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An Unrepentant Murderer-Apartheid General & Vlaakplas Commander DeKlerk should Burn In Hell Everyday

Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

A murderer who has seen and ordered mass murderers and massacres of millions of Indigenous Afrika People not only in the area called South Afrika but throughout the entire Afrika Continent over a period of half a century under the Apartheid Administrator of the Evil Imperialist Colonilisation, Such a general does not even deserve to be called a human being,its a caucasian, an evil reptile that has no soul nor blood in its vains, it is the eden lucifer in the making, and that is Willem Frederick De Clerkq,a german-Nazi of French origin which the World Apartheid organisation mobilized and functioning as a secret society became so indebted and gratefull to deklerk that they bestowed upon him a "noble-peace prize".

Thats right PEACE they say it is, when Indigenous Natives are dispossessed of their Ancestoral Land, maimed, and murdered, raped and left for the dead,displaced,persecuted and prosecuted for having the guts to speak out against an evil system of colonisation well over four centuries since the evil imperialist caucasians invaded the beautiful Land of our Ancestors and "discovered" it as they would like everyone to believe.

This is how despicable ,cruel and inhumane our forefathers and their generations have and continue to be subjected to by an organised mafia-gestapo style group of evil worshipors,satanists,atheist all ganging up and clustering themselves in different groupings called Illuminates,

Freemasons,scientology, conservatives,

religion, atheists ,and lately LGBT groupings. frederick deklerk is a member of that "secret society", along with Cyril ramaphosa and Pravin Gordan who is also a relative of willem de klerk. this is the most devious trio of reptilians that have ever cropped out of the "shit-holes" of the Afrika Continent. So devious and soul-less reptilians that amongst the three of them they have their hands,feet and tails oozing and stinking with human blood of innocent human beings,yet the evil west which is their capital of evil secret society continue to shower these evil reptile lucifer devils with praises and "peace prize", all for the continued looting of Afrika's Wealth and Mineral Resources on the orders of their evil-queen-witch elizabeth and his generals in the form of george soros.

The evil stinking nerve of the devious murderer Frederick Willem De Klerk to spew rubbish and kak on a public platform and say "apartheid was not a crime against humanity" WTF?was the brutal murder of Steve Bantubonke Biko not a crime?

Was the murdering of innocent children whilst sleeping in their Mthatha home in 1992 under the orders of this evil creature called De Klerk just a picnic prank gone wrong? when will de klerk take responsibility for his actions and be held accountable and pay for the most grosscious crimes ever committed against humanity? where is the ICC-International Criminil Court that is so quick to charge and persecute our Indigenous Afrikan Leaders under the disguise of "crimes against humanity" when they refuse to bow to the western devils? why is the ICC continuing to turn a blind eye and pretend to be deaf on deklerk even at this juncture? Is it because the ICC itself is bullied by the evil west and America which are both the evil master minds behind Recolonisation of Afrika project by these evil secret society monsters which the De Klerk reptile is a member of? Where is the organisation that gave the evil reptile and wife-murderer Willem De Klerk a nobel-peace prize?Why are they not stripping this criminal, off the "peace prize" they gave him,when a week has gone by since this reptile has come out to show Afrikans and the entire world a middle finger and laughed at us all just like the devil he is, this imbecile has once again dared us as if to say,"so I have murdered you, raped your mothers and sisters, mass murdered millions of your people,so what? what are you going to do because I de klerk will do it again cause they deserved it all".

This is basically what de klerk is saying, and the entire human race the world over is quiet instead attacking the Economic Freedom Fighters for daring to refuse to be in the same chambers with this unrepentent monster of an evil creature in De Klerk's scrumpy reptile skin. Why must the EFF be hurled insults at by the askariz and traitors of the Zizi Kodwa likes who know nothing about politics let alone caring about human rights and continued Landlessness of Afrikans, as long as their drugs cravings and sexual evil gay appetites are fed and satiated through WMC crumbs they would do anything and everything to scrumble? For Zizi Kodwa to actually appoint himself a spokesperson for Afrikans and defend a reptile murderer,is beyond disrespect,infact there can be no words to describe what he has done,not in my limited english vocabulary, suffice to say in Vernac. #UtsibuPhungela-ngenkqu.

And then you get the she-devil askari Thandi Modise publicly embracing the devious creature in public at the evil alters called parliament, so despicable and so arrogant that the askaris and their evil masters have gained such confidence that they have won and have achieved their evil New World Order Agenda objectives such that they not only brag about it through their action but rub it all in on our faces, sies

Thandi She-devil Askari Modise is a disgrace to