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Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

Updated: Feb 9, 2020

Callie Möcke. posted by Ikeraam Korana on FB(5/7/2018) seemingly blocked thereafter.


Callie Möcke skryf sy kommentaar uit:

Jy lieg de Klerk en Jy weet dit .( de klerk you are lying and you know it)

1.Jy was die ou wat die oproep ontvang het vanaf O R Tambo se Binnelandse sake toe twee IRL hit men die land ingekom het vir die Hani moord. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT TOOK A CALL AT OR TAMBO ' FOR TWO IRL HIT MEN TO ASSASSINATE HANI ( Chris Hani)

Voor die geleentheid met Clive Derby Lewis homself voorgedoen het. YOU MET WITH CLIVE DERBY LEWIS HIMSELF BEFORE THE INCIDENT WAS EXECUTED.Jy en Mandela was betrokke en die opdrag vir sy dood kom uit die ANC self. YOU AND MANDELA WERE AWARE AND IN AGREEMENT THAT HIS (HANI) MURDER BE DONE BY ANC.Hani was ontnugter oor al julle leuens en die agteraf gekonkel tussen julle en die ANC. HANI WAS AWARE OF YOUR SECRET DEALINGS, SHENANIGANS,MANIPULATIONS AND ALL THE LIES YOU AND ( SOME IN )ANC MADE

2. Jy en Roelf Meyer weet waaroor het PW se beroerte gegaan. YOU AND ROELF MEYER KNEW WHY/HOW PW'S RECALL WAS ORGANISEDEk verfris jou geheue want jy begin soos Pik Botha hallusinieer wat gerieflikheidshalwe sy Bird Watching eskapades saam met Magnus Malan vergeet. Koppel daaraan Cyril en Tutu se name saam met nog 3 ander ministers. Dalk lui die cocktail "Endolien Lood" en "Metiel Jodiet" erêns 'n klokkie. Dit word gebruik om hartaanvalle te veroorsaak. Iets wat jou goddelose regering nogal mee goed was. Mens kry dit ook by die dokter wat die Extacy fabriek bedryf het vir jou regering. I ASSURE YOU YOU WILL GET THE SAME TASTE OF MEDICINE YOU COOKED FOR PIK BOTHA TO START HALLUCINATING SUCH THAT HE CANT EVEN REMEMBER HIS BIRD WATCHING ESCAPADES WITH MAGNUS MALAN, YOU CYRIL TUTU AND 3 OTHER MINISTERS,LEST YOU FORGET DOCTORS CAN EASILY ARRANGE A SIMILAR COCKTAIL-POISON FOR YOU'ALL

3. Ek verwys jou na 'n skrywe van 72 Mot brigade waarna jou adjunk minister van verdediging 'n afvaardiging gestuur het om ons te vergesel na al die ANC "street commanders" in brigade diens gebied vir samesprekings.REMEMBER THE DOCUMENT OF THE 72 MOT BRIGADE ( BATALLION) WHICH YOUR DEPUTY MINISTER SENT TO ALL ANC STREET COMMANDERS PLEDGING COOPERATION-ATTACKS,Die agbare adjunk het ons by die Daveyton polisie stasie ontmoet waarna ons eers Etwatwa toe is waar die WAPENSMOKKEL roete deur Swaziland en Pongola se eindpunt was WE WERE GATHERED/BRIEFED AT DAVEYTON PLOCE STATION BEFORE WE EXECUTED THAT ETWATWA MISSION- THROUGH SWAZILAND AND PONGOLA ROUTES. 'n Smokkel roete waar jou eie regring se BSB betrokke was. Dis reg vaak seun jou eie regering was betrokke by die aanhitsing van geweld en smokkel van dwelms wapens en kinders. Ook in die faksie gevegte tussen die Taxis . Dalk moet jy met Vlok gesels en sommer meer uitvind van die dokumente voor Goldstone en die WVK. YOU CREATED A SMOKE SCREEN FOR THE MURDERING OF CIVILIANS WOMEN AND CHILDREN AT ETWATWA TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE THEY WERE VICTIMS OF TAXI FIGHTS OVER THE SWAZILAND-PONGOLA TAXI ROUTE AND YOU QUICKLY ARRANGED WITH ADRIAN VLOK FOR THE DOCUMENT TO DISAPPEAR BEFORE GOLDSTONE'S COMMISSION COULD START INVESTIGATIONS. TRUTH IS DEKLERK AND YOUR APARTHEID GOVERNMENT TOGETHER WITH YOUR PEOPLE IN THE ANC ( CYRIL AND TUTU) WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR AND ORGANISED TOWNSHIP KILLINGS USING SOME STREET DEFENCE COMMANDERS

4. "Understanding Crime and Corruption in ''South Africa deur Donn Sipho waarvan jou regering sy boeke van die rakke laat verwyder het en ook 'n herdruk gekeer het is net sulke interesante lees stof. Daarin word jou naam ekplisiet genoem saam met die verskillinde misdaad sindikate en mafias in die land en ook die van jou kollegas insluitend NELSON MANDELLA en "Sep Blatter". Ook Donn moes landuit vlug. THE AUTHORS DONN, SIPHO STATE AND SKETCH EXPLICITLY YOUR INVOLVEMENT IN CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, MURDERS OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS (IN THE 90's) THAT YOU ORCHESTRATED TOGETHER WITH YOUR SYNDICATE AND MAFIAS IN THE COUNTRY INCLUDING YOUR NELSON MANDELA AND SEPP BLATTER

