leader Juju Malema,pronounced in an EFFPresser which Cyril Ramaphosa and Pravin Gordan 's WMC-Media houses decided not to broadcast live nor report about on Sunday. The Red Battalion articulately listed most of the issues the Nation is not happy about and did not shy away from the fact that it is indeed Cyril Ramaphosa and his white monopoly capitalist-Business associates who are actually corrupt and have captured the state whilst at the sametime pointing fingers at other people,and sidelining or removing every Black person that according to them seem to be standing in their way of looting State Assets.

Below Extract of #EFFPresser

All these developments from the opposition and Broad Civil Society happen at the back of Cyril having lost the backing and support within the ANC as an organisation itself. We will remember that Cyril was never an ANC member he was only parachuted into the organisation in the late 80s through the Oppenheimer owned union-NUM and bought himself a position of Secretary General in the ANC's first Elective Congress since unbanning. This has never sit well within the membership body which is the life-blood of the ANC but seemingly the leadership of Real ANC have been able to manage the situation and guarded against Cyril and his london colonialist masters damaging the organisation until they managed to bribe some people and bus non-anc members to get their prefect presidency in 2017. With everything in the open now,ANC members would listen to the lies no more, they want the london prefect out and they want him out as in yesterday:


The Legal Minds have also for the umpteenth time been consistent on the abuse of Legal Jargoon and State Resources specifically The Courts to fight political battles and hide their own Corruption under false pretences of "State Capture" which has no legal basis nor subscripe to the accurate definition of Capturing the State:

Video Clip From Legal Representative Advocate Skhakhane SC

With all these daily calls,pronouncements and developments that are against london-prefect aka PrePaidPresident as Cyril has come to be known of because of the Billion Rands bribes he and Pravin Gordan raised pre-and-post Nasrec, Cyril's propagandists are not getting rest,nor peace,they are fighting fires left right and centre and are not winning at all. They cannot win this last lap of the battle in the war,not against the millions of Landless Natives who are adamant that their only Goal is the Return of Ancestoral Land which is Key and First prize,if,Radical Economic Transformation and all other ANC Nasrec Resolutions are to be successfull in their Implementation,no more bribes, no more lies no more promises of "jobs".

The panick buttons in the cyril camp of sellouts and apartheid agents do not stop flickering the red lights and they cant hide it anymore,not when they have the likes of Khusela Diko who is said to be a "cupcake" of Ramaphosa,( an accusation which she has never refuted despite it having been made to her straight face by Black Twitterists several times) in her desperation of cooking lies, she tries to elevate the non-support of her boss,by making reference to a NON-Existing "Survey" by a non-existing organisation,claiming that " ...latest survey shows the president has 64 percent support..." what a blunder,she made delving on an Academic topic in an area she has no knowledge nor qualification. A question and rather request for Information we put on her,immediately exposed and disposed of her lies, and Black Twitta had a field day putting her where she belongs.

Extracts of Tweets on Timeline attached below;

Then comes Oscar Mabuyane,another Thumaminion,which presides in the Eastern Cape as Chairperson of the province,and Premier, despite the Elective Conference that elected him having been Nullified by the Ndebele Commission. Oscar sought to dictate to Members what should happen in the upcoming NGC,and doing so in a conniving,manipulative manner that is tantamount to abuse of office powers. He did not win on that corner either as The OR Tambo Region swiftly put him in his place. We copy and paste the correspondence that was forwarded to illegitimate Provincial Chair and Premier Oscar Mabuyane below as well:

Mama Action -Nomvula Mokonyane was not to be left out and miss-out on this Steam Engine that is fast becoming a Gautrain,when she wrote a message to another thumaminion Pule Mabe who is employed as ANC-NEC spokesperson,Pule wouldnt dare take Mama-Action on and he knows it:

MAMA ACTION- To Puleminion Mabe

"Goodevening Comrade Pule.

I saw the “NWC statement “. Pity it speaks on just but the NYTT in a manner that could have been crafted differently. Through you,the national spokesperson,we could have had more than one item as discussed in the NWC today,including on the health of Cde President JZ,alliance meeting,on coalitions including service delivery and the issues of the Kathrada foundations.

I called you just as an NWC member,raising my views with you and further showing you that indeed,the ANC had in 2013 through Cde Jackson,went to wish De Klerk well and even with the spirit of today’s meeting,you opted to just handpick the NYTT in an unfortunate manner.


