Malume Chikane, this is how I was introduced to you in Mozambique. I remember the meetings daddy would have at the flat and you would be there and your VOICE has always been very distinct to me, I’m sure to others too. You were my mother’s confidant and she opened her heart to you. She didn’t know then what we know now. The plots against daddy. She trusted you! I overheard a couple of calls between mummy and you on the 7th of December. You were meant to come and see her but never arrived. The events of the 8th occurred, my one brother, Edward came and told my sister and I to stay in our rooms. I hear your distinct VOICE. Moments later I hear a commotion in the passage, I peek. I see the struggle to carry my mother to the waiting ambulance. I see my brave brothers, Edward, Saady and Duduzani carrying my mother. I see you too.
..... Developing...