5. Ek gaan nie eers die lywige Franse Intel verslag oor jou en jou goddelose regering hier plaas nie. Maar vir die leser wat meer wil weet lees dit saam met Volks Veraad en ''High Treason."I WILL NOT GO INTO DETAIL ABOUT WHAT FRANCE INTEL REPORT DETAILS ABOUT YOUR( deklerk)CRIMES OFFSURE, SAFE TO REFER THE INTERESTED READER/S TO "VOLKS VERAAD" AND "HIGH TREASON"...( WIKIPEAD THIS)

6. Oor operasie Hammer gaan ek my nie eers uitlaat nie. Ook nie oor die verskillende teikens in die 911 sage nie waar jou naam ook na vore gekom het nie. Rondom ons vermiste en misplaaste goud reserwes. Ook daar is Mossad en CIA se eie intel selfverduidelikend. HOW CAN I LEAVE OUT OPERATION HAMMER WHER YOUR NAME AND INVOLVEMENT FEATURES EXPLICITLY...YOU COLLABORATE WITH MOSSAD AND THE CIA AND SUDDENLY THERE ARE MISSING/UNACCOUNTED FOR MISTATEMENT/DIFFERENCES IN OUR GOLD RESERVES... THE REPORTS ( PROJECT HAMMER) EVEN THERE ARE EXPLICIT ABOUT YOUR CRIMES

7. Vorster het 'n kind verwek by Winnie Mandela en jou regering het die bewystukke vernietig of probeer vernietig. So julle sit nog met die sluipmoord van Pieter Lessing Senior ook nog op julle hande. YOU HAVE BURIED EVIDENCE THAT SHOWS THAT WINNIE MANDELA WAS REPEATEDLY SEXUALLY ABUSED BY VORSTER AND PIETER LESSING( SNR) AND OUT OF THAT SEXUAL MOLESTATION THERE CAME A BASTARD CHILD, So gepraat van Vorster. Hy was die ou wat ook vir Tsafendas die parlement ingebring het. En jy self sit met n basterkind .TALK OF BJ VORSTER YOU REMEMBER HE IS THE ONE THAT BROUGHT TSAVENDAS TO PARLIAMENT ( IN CAPE TOWN) AND ( WHO LATER KILLED VERWOED) YOU HAVE BLOOD IN YOUR HANDS DE KLERK AND A BASTARD RAPE-CHILD ON TOP

8. Daar is 100 miljoen Britse pond in jou rekening in Griekeland inbetaal. Dis ook nie te moelik om die rekening nr op te spoor nie. Soveel geld los altyd 'n spoor al is Rothschild self die baas van die bank. En jy kom met twak soos dat jy 'n bloedbad gekeer in Suid Afrika het. Is jy f*kken mal of wat?THERE IS A MILLION "BRITSE POND" IN YOUR OFFSURE GREECE PAID REGULARLY WHICH IS AN ANORMALLY FOR A GHOST ACCOUNT TO KEEP ACCUMMULATING SO MUCH MONEY( RESERVES) YET A LOT OF MONEY ( RESERVES) KEEP MISSING AND YOU COME UP WITH CRAPY EXCUSES ABOUT YOU NOT BEING THE BOSS OF ( SARB) BANK BUT ROTHCHILD YET YOU KNOW YOU ARE ROTHCHILD'GHOST

Laastens is jy welkom om oor enige van hierdie aantuigings met ons op 'n openbare platform in gesprek te tree.


Ons is gatvol vir al julle leuens en bedrog en ons is lus vir al julle siek gierige psigopatiese bl*ksems wat ons kinders vol dwelms gepomp het en gebruik het as seks slawe.


En ja ons kan dit bevesting met hofsake en intel uit die buiteland waar julle blikskottels nie alles beheer nie.

Ons het nog n appeltjie te skil met julle oor julle siek bl*ksems se veraad teenoor ons veiligeheidsmage in Angola ook. -

Callie Möcke. posted by Ikeraam Korana on FB(5/7/2018) seemingly blocked thereafter.

The full document Anonymous | 24 August 2015

Anonymous author(s) say white establishment manipulating fiscal and monetary project via National Treasury National Treasury and the Project Spider Web

The National Treasury is responsible for managing South Africa's national government finances. Supporting efficient and sustainable public financial management is fundamental to the promotion of economic development, good governance, social

progress and a rising standard of living for all South Africans.

The Constitution of the Republic (Chapter 13) mandates the National Treasury to ensure transparency, accountability and sound financial controls in the management of public finances.

The Ministry of Finance is at the heart of South Africaʼs economic and fiscal policy development. The Minister of Finance and Deputy Minister of Finance are responsible for a range of state

entities that aim to advance economic growth and development, and to strengthen South Africaʼs democracy.

The white establishment through the private sector has a huge influence in the running of the National Treasury. The history of this Influence dates back during the early 90's when the ANC and the National Party were negotiating the talks about talks. The white establishment felt it was too risky to leave the running of the government solely in the

hands of the ANC. The white establishment came with the first project to influence the fiscal and monitory position of the country through a project known as "Project Grapevine".

The project's objective was to attract high level ANC officials to agree to hold economic transformation talks in Stellenbosch. When the ANC was winning the political war in Kempton Park, the ANC was also losing the economic war in Stellenbosch. Roeloef Meyer and Professor Andre Kriel of

Stellenbosch were the key drivers of Project Grapevine.

Post 1994, Project Grapevine was handed to Professor Hugo Nel from the University of Stellenbosch. Professor Hugo changed the structure of Project Grapevine and renaming it Project Spider Web. Professor Hugo restructured the project with new objectives and a new structure. The new project also attracted funding from the Rupert, Oppenheimer and the Rothschild families. The Oppenheimers withdraw

their funding for project Spider Web in 2010. The Ruperts are still the biggest funders of Project Spider Web.