Nomvula Mokonyane"


"10 February 2020

To Cde Oscar Mabuyane

Cc Cde Ace Magashule

Cde Thandie Mahambelahla

Cde Ntombikayise Mnyengeza

RE: Decision to Augment REC’s by the PTT/NYTT

Revolutionary greetings

The above matter bears reference

In your closing remarks in the recent ANC Lekgotla held at the East London ICC, it is said that the last message that you delivered was “Niyabonwa” this referred to the decision by the PTT and subsequent to that, the decision by the NYTT to place RTT’s in all regions whose term of office had lapsed and quickly help them to hold their congresses as this now is in line with ANC standards.

The same “Niyabonwa” slogan was chanted by yourself at the ANC 108 rally at Komnga, worse this time to ordinary members of the Movement and to branches,(the video clip is in circulation).

It is so embarrassing to even try to reason with you on the matter worse in this platform as your views on the subject matter are so misplaced from the real facts which you never bothered to familiarize yourself with.

It is so unfortunate that there is no platform for both the ANC and the ANCYL at provincial level where organizational issues are discussed except in regions where unfortunately you do not sit and therefore deprives you of the privilege as a person and as a Leader of this province to understand and to pay the necessary attention to detail on these critical organizational issues.

You have taken a very irresponsible attitude towards the youth of this province both of the ANC and that of society at large as your anti revolutionary adopted practice suppresses the twin tasks of the ANC YL.

It is your misconstrued understanding of the revolutionary relationship of the Youth of the ANC and the ANC itself that places everyone at the alter of the enemy as the Movement shall be found helpless,toothless and unarmed when the enemy decides to strike.

The Congress Movement shall be without the required energy to fight back.

Your attack on the Youth of the ANC in both these events bears nothing else but a cowardice attitude of a leader who takes to the streets an internal organizational matter only to source support on a matter that would be better heard and understood internally and in the worst case scenario an attitude that provokes anarchy.

Contrary to your canvassed views, the actions of both the PTT and NYTT are both organizational correct and responsible as there would be no justification and even capricious to act to the contrary.

It can’t be in this engagement where I make you understand what it means to be young in the Congress Movement and the acceptable behavior thereof, which your injudicious posture suggests you dismally fail to grasp.

This process which you condemn has for a greater and for the better part placed all young minds in this province to understand the importance of us all working together in both the ANC and in the ANC YL and to a larger extent in the ANC WL to which your imprudence suggests otherwise.

Your erratic behavior places you in the worst, the relationship between yourself and your recollection of events.

It is the ANC NEC that you served in that disbanded the ANC YL NEC in 2013 and placed all young people under the administration of Cde Mzwandile Masina.

It is the same ANC NEC that dissolved congress at the UJ campus in Soweto and placed the YL under “ la maxegwazana namaxego” of the ANC.

It is the same ANC NEC that you serving in that has again placed the ANC YL under “ la maxego namaxegwazana”

With what we understood to be organizational discipline, we complied with all those decisions as young people and in respect of the leadership directive provided to us by the ANC NEC.

It is the same PEC that you served in that took a decision in 2017 that the ANC YL must never participate in all internal organizational process.

Then the question is, who are you insulting if you not insulting the same ANC NEC and the NYTT because it can’t be the PTT.

I have for some time been circumspectly on you and your incautious attitude on organizational matters.

What would be your honest interest in the ANC YL and it’s national processes which happen to coincide with the processes of the ANC in province as you have completely rendered it useless in the internal affairs of the Movement.

The same ANC YL that was granted status to vote in 2017 ICC provincial conference which ordinarily meant to nullify the decision of the then PEC but was chased away after only being used for voting and to legitimize the provincial conference.

It is these kinds of behaviors that has made all young minds to adopt a different approach to that of the factions in the ANC of this province to work together, defend the autonomy of the YL and to seek a new revolutionary path undeterred.

Hope you find all this in order.

Comradely Yours

Mawande Ndakisa

(OR Tambo RTT Convener)

With all of this, one can safely say " its not just raining but pouring" for Cyril Ramaphosa and his "Investor-friends" he chose to serve at the expense of Indigenous Afrika People. he has made his bed and he will lie on it kicking and screaming and the "Investors" wont be around to save his sorry backside, as for his propagandists, the Khuselas of the small world of sellouts they are collateral damage,and their once promising careers are finished before they could even start... "Uzenzile akakhalelwa" sitsho isintu.

Twitts Extract fro Khusela 's TimeLine


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