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AskarisNasrecCyril (ANC) give life and Refuge to BANNED-Apartheid-Nazi Flag...Who's In-Charge "ANC"?

Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu


1. 1977-2015:

- [ ] A guest at the Oppenheimers residents pops up as "Wits" student activist

- [ ] Later on the guest would rub shoulders with Biko associates

- [ ] Biko is arrested and later on murdered by apartheid regime

- [ ] Biko's comrades and associates are arrested and Oppenheimers'guest becomes "state witness" at their trial. The associates are sent to Robben Island and Oppenheimers guest resume duties as legal/Mine clerk at Anglo-American... the host's mine

- [ ] National Union of Mineworkers is launched and Oppenheimers guest finances its launch/operations and become NUM's 1st SG whilst still a guest at the Boss's residence

- [ ] COSATU is launched and the guest ascend to power at COSATU

- [ ] Around 87 the "biggest" NUM strike takes place,leaving many dead and jobless with no pension payout to them...

- [ ] The guest's pockets millions out of the miners'predicament and in years following later becomes a "millionaire"

- [ ] Oppenheimers guest is included in a private "Business" lead delegation to lead "talks about talks" with exiled ANC leadership

- [ ] 1990 A young Oppenheimers guest who is NOT a member of ANC,attends ANC conference as non-voting "delegate", comes out of conference Secretary General of the Liberation Movement

- [ ] 1991-The now newly "elected" SG of ANC-removes MK-Commander who is also Chief Of Security of ANC and replaces him by Biko'associate he once "betrayed".

- [ ] Also removed in absentia is ANC's CODESA Chief Negotiator,and the new SG appoints himself Chief Negotiator

- [ ] Oppenheimers guest also orchestrate and masterminds the divorce of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela from Nelson. Winnie's inlaws and elders within the Madiba clan are excluded from this process from start to finish

- [ ] Mkhonto weSizwe is hastily and mysteriously dissolved after an "all-night" meeting with apartheid general De Klerk

- [ ] Another MK Commander-Chris Hani is assassinated- "cannot be contained by ANC"

- [ ] Sunset clause is passed at CODESA by the new Chief Negotiator-Oppenheimers'guest

- [ ] 1994 -General Elections. The new SG and Chief Negotiator does not attend the Presidential inauguration of the President os the "new SA", Nelson who is also a President of the ANC he is supposedly SG of.

- [ ] The SG "leaves" politics and joins business after delivering a "Constitution" hailed "the World's best" yet not one country in the World has implemented it.

- [ ] Oppenheimers'guest quickly and mysteriously becomes a "billionnaire" with shares in every JSE listed company but a large chunk is in mining,his host-Oppenheimers'turf.

- [ ] Around 2005/6 the billionnaire- Oppenheimer guest resurfaces i politics,raises his hand and registers interest to contest ANC presidency. With no constituency the guest soon aligns himself with the contender President Zuma's lobby group when it becomes clear where or which side the will of the majority branches go.

- [ ] 2008 Oppenheimers' guest leads a duo that calls and decides on the recall of the seating State-President with only six months to the official end of his term. The matter is not debated it is declared an NEC-decision

- [ ] 2011 The Youth league that is vocal in challenging Landlessness and Economic imbalances is disbanded and its leaders suspended and expelled and the Oppenheimers who is by now Head of Appeals Committee endorses the ill conceived decision

- [ ] Marikana massacre happens at Oppenheimers'guest Lonmin mine

- [ ] 2012 The Oppenheimer guest comes out of Mangaung conference a Deputy President of the ANC,a position he did not campaign for just like in 1990. Records show that the guest even scored the highest number of votes even more than the person he is supposed to deputise... "money in suitcases" is rumoured to have done the campaigning for the deputy president

- [ ] 2014 The Oppenheimer guest now heads for Parliament,the "Business" is vociferously jubilant with this elevation. WMC-sponsored Media and #Stratcom is doing the bidding convincing/planting into unsuspecting minds that this "billionnaire" will be a watchfull eye against "the corrupt ANC". With the same tone ANC membership body at grassroots level is sold a "...cyril will attract funding/sponsorship for the ANC, its his colleagues they are comfortable with him..."