Professor Hugo Nel was instrumental in ensuring that Johan Rupert is appointed the vice chancellor of the University of Stellenbosch. Since Rupert's appointments, Project Spider Web has grown from strength to strength. The project has the following objectives:

- Influence the design and Implementation of the economic, fiscal and

economic policy

- Influence the appointment of key leaders in Reserve Bank, National Treasury, DTI and SOE's that fall under these three Institutions.

- Manage the outcomes of these institutions

- Defend the position of the Spider Web through the media

- Attack and prosecute critics of project spider web through SARS and the other means

This paper focuses on

how National Treasury is managed and influenced through project spider web.

The project is responsible for coordinating macroeconomic policy and promoting the national fiscal policy framework. The project a so coordinates intergovernmental financial relations, manages the budget preparation process and exercises control over the implementation of the annual national budget, including any adjustments budgets.

Project Spider Web has a codename membership system allocated to different members who play a key role in this project.

Trevor Manuel is codenamed as the King of Leaves and Maria Ramos as the Queen of Leaves. Members of the project who work in different position in government are also coded through various names, for instance, Dr Dan Majila is coded as the Iron Master. There are different levels of disclosure for members.

Most members of this project are not aware that they are part of a covert project to influence fiscal and monitory policy since they are handled through various handlers. This paper will identify Individuals who are key members of Project Spider Web. These indivuduals are being handled through various means to achieve the objectives of Project Spider Web.

Members of the Project Spider Web inside National Treasury

Government Technical

Advisory Centre (GTAC) Andrew Donaldson

Spider Web Code Name: The Emperor

Andrew Donaldson studied at the University of Stellenbosch for a degree in economics, he studied together with Professor Hugo Nel Andrew also studied in UNISA and Cambridge University. He taught Economics at the former University of Transkei, Rhodes University and the University of the Witwatersrand. Before 1991, He was also the

strategic planner for the National Intelligence and Secret Services (NISS) for the Apartheid government.

He joined the then Department of Finance in 1992,and in 2001 was appointed Deputy Director-General with responsibility for the Budget Office and Public Finance in the National Treasury. His work covered spending policy, social development and reform of the budget process and budget documentation.

He contributed to the

work of the Katz Commission on tax policy, served on the Committee of Inquiry into a National Health Insurance System, was a member of the team that drafted the 1996 macroeconomic strategy and served on the Interdepartmental Task Tea m on Social Security and Retirement Reform.

In 2013 he was appointed Acting Head of the Government Technical Advisory Centre, an agency of the National Treasury which supports public finance management, public-

private partnerships, employment facilitation and infrastructure investment.

He is chairperson of the Steering Committee of the Research Project on Employment, Income Distribution and Inclusive Growth located at the University of Stellenbosch. Andrew is the key player in Project Spider Web. Some of the people that find themselves at Treasury were once students of the Emperor at Rhodes university. The Fox and the Iron Master were once handled by the

Emperor at Rhodes unversity when they were members of IESEC.

Asset and Liability Unit

Asset and Liability Management division manages government's asset and liability portfolio in order to ensure prudent cash management, asset restructuring, financial management and optimal management of government's domestic and foreign debt portfolio.

Ms. Avril Halstead

Spider Web Code Name: The Fog

Ms Halstead holds an MSC in Economic Policy from the University of London, an MBA from the University of Cape Town andanMAin Organisational Consulting from the City University, London she also holds a B Com honors and Scocial Science degrees. Ms Halstead is a Chief Director at the National Treasury in South Africa where she has responsibility for overseeing approximately 40 of the largest state owned enterprises

(SOEs). Prior to joining the National Treasury, Ms Halstead worked for McKinsey & Company, Old Mutual and Wipcapital, a subsidiary of Wiphold. She has also worked with a number of NGOs, notably the Nelson Mandela Foundation as well as the Family and Marriage

Association of South Africa (FAMSA) and lkageng, an organisation responsible for caring for HIVIAIDS orphans. She was nominated as a Young Global Leader and one of the Mail & Guardian's Top 200

Young South Africans in 2011.

Anthony Julies

Spider Web Code Name: The Jackal

The team is still searching for the CV. This is one member of the spider web who is the most secretive and extra careful.

Budget office

Coordinates the national budgeting process. This includes coordinating the allocation of resources to meet the political

priorities set by government. While the standard of documentation produced with the budget is already . impressive, the Budget Office constantly strives to improve the quality, usability and coverage of the publications produced. The division also provides fiscal policy advice, oversees expenditure planning and the national budget process, leads the budget reform programme, coordinates international technical assistance and donor finance., supports public private partnerships

(PPPs} and compiles public finance statistics.

Marissa Moore

Spider Web Code Name: The Hustler

University of Johannesburg

Johannesburg, South Africa I 1990 - 1993 Bachelor of Science (BSc) (Honorary) Cum Laude - Industrial Sociology

University of Witswatersrand Johannesburg, South Africa I 1990 - 1993

Master of Science (M.Sc.) - Social Science

Corporate Services

The Corporate Services division is responsible for the department 1s governance framework, and aims to create a productive and creative working environment that enhances effectiveness. No presence of the spider web, it's not a strategic unit.

