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Apartheid Murderer &Criminal De Klerk&His Thabo,&Trevol Manuel In Sewerage Pit-PIC Collateral Damage

Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

The Truth refuses to be buried even after more than three decades it just keeps resurfacing and becomes more toxic and detrimental to the pertrators and criminal syndicate lead by FW De Klerk that used the political office and power as a front to freely conduct and shield the most treasonous crimes which can only be second to apartheid attraucities if not the very same tools used to sustain the attraucities against Humanity and specifically Indigenous Afrika People.

It has now become clear that the 2017 sudden resurfacing of De Klerk from whatever hibernation island he had been hiding in since his resignation from political life decades ago, him appearing and "rebonding" and appearing with Thabo Mbeki, and Kgalema Motlanthe under the "Former President" disguise,conducting briefings,interviews and whatever form of gatherings they could master (with the assistance of #Stratcom) mysteriously urging need for regime change to "SAVE-SA" was not all that,it was infact all about saving De Klerk and protecting him once more from accounting and facing serious treasonous crimes he committed in his personal capacity as a syndicate criminal and used the Apartheid National Party politics and office to shield his demons.

That the aforementioned public gatherings often took the form of attacking President Zuma in his personal capacity ,his office as the Leader of Government and his Administration demonstrate the frustration and anger De Klerk had towards President Zuma for not protecting the criminal in him against facing the music for his crimes,as his predecessors Thabo Mbeki and Nelson had done since the so called "new dispensation" of 1994. It was never about saving South Africa as much as it was never about President Zuma being suddenly "captured or capturing the state", but it was about De Klerk himself and his continued protection and burying of his crimes and criminal syndicate which President Zuma clearly wanted no part to play in it,safe to say allowing the law to take its cause and doing what would be/or would have been expected of the Head of Government-President to assist the authorities to do their job, which job would have seen De Klerk and a number of high ranking "Business" moguls and big names in business getting arrested in big numbers.

Remember when De Klerk said " If Cyril does what he promised to do...we will all be fine..." Did you as a responsible Adult ever ask yourself what is it that Cyril has promised De Klerk to do? Did you ever ask what did the "we" referer to? cause it certainly did not include the ordinary citizen Black or European. The Truth has a way of always coming out.

A leaked email correspondence that became viral on Social Media Platforms in the early hours of Sunday,sheds more light into the extent and effect of De Klerk's crimes on the ordinary man in the streets as the consequencies thereof threatens not only the pensions of government employees but the biggest threat is on the entire Sovereign State,and De Klerk, Thabo Mbeki and Motlanthe have duped the gullible, dis-informed and gullible masses of South Africans into believing that the state was captured by Zuma and the two little Gupta brothers and it needed to saved,when the truth that is revealed is in the email correspondence paints a different picture altogether. If South Africans ignore this or even think that it is non of their business, they would be very stupid and infact that would be suicidal to the very own Nation, Ignore this email and truth in your own peril but do not plead ignorance when the shit hits the fan.

As for De Klerk, Thabo Mbeki Trevor Manuel and Cyril, " THE IDES OF MARCH ARE COME..."


From: Jeff Koorbanally <>

Date: 01 March 2020 at 05:54:45 SAST

To: Finance minister Nene <>, Finance minister Nene <>, President office <>, President office <>, Lesetja Kganyago <>, info FWDK <>,

Cc:, PIC <>, Kellerman JC - Lieutenant Colonel <>,


Final submission to :

1) FW de Klerk

2) Thabo Mbeki

1) Mr De Klerk may I remind you that I confronted you regarding these crimes and asked you of your role in it , whereby you responded through your spokesperson and said :

It was disingenuous of me to expect the former president to recall what happened at the time as he had the country to run .

My respond to you then was and remain to be :

At the time you knew that your Regime was loosing political control, hence your focus shifted to looting the country’s wealth to sabotage its economy by ensuring that you handed a bankrupt country to the new incoming regime .

While the ANC was obsessed with the Political Control which was nothing but an empty shell.

You and your trusted generals in collaboration with the broederbond and Sarb made a clean sweep of the country’s wealth (gold and diamonds deposits) kept at SARB even printed more notes making sure the rand currency value will remain volatile for many years to come . That is called economic terrorism/ sabotage Mr De Klerk and your place is in prison alongside your friend (Charles Tailor)who helped you to shift the loot . Notwithstanding that you supplied Charles Tailor with arms to commit all those atrocities in his country and surrounding countries to enable you and him to loot their diamonds .

Let me tell you both Mr De Klerk and Thabo Mbeki, Charles Tailor feels betrayed and set up by both of you, and he’s more than willing to testify against both of you should I bring the matter to the ICC (The Hague)

2) Mr Thabo Mbeki May I also remind you that I confronted you about this corruption when you became chair of the UN special Panel looking into illicit outflow from Africa .

My question to you then, was why was it important for you now ? When you failed to investigate same in your own country when same was exposed by CIEX 1996/7/8, you failed to give an appropriate answer . I then brought to your attention the Lesotho family ( Surtie) I represented who were robbed of their wealth in the process.

Your response via your spokesperson Mr

Mukoni Ratshitanga was :

“Yes we know about these families in actual fact there were three families “

I told you I was intending to hand the matter to the Hawks and asked you to give me the names of the other two families , to date you have never done that why ?

I knew the names of those two other families to be The Ravlin Family and Boogol Family, unless there are others then you must disclosed them please . By virtue you made yourself complicit to this crime and by the same virtue dragged the ANC into these controversies .

You both have the last opportunity to correct these flaws !!

3) Mr Tito Mboweni likewise you have the last opportunity to correct all your flaws of making yourself complicit to these crimes by protecting the broederbond Cabal ( Sanlam, Remgro, Old Mutual and others)

A) Settle my clients (Surtie. Ravlin and Boogol ) Claim with immediate effect or let the country’s economy crash, the Power is in your hands in terms of the legislation.

B) Appeal with immediate effect the clause in the Currency and Exchanges Act of 1933 4 (d) the obligations and liabilities of the Public Investment Commissioners with regard to amounts paid into special restricted accounts and any resulting deposits shall be the obligations and liabilities of the State.

“That was a sabotage of a special kind which Trevor Manuel accepted God knows why “the

C) Thereafter recover the money from:

• Sanlam

• Banbol

• Old Mutual

• Four Major Banks and SARB and their beneficiaries within the ANC .

Your failure will result in an urgent application for section 416 liquidation of PIC and all its subsidiaries including entities where PIC holds shares more specific these crooked banks . Notwithstanding that I will recall every single Government bond issued from 1989-date which will result in the collapse of National Treasury .

“The above should not be construed as a threat or prejudice but as a constitutional right that my clients have .”

I have indicated several times in my many correspondences that my clients have no intentions of removing their money out of the country, but wish to invest their money in this country for as long as it is safe to do so .


Jeff Koorbanally

Sent from my iPhone


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