- [ ] 2014-The new State Deputy President-Oppenheimers'guest becomes Head of Government Business and subsequently heads Eskom War-Room



1. The Judiciary is Captured

- [ ] Mlambo "warns" judges are "captured"

- [ ] Controrvesial judgements made by Concourt

- [ ] Pravin's relatives (The Pillays)and friends are appointed to the bench,

- [ ] COJ's offices are broken into and Judges Files consisting of personal information are tempered with and some stolen

- [ ] The foundation is set in motion for a "cyril"take over

- [ ] Parliament-SA is embroiled with numerous WMC-sponsored "no-confidence" motions to remove President Zuma

2. 2017:

- [ ] WMC-Sponsored #ZumaMustGo protests,court-battles and marches accellerate

- [ ] Money,Money Money exchange hands with ANC MPs paid to vote in support of "No-Confidence" August 8th motion. President Zuma survives yet again this 9th attempt sponsored move to remove him. The cat is out if the bag now,its an open secret that The Oppenheimers guest who is Deputy is behind the attempt to unseat the President.

- [ ] Earlier when the nominations had officialy opened the Oppenheimers guest has officially registered his availability to contest the Presidency and his campaign has launched though with nothing substantial to convince the branches up until the last hour

- [ ] Then #NasrecHeist happens

- [ ] The Oppenheimers guest get money money money doing the bidding for him, this time the bill is quantified, a billion Rands is up for grabs.


- [ ] The Oppenheimer guest unseats the seating democratically elected State President through what is later dubbed "soft coup" by boastfull WMC's #Stratcom in Social Media platforms.

- [ ] President Zuma becomes the second seating President to be removed before the end of his term,and also a victim af the same overthrow/"recall" orcherstrated by the same mysterious Oppenheimer guest,after Thabo Mbeki.

- [ ] Oppenheimer guest takes over as State President and invites his apartheid-master and mass murderer FW De Klerk during the hijacked SONA-14 February 2018.

- [ ] The now tamed and bot MPs give a standing ovation to their oppressor-apartheid regime commander who has murdered millions of Afrika Indigenous people for over three-hundred years

- [ ] De Klerk is happy, and the evil West is happy,BRICS is dumped, ANC leader and Commander of MK President Zuma is persecuted and prosecuted. Comrades are murdered> #Gavin Watson, ZonduZuma commission is established with one mandate to find Zuma guilty.

- [ ] The CIA and Western evil forces are now in charge and they are not hiding it

- [ ] The Oppenheimer guest goes to Davos every second week

- [ ] The character assassination of Zuma is accellerated,#9wastedYears, #RememberKhwezi, #Armsdeal #StateCapture are just some of the most visible campaigns to continue painting President Zuma an "enemy of the State" and trying to turn his own people against him.

- [ ] # BlameItOnZuma campaign is launched, man-made chaos and crisis is made through out government, SOEs and State Institutions and WMC-Paid-Media and #Stratcom are quick to "... fixing the Zuma-mess"

- [ ] LOADSHEDDING STAGE6- 2019 "Its the Zuma- mess"

- [ ] Economy declining and GDP below 0; to negative 2018/9 ( growth) ; Its "Zupta"

- [ ] ANC votes declining to below sixty-percent in 2019 for the first time since 1994- "Its Zuma..."

- [ ] Increased unemployment rate 2018-2020 ... " Its Zuma

and this # Zumamess song goes on and on three years after the Oppenheimer guest has finally and successfully become "president", with no plan, no strategy, not even implementation of the ANC progressive and developmental policies as passed and endorsed at the Conference in 2017.

2020 : A couple of days ago the country has finally let it out of the bag officially that South Africa is in Economic Recession. The "shocked" president,The Oppenheimers'guest has not made nor issued a public statement that assures the Nation, "Business" and his "friends" he calls " INVESTORS" how he plans to take the country out of this dire ECONOMIC RECESSION situation, instead when the #BlameItOnZuma card is no longer working nor relevant, the Oppenheimer guest jumps on to the made-up "Coronavirus" wagon, to shift focus of the people from real issues and Economic crisis that he and his bot admnistration have landed this country into. This is the same strategy that apartheid regime has used over and over again in the past and it worked for a while, now the Oppenheimer guest whose constituency is clearly the Democratic Alliance is recycling the same tricks and strategy with the hope of throwing panick within the Nation at large and siphone money from the state under the auspices of dealing with "coronavirus catastrophe".

Who is in charge? are the people governing or is the Apartheid-regime general De Klerk back in the driving seat? Can the Nation and ANC membership afford to ignore all of this even when it is no longer a secret that the Nazi-National Party regime has taken over as is demonstrated by the banned apartheid flag which the Oppenheimer guest has given it life as host and background to the small-to insignificant ANC-logo which is just inserted at the middle of the legally BANNED apartheid flag?


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