Economic Policy

The Economic Policy divison plays a central role in formulating and

coordinating appropriate growth enhancing policies that strengthen employment creation. The key responsibility of the Economic Policy division is to provide policy advice _on macroeconomic developments, international economic developments and microeconomic issues. The division does this through policy analysis, scenario testing and the production of macroeconomic forecasts, in particular on growth, the external account and inflation. The forecasts inform

economic policy, the fiscal framework, tax forecasts and debt management strategy. Still searching for the presence of the spider web.

Tax and Financial Sector Policy

The Tax Policy unit is responsible for advising the Minister of Finance on tax policy issues that arise in all three spheres of government. The Financial Sector Policy unit is responsible for the design and legislative framework of the financial sector as a whole, and

works closely with regulatory agencies such as the Financial Services Board, Banking Supervision and Exchange Control (now to be called Financial Surveillance) departments of the Reserve Bank, and the Financial Intelligence Centre. The unit is responsible for liason between the National Treasury and the Reserve Bank on matters related to bank supervision, financial stability and the national payments system.

Mr Ismail Momoniat

Spider Web Code Name: The Bull

International and Regional Economic Policy

The division comprises of two chief directorates: International Finance and Development and Africa Economi, Integration.

South Africa aims to promote reform of the IMF and the World Bank. Policy is focused on exploring ways to reduce global financial market volatility and promote balanced global growth and development,

including through government's participation in the G20, which South Africa chaired in 2008.

South Africa also plays an important role in encouraging these institutions to seek innovative solutions for poverty alleviation, and to promote regional and African growth and development with strategic alliances on the continent and with other emerging economies.

Intergovernmental Relations

This division is responsible for coordinating fiscal relations between national, provincial and local government as well as promoting sound provincial and municipal financial planning, reporting and management.

Office of the Accountant General

The division seeks to achieve accountability to the general public by promoting transparency and effectiveness in the delivery of services. It sets new government

accounting policies and practices, and improves on existing ones, to ensure compliance with the standards of Generally

Recognised Accounting Practice. It also focuses on the preparation of consolidated financial statements and an improvement in the timeliness, accuracy and efficiency of financial reporting.

Public Finance

Public Finance is primarily responsible for assessing budget proposals and

reviewing service delivery trends in national government depatments and their entities. The division also manages the National Treasury's relations with other national departments, provides budgetary support to departments, and advises the Minister and the National Treasury on departmental and government cluster matters.

Office of the Chief Procurement Officer (O- CPO)

The purpose of the 0- CPO is to: Modernise the

state procurement system to be fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost- effective; enable the efficient, economic, effective and transparent utilisation of financial and other resources; including state assets, for improved service delivery; and promote, support and enforce the transparent and effective management of state procurement and the sound stewardship of government assets and resources.

Kenneth Brown

Spider Web Code Name: The Tiger

Mr Kenneth Brown is deputy director general: Intergovernmental Relations, a position he has held since July 2009. He has a MSc in Public Policy from the University of Illinois in the United States (USA),

BA (Hons) in Economics from the University of the Western Cape, and a primary teacher's diploma. After a career in teaching, Mr Brown joined National Treasury in 1998 as a deputy director: Financial

Planning. He then went to the USA to study for his Master's degree and returned to National Treasury in 2001 as director: Provincial Policy, a role that underpins national transfers to provinces. Mr Brown was later appointed the chief director: Intergovernmental Policy and Planning, a responsibility which involves sector policies that impact on provinces and local government. He was a Vula operative.

SOE's Under National Treasury and under the Influence of the spider


The South African Revenue Service (SARS) is mandated by the South African Revenue Service Act (1997) to collect all tax revenues that are due, to provide a customs service, to protect national borders and to facilitate trade. SARS also works to expand the pool of tax contributors by promoting awareness of the obligation to voluntarily comply with tax and customs laws. SARS aims to conduct its activities in a way that enhances economic growth and social

development. SARS reports to Deputy Minister of Finance. At the present moment the Spider Web suffered a huge setback when their top members were suspended by the new commissioner. This unit was regarded as the enforcers of the spider web.

The Public Investment Corporation (PIC)

PIC is a government- owned investment management company - and one of the largest investment managers in the country. Founded in

1911, it became a corporate entity in terms of the Public Investment Corporation Act (2004). The PIC invests funds on behalf of public-sector entities. Its largest client is the Government Employees Pension Fund.Pie is governed by a Board of Directors with 10 members, of whom 7 are non-executive directors, excluding the traditionally non executive Chairman.

The Board's overarching role is to maintain sound corporate governance within PIC. As such, its responsibilities include appointing executive

management, developing and approving corporate strategies, ensuring an effective governance framework, overseeing risk management and ensuring that PIC's business is managed prudently and responsibly.

The Board is assisted by six Board committees, namely the Audit and Risk Committee, the Investment Commttee, the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee, the Directors' Affairs Committee, the Social and Ethics Committee and the

Property Committee. The Board has also established four Fund Investment Panels to assist the Board in discharging its statutory duties and responsibilities in relation to investment in South Africa and the rest of the African continent.

Board members are appointed by the Minister of Finance, who represents PIC's shareholder, the South African government, on the grounds of their knowledge and experience, mainly in the financial services

environment. No fewer than seven Directors on the current Board are chartered accountants, with the other six Directors holding advanced qualifications in fields such as financial economics, business leadership, applied mathematics and tax law. The members of project spider web have been identified through codenames.

The spider web has huge Influence in the PIC. This unit it's very important for the white establishment since the PIC owns 34% of the JSE. White asset

management firms rely on the PIC for the mandate. PIC has placed more than R70 Billion with Investec alone. The spider web being controlled by the queen of eaves, she has started making moves to ensure that ABSA benefits from the Asset Management mandates.

