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Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

What else has the STATE(Syndicate for Thugs AmaGintsa Thieves and Elucidaters) not lied about? Since the mid-late 80s theirs has been one lie after the other to mention but a few:

They lied about the killing and death of Rholihlahla Mandela by the Regime in 1985,when they changed the "CRADOCK FIVE to CRADOCK 4,

They replaced Gibson Makhanda with a clone and presented the Nation with a cloned"Nelson Mandela" whom they branded "Madiba Magic " to later make this luciferian clone a "President of South Africa " and World Icon whose name they still drop whenever they want to further their luciferian mission to this day.

They lied about CODESA and discussions prior to CODESA taking place, they assured the Indigenous Natives that this was going to be a "Hand-over of POWER by the regime to the LIBERATION movements", which would have been nothing about"Negotiations" , the"Sunday Sunset Meetings " and resultant SUNSET CLAUSE and so called"CONSTITUTION" which sealed the final knail to the coffin ensuring that Indigenous Natives in the Entire Continent are forever embroiled in bondage of oppression, poverty and reign of terror under luciferian reptilian rule managed in London and Davos by the deep-dark underworld STATE.

They lied about the MAP of the Earth, changing the names of the rivers,the town's and the entire outlook ,thus turning it upside-down literally making it a complete opposite of what the original 1265-DC version looked like, and thereafter breaking it into pieces to implement the "Berlin Conference" resolutions

They lied about the Natives's identity and about their own identity,infact they have done more than lying they stole and keep on stealing the DNA of the decends of Jacob- IsRaEl ,reducing the twelve tribes ( sons of Israel) to just being about the tribe of Judah and afterwards claiming to be "Jews"(which they are NOT) when in actual fact the descendants of Israel are alive and well,

They lied about the historyand origin of Mankind

They lied about genealogy and skin pigmentation of Yeshua, sold us pictures of a convicted Criminal and claim to be a "white-skinned Jesus" whilst protraying a Black-skinned Man with horns to be the devil, message "white is good,black is devil..." what a lie!!!!

The lied about "COVID19" Virus which never existed, the truth about the origins of what they termed "COVID19" is well covered and publicised from as far back as 1991 Book Publication.

They lied about the so-called Covid19 "VACCINATION

They have lied about the"Covid19 " reported deaths which they called"Statistics "

They lied about "STATE CAPTURE", Zuma and the Gupta brothers,

They lied about Mama Winnie Nomzamo Madikizela-Mandela

They lied about Chris Hani's killers, because they themselves are the murderers who plotted and gave directive to shoot and kill Hani,

They lied about Tambo's cause of death, which was slow poison to prevent him to be President so their Nelson Mandela clone would be a "black president..."

They lied about the so-called third force that murdered scores of Black People in the townships,they were the third force

They lied about, Boipatong Massacre, Marikana Massacre heartless luciferians they even denied it was a MASSACRE or the use of the term MASSACRE to the Marikana Butchering of Indigenous Natives,

They lied about the Public Protector Advocate Busisiwe Mkhwebane and went as far as persecuting , prosecution and assassinating her character for exposing their lies in CIEX, RESERVE BANK -ABSA Looting, CR17BANK-STATEMENT - R1,2Billion Presidential Buying Bribes which is the real STATE CAPTURE; The PhalaphalaGate-Dollarbills cushioning Matresses and sofas at the STATE 'S PRE-PAID-President if the luciferian - DEEP-STATE

They lied about BOSASA and R500 thousand bribe to buy Cyril Ramaphosa ANC Presidency in 2017

They lied about everything including the Nationality of Cyril Ramaphosa who is actually a Malawian immigrant with three fake Identity Documents, a slave owned by Ernest Oppenheimer he would later use as a black face to push his luciferian deepSTATE membership agenda that would haunt the Human Race even in his grave.

They lied about Dudu Myeni being responsible for SAA " Capture", the truth is she was exposing their rot of more than a decade with Coleman Andrew's and requiring the Law to take its cause against the culprits, so they character-assassinated and persecuted her just like they are doing with Mkhwebane,

They lied about ESKOM- CAPTURE,

They lied about Brian Molefe

They lied about Matshela Koko

They lied about Siyabonga Gama

They lied about SAA

They lied about DENEL

They lied about TRANSNET

They lied about Duduzane Zuma

They lied about PIC

In the end they have looted all of these Public Entities after persecuting all of these BLACK Excellent Executive whom they lied about so they could have a reason to remove them as they proved to be STUMBLING BLOCKS to their mission during what they later refer to as #9WastedYears.

They lied about, Boipatong Massacre, Marikana Massacre heartless luciferians they even denied it was a MASSACRE or the use of the term MASSACRE to the Marikana Butchering of Indigenous Natives,

They lied about the Public Protector Advocate Busisiwe Mkhwebane and went as far as persecuting , prosecution and assassinating her character for exposing their lies in CIEX, RESERVE BANK -ABSA Looting, CR17BANK-STATEMENT - R1,2Billion Presidential Buying Bribes which is the real STATE CAPTURE; The PhalaphalaGate-Dollarbills cushioning Matresses and sofas at the STATE 'S PRE-PAID-President if the luciferian - DEEP-STATE

They lied about BOSASA and R500 thousand bribe to buy Cyril Ramaphosa ANC Presidency in 2017

They lied about everything including the Nationality of Cyril Ramaphosa who is actually a Malawian immigrant with three fake Identity Documents, a slave owned by Ernest Oppenheimer he would later use as a black face to push his luciferian deepSTATE membership agenda that would haunt the Human Race even in his grave.

They lied about Dudu Myeni being responsible for SAA " Capture", the truth is she was exposing their rot of more than a decade with Coleman Andrew's and requiring the Law to take its cause against the culprits, so they character-assassinated and persecuted her just like they are doing with Mkhwebane,

This is the nature of the STATE that rules and reign over the people,the creation of YHVH, lying is second nature to them, make that FIRST, because, " ...It is written, the devil comes only to STEAL,LIE AND DESTROY...", and lying, they have, stealing they have , destroying they have, if you do not believe me just go and have a look a your nearest railway station and railway lines/tracks to see for yourself the works of the lying devils in just a period of less than two months during the five year period they have been in "power" as the administration inaugurated in 2019 .

Which brings me to the most recent fat black lie told by Fikile Mbalula, the CEO of DANC by virtue of his Secretary General position he now holds in the organisation that "rules" the STATE ( Syndicate for Thugs AmaGintsa, Thieves and Elucidaters).

Fikile Mbalula,goes on a public platform and lies through his teeth in denying the R102 million debt which has resulted in Ezulwini Investments instructing the sheriff of the court to attach ANC headquarters's assets. In his denial and lies Fikile says it is "FRAUD" that they owe a R102Million Rands, well He LIED to himself,the ANC, the public and all those who still care to listen to anything these prefects of the evil regime, SYSTEM and STATE has to say or do.

Here's EVIDENCE to demonstrate that Fikile Mbalula and DANC LIED again, a letter from Fikile Mbalula to Paul Mashatile ( as DANC Treasurer then-2019) requesting the Treasurer to facilitate the payment to Ezulwini Investments for the production of 30000 PVC banners at a cost price of R2900 each, which amounts to R887million, the cost price is exclusive of VAT which was 15% at the time, do the Maths, and by now 2023 that debt would have already accumulated ARREARS INTEREST AT 13% cumulative, which would even be more than the R102million Ezulwini Investments is praying for as Settlement in its legal bid.



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