Spider Web Code Name: The Fox

MrMcebisi Jonas, Chairperson

- Chairperson of the PIC Board of Directors

- Chairperson of the Directors' Affairs Committee

Bachelor of Arts in History & Sociology (Rhodes)

- Higher Diploma in Education

Deputy Minister of Finance at National Executive (Executive)

- Member at National Assembly (Parliament)

Member at African National Congress (ANC) Party

Spider Web Code Name: The Iron Master

Mr Daniel Matjila, Chief Executive Officer

Member of the Investment Committee

Member of the Property Committee

Member of the Fund Investment Panels

BSc (Hons) in Applied Mathematics (Fort Hare)

MSc Applied Mathematics (Rhodes)

PhD in Mathematics


Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematical Finance (Oxford)

Senior Management Programme (University of Pretoria)

Advanced Management Programme (Harvard)

- Member of the Board of Comprop

- Member of the Board of Ecobank Transnational Incorporated

Spider Web Code Name: The Mistress

Ms Matshepo More, Chief Financial Officer

Member of the Fund Investment Panels


Bachelor of Business Science (Finance)

- Certificate in the Theory in Accounting (CTA)

Member of the Board of CBS Property Management (Pty) Ltd

- Member of the Board of Pareto Limited

Member of the Board of ADR International Airports Company South Africa

Member of the Board of ABASA

Spider Web Code Name: The Countess

Ms Moira Moses, Independent Non- Executive Director

- Chairman of the Property Committee

- Member of the Directors' Affairs Committee

Member of the Audit and Risk Committee

- Member of the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee

- Member of the Investment Committee


Management Advancement Programme (Wits Business School)

- Member of the GEPF Board of Trustees

- Member of the Thusanang Trust,a non- profit organisation

focused on Development Phase Education

The Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) was established in terms of the Government Employees Pension Law (YEAR) to manage and administer pension matters/schemes related to government employees. The GEPF is self-funded. With a membership of about 1,2 million and 225 000 pensioners, it is one of South Africaʼs largest pension funds. This is one unit that the queen of leaves has placed an agent.

Hemal Naran

Head of Investments and Actuarial

Spider Web Code Name: The Professor

Bachelor of Commerce degree in Actuarial Science

Insurance and Risk Management from the University of the Witwatersrand and CAIA Charter holder

He serves on the Investment Committee of the Pan African

Infrastructure Development Fund

Member of the Social Finance and Impact Investing

Committee of the Institute of Actuaries (UK).

Previously with ABSA Investments

Ms Adri van Niekerk Head: Board Secretariat

Spider Web Code Name: The Fixer

University of Pretoria: B Admin

Public Management

University of Pretoria: Honours Degree in Public Management

CJ Member of the Integrated Reporting Committee of South Africa

Previously with the University of Stellenbosch as the head of admissions

Key actions moving forward

The spider web has brought back the queen

of leaves to restructure National Treasury moving forward. There are talks with the white establishment to position treasury as a strategic benchmark for most African Treasuries. Cyril Ramaphosa is seen as one of the most important events in the history of the Spider Web.

There is a believe that once he is appointed the state president of South Africa, he will be able to achieve most objectives of the spider web that Thabo Mbeki failed to implement. Cyril has a long relationship with the

King of leaves. They have worked together in many projects including the establishment of the NDP.

Cyril's younger brother also worked with the Queen of leaves at ABSA bank for a brief period. Minister Nene is being handled by the Queen of Leaves.

During the recent World Economic Forum in Cape Town, Nene assembled all the DDG's and Chief Directors from National Treasury at a Cape Town hotel for a brief meeting. The Deputy Minister was not part of the meeting

since he was travelling to Paris. These are the outcomes of the meeting:

The DG's position

Lungisa Fuzile, the current DG for National Treasury will not be extending his contract at the end of August 2015. He will be joining the faculty of economics at the University of Stellenbosch. His departure will be a catalyst for some big changes inside National Treasury.

It is being heard through the grapevine that Avril

Halstead will be promoted to the position of DG at treasury. She will be promoted to position of DDG very soon as a stepping stone for her to become the next DG.

Michael Saks, the current DDG will be transferred to one of the SOE's. Tumi Moleko, will be transferred to another ministry as a DOG that works with treasury.

State Owned Enterprises

Minister Nene stated that treasury must play a key role in the management of SOE's. He expects his

officials to play a firm hand in managing the affairs of the SOE's. A number of changes will be happening at the SOE's. One the key actions that treasury must do, is to facilitate the participation of the private sector in the SOE's. Minister Nene stated that GTAC from treasury will be given a huge task of identifying private sector companies to partner with the SOE's.


Minister stated that the board of SAA must be terminated by September

2015. He also indicated that Maria Ramos was helping him to identify the new board members for the board of SAA.

The former CEO of has been identified as a replacement for Niko at SAA.

GTAC will be given the task of identifying a strategic equity partner for SAA.


Treasury must support the appointment of Brian Molefe. Eskom will be

creating a position of COO and Koko Matshele will be filling in that position.

Treasury is very close to sell the government stake in Vodacom and Eskom will be getting some cash injection.

Maria Ramos

Maria Ramos was also invited by the Minister to give a word of support to the staff at National Treasury. Maria praised the staff for the wonderful work they are doing. She stated that she will be assisting

Minister Nene to identify skills for the key positions at treasury. She has already assisted in placing the key Chief Investment Officer at the GEPF. She will be assisting in identifying the CEO of GTAC, since Andrew Donaldson will be the Chairman.

Transcribed from PDF. The original version can be accessed, in PDF format with pictures, on the BDLive site here. See also the Business Day analysis by Carol Paton here.



For 2 decades accusations against the FW de Klerk government have been flying about. Many people have been whispering about huge sums of money being paid over by Swiss bank accounts to NP politicians and government operators to hand over the SA government to the ANC. For 18 years nothing could be proven, till now:


Gen. Erle Cocke ran

Nugan Hand Bankʼs Washington office. In April 2000, Cocke gave a deposition running to 67 pages concerning his knowledge and involvement in” Project Hammer.” Ten days later he died from Pancreatic cancer. His explosive deposition reveals him as a very significant and highly connected player inaworldfewofusare familiar with. Cocke related in his statement how Citibank was used as halfway stop for dodgy financial dealings in ‘black goldʼ through Project Hammer – some 30 accounts used. Asked

where these accounts were located, Cocke responded saying – in almost one solid block at Citibank.


”Project Hammer” was a desperate undertaking by the USA gov. to rescue some of its major banks, who, by the end of the 1980ʼs, faced insolvency. These banks included Citibank, HSBC, Chase Manhatten and the Bank of New York. The project was designed to cipher gold and diamonds as collateral as an emergency buoy for the

ailing banks and to put the USAʼs economy on track again. It is at this stage that South Africaʼs De Klerk government entered the fray – as major gold and diamond supplier, it was the easiest and cheapest way to rescue the USA banking sector.

Only one small problem: South Africa was in political turmoil with the white right wing challenging the NP government on all fronts. The best smokescreen Citibank could think upon to move large amounts of money and gold bullion


Create political instability (between the NP gov. and the ANC. Then create a political vacuum where dodgy gold and diamond deals could be done without too many questions (maybe even an interim NP/ANC gov. where the minimum control would facilitate covert gold and diamond movements).

Project Hammer involved the trading of $13.6 trillion in debentures resulting in a ‘falloutʼ of about $1.1 trillion which was stashed in the

Howard Hughes account in Credit Suisse. Obviously, in a project of this size, a lot of organizations had to be involved: The CIA, FBI, all the NSA agencies, Pentagon in he broadest sense of it and as such, the Treasury and Federal Reserve. Nobody got out of the act, and everybody wanted to get in on the act – for there was lots and lots of money to be made.

EXECUTIVE OUTCOMES, SANDLINE and the STASI Another individual who has played a considerable role in Project Hammer,

was Rolf van Rooyen, who operated a number of business entities including one called ‘Oceantechʼ and another called ‘Eastechʼ International Bank. At one time Van Rooyen worked for SA Intelligence and is also believed to have been working for the CIA at the time Project Hammer was in process. Of significance is the fact that Gen. Cocke and Van Rooyen knew each other, although Cocke says he only spoke to him on the phone but never ‘shook hands with himʼ.

During a police interview

in Germany in 1995, Van Rooyen when questioned about Project Hammer responded: if you are referring to Operation Hamer, it is an extremely large, very delicate operation in co-operation with the authorities of various countries in which Oceantech is involved. Working alongside Van Rooyen, was SA Intelligence operative Riaan Stander. Both Stander and Van Rooyen were board members of the “Eastcorp Syndicate” which boasted almost two dozen other companies in itʼs stable. Included were Intercol

Pty, Ltd, Cavo Shipping – which conducted intelligence gathering missions for governments, and Bridge S.A.

The latter was registered in Monrovia, Liberia. According to Peter Goslar, once a close friend of Riaan Stander, other board members of Bridge S.A., were Colonel Tim Spicer and Mick Ranger of ‘Sandlineʼ fame. In a letter written to a Washington law firm involved in a lawsuit involving Project Hammer, Goslar fingers Bridge S.A. – and hence

Van Rooyen and Riaan Stander, as ‘part of the Executive Outcomes operation. Eastech International Bank, was underwritten by a Mexican firm Ro-Mar Pharmaceuticals, a firm claiming to control over $100 billion in gold. Van Rooyen and Stander entered Eastech into an agreement to purchase 5000 metric tones of gold at a discount of 4% from the Second London Fix.

This gold was held in the free zone area beneath Zurichʼs Kloten Airport. Interestingly, the

contract, which ran to 6 pages, bears the official stamp of the Swiss Police, authorizing and validating the transaction. By 1995, Eastech International Bank had begun to hit the radar screen of regulatory authorities around the world that viewed it with suspicion, but by then it seems probable that much of Project Hammerʼs SA objectives had been fulfilled. Fearing the worse, Rolf Van Rooyen left S.A. and traveled to Germany. According to his one time friend, Peter Goslar, this is where he still lives

albeit protected by former members of the East Germanyʼs Stasi spy-network.

Rudolph Ignatius van Rooyen – born in Kroonstad on 29 April 1959

ID no. 590429 5021 085 Last known address: Rheinstern Hotel 1610, Rheinstern, Dusseldorf, Germany.

Alias – Rolf Rondine. Director – Eastech International Bank, established in China and underwritten by a Mexican Firm. Contact person – Miss Lin Ying, China.

Riaan Stander

Security director of Eastech

Steve Potnak – managing director of Eastech Bank Steve Pansegrow – military intelligence officer supplying Eastech with intelligence reports. He also supplied highly confidential information to C1, in the names of Eugene de Kock and Pieter Botha. Pansegrowʼs wife was a receptionist for Van Rooyen and Stander.

Irma Els – operator helping in Ifafa – Eastcorp.

Fanie Smith – operator

who signed validation certificates for Eastcorp.

– Letter of credit no. 9022101 signed by Fanie Smith and honored by the bank and with a revenue stamp of the Greek gov.

– Certificate of deposit of $5 million, stamped by the Greek Gov, signed by Fanie Smith.

– Certificate of deposit of $25 million, stamped by the Greek Gov, signed by Fanie Smith.

– Directors of Eastcorp and Intercol as at the registrar of companies:

Roelf van Rooyen, Riaan Stander, Douglas Randall. Intercol: Eugene de Kock, Gen. Tai Minnaar, Pieter Botha. Policemen and members of military intelligence served on both Eastcorp and Intercol.

– Dr. HP Bauer – involved with operator “Rosie”, Dr. HJ Schuster – agent of FAS in the US, Julian Rosie – director of FAS in South Africa.

– Riaan Stander liased directly with intel. Officers from C1 (SA Police), namely Eugene de Kock, Chappies

Kloppers, Pieter Botha and Willie Nortje. They asked help from Eastech to infiltrate right wing groups in Pietersburg and for help in the movement of large quantities of weapons.

– MAS 57/08/92 – Pretoria North Case ref, investigation officer – Lt. Col. AE Botha conducted and investigation into the irregularities, but it was never made public or brought to court.

In October 1998, a German intelligence operator forwarded a document marked “Top

Secret” to Gerhard Laubsher of the S.A. National Intelligence Agency, marked MZ/HRB/ 10-10/98 ser. Noj/IBI citing the disappearance of $223 104 000 008 from the South African economy through ‘black goldʼ dealings.

In the report the following 47 persons were named: FW de Klerk, Hernus Kriel, Chris Stals, Japie Jacobs, Org Marais, Anton Rupert, Johan Rupert, James Cross, Christo Wiese (SARB), Christo Wiese (Boland Bank), Dr. Swanepoel, Dr. Groenewald, Mr.

Potgieter, Alwyn Lombard, Jan Lombard, Barend du Plessis, Commisionar Blaauw (western cape), Simon Nothnagel, Simon and Peter Nassau, Giel Nieuwoudt, Ben Zuma, Anton Welch, George Hill, BB de Klerk, Chris Nissan, Kobus Kirsten,Van Deventer, Boet Claasen, Big John Smith, Willem Korden/Kordan, Daniel Julius, Jan Koch, John and Faize Adams, Peter Blake, Nick Fourie, Magistrate Liebenberg, Casiem and Shahida Brey, Peter Mopp, Riaan Engelbrecht, Peter Goslar, Detective Justin

Swart, Charles/Lester Newton, Robert Ferguson and Wynand Louw. The report quotes:

4.7 The RSA has in excess 3000 tons of gold in storage. We can identify that Cloten in Switzerland, Luxembourg and London are used extensively for stored gold.

4.8 The RSA has a small refinery in Switzerland and deals with an other small refinery in Luxembourg (owned by Italian members) to refine gold, remove the markings on the gold.

4.9 The RSA selling 550 tons of gold every year and approximately 50 tons of gold is stolen every year.

4.12 Some of this money is then recycled back in RSA.

4.13 Some examples: The recent announced merger of Goldfields and Gencor. The purchase of BOE, NBS, OK Bazaars etc. by Christo Wiese. Old Mutual Bibby Group. Gencorʼs Billiton Group. Rembrands Richmond Group. Anglo Americans Miners Group.

High yield investments goes generally through Volkskas Bank, Nedbank, Boland and Standard- Chartered Bank RSA, all with approval from the SARB.

Arnold van Eck, offshore in – Imposses des Michandes, Veyreier du Luc, 74000 Anmecy- France, Bis Avenue DʼAlbigny, 74000 Anmecy-Le Veux, Adriaan (Riaan) Stander, Switzerland, 17 Rue de Levi, Crans Montana.

Van Ecks Associates, Clientel, Co. Directors are

all well known military intelligence officers and political figures. Large sums of funds to almost $1.6 billion were handled and controlled by the Van Eck Syndicate on instructions of these politicians and intelligence officers – There are in RSA R37 million in farms unaccounted for. $40 million are being held in secret accounts in Van Ecks name. An unauthorized amount of $6 million was paid to Mrs. Van Eck.

There are in RSA various assets of enormous

value, belonging to Afri- Air, a total of at least R700 million. Overseas funding in $ 400 million, is also unaccounted for. A further amount of $ 7000 million unaccounted, controlled by Van Eck.

After scrutinizing some of Riaan Standerʼs bank accounts, the following was found:

Adriaan Barend Stander Selbornelaan 141 Lyttelton Manor, Pta. Account name: Intercol Consultants (Pty) Ltd. Volkskas bank – 0609-142-596, Verwoerdburg branch.

Account name: Intercol Consultants


Arcadia, Pretoria branch Eastcorp South Africa Bankcorp London Swiftref – TBOAGB2L 90 Long Acre

London SC2E 9SF Account name

Eastcorp main account – 01-38496030-4

El Rosario Trust account – (Eastcorp HQ) – 01-38497030-0

Anti Crisi (Eastcorp Technical Division) 01-38498030-5

Eastech International Bank SA

Boland bank Swiftref: BOLBZAJC

Pretoria branch Account name: Estech International Bank – 136 873 6001

Relevant bank official – Mr. L. Coetzee – Gen Man.

Eastech International Bank – Tacoma, Washington.

Moving money between accounts is easy, especially when it is done with the blessing of the major banks and government, but moving gold and weapons around the globe is not so easy. Enter one of the key players, shipping tycoon Tony Giordiadis, from

Greece. Giordiadis had very close ties with Richard Carter (now corporate manager of BMW), the spokesperson for the SA President FW de Klerk. On May 11 and 12, 1990, De Klerk paid an official visit to Greece. Here he met with Pres. Caramanlis and Prime Minister Mitsosakies. De Klerk also met Tony Gordiakis at this time. Of Greek origin, but London based, Georgiadis shipped oil to SA in contravention of sanctions and developed close relations with members of the NP gov. to distribute money

freely, Georgiadis opened a bank account in Liberia for Mallar Incorporated (it was also through this account that bribes to the tune of $22 million wer paid to ANC officials during the Arms Deal). Geordiadisʼs father-in-law Lanaras once served as director of the shipping firm Alandis.

The conspirators were faced by another huge obstacle – the loyal members of the Defence Force, Military Intelligence, National Intelligence Agency and the South Africa Police, who would immediately

put a stop to the transactions, should they find out.


De Klerk fired all loyal officers to that his collaborators could move freely. On December 19, 1992, FW de Klerk fired 23 senior army officers, including navy officers, who could pose a threat to his plans. So great was the speed with which De Klerk acted that even the armyʼs public relations office was not informed of the press conference. In addition, many of the

officers disciplined, were on holiday and were unaware of their suspension.

The axed officers included: Major-General Chris Thirion, Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence, who had a reputation of being one of the more progressive of the younger generation of generals, Major-General Hennie Rouw, Chief of Army Intelligence, Brigadier Ferdie Van Wyk, Director of Army Communications, who master-minded Project Echoes, Brigadier Tolletjies Botha, Director

– Directorate of Covert Collection, which was raided in November by investigators of the Goldstone Commission, including UN personnel, Brigadier Oos van der Merwe, Director of Army Intelligence, Commander Jack Widdowson of the Navy.

He named only three other officers, Colonel At Nel, Colonel Chris Prinsloo and Commandant Stephen Snyders, who were all put on compulsory leave. This followed the purge of 19 police generals in August as part of a drive

to bring the police in line with the negotiation process. The further Indemnity Act pushed through parliament in August, needed to help ease officers out.

The November raid on Military Intelligenceʼs Directorate of Covert Collection in November, by Goldstone investigators which provided the pretext for setting up the probe headed by Gen. Pierre Steyn.

A top-level meeting between senior Umkhonto We Sizwe and

SADF officials in early August, brokered by the National Intelligence Service, which generally carries out the will of the cabinet. Decemberʼs ‘rationalisationʼ measures which include the retrenchment of 6000 middle ranking officers followed.

In just 5 months, De Klerk had opened the door wide, for his own operators to continue the sell-out.

“I have never before seen a government destroy its own power base, such as this one is doing” – said

former chief of Military Intelligence, Gen. Tienie Groenewald, while the country is steadily moving towards complete chaos, the government has effectively neutralized the SADFʼs intelligence capacities by removing the eyes, ears and nose of the defense forces. The Greek shipping tycoon could now go about his business unhindered. Georgiadis was of course also implicated in the swindle with the sinking of the greek ship , Salem, off the African coast earlier in what was decribed by Loydds of

Great Britian as the biggest maritime swindle ever. “Salem – Lloydʼs pursues what may be the biggest maritime swindle ever – At 10o50am Greenwich time on Jan. 17, crewmen aboard the tanker British Trident, sighted a ship in distress off the coast of Senegal in Northwest Africa. The Salem, a 214 000 ton supertanker, registered in Liberia, was listing and dead in the water. By radio contact with the tanker, Trident learned that a series of mysterious explosions was responsible for the disaster. Indeed, a cloud

of orange smoke billowed from the tankerʼs deck. By 11o30 the disabled shipʼs greek-born captain, Dimitrios Georgoulis, and his 22 crewmen, most of them Tunisians, had....”

Side note: It was at this time that the whole Project Hammer was put at risk by FW de Klerkʼs impulsiveness. German operators learned that De Klerk was having an affair with Georgiadisʼs wife, Elita (Lanarasʼs daughter). A memorandum was sent to the CIA, who decided to put a lid on the affair, until

after the completion of Project Hammer. Knowledge of the affair would not only open a can of worms, but it was not clear what Georgiadisʼs reaction to the affair would be. It this only became public after another two years.

There would be a twist – Marike de Klerk.. When FW de Klerk divorced Marike to marry Elita, a clause was written into the divorce agreement that De Klerk would be able to censor any books or article Marike might decide to write – which indeed he did when he

prevented the publication of a chapter titled Grotgesprek (cave conversation) in the autobiography titled ” ‘n Plek waar die son weer skyn.” But Marike de Klerk was not done yet.

Then, sadly, on 2 Dec. 2001, she was brutally “murdered” in her Dolphin Beach complex, Bloubergstrand apartment, hours after sending an undisclosed fax to Holland. Curiously – the European Union paid R30 000 into the account of the murder accused – Mboniswa, channeled by the Foundation for

Human Rights, for DNA tests. Mboniswa stood trail in the Western Cape High Court and was found guilty of the murder, without taking the stand in his own defense. What was the follow was the orchestrated and directed ‘political reformʼ as was dictated to by foreigners of this country. The reform was steered by international banks/ financiers as well as foreign intelligence agencies.

The subsequent buy-out of South African politicians and role

players, culminated in the demise of a country. THUS– De Klerk not only sold out his people, his generals, his country- but also sold out his wife and stabbed his Greek friend in the back by stealing his wife.

For this utterly despicable deeds of treachery he also was awarded the Nobel Prize together with his other conspirator- Mandela. How low this evil cretin could go is still a mystery!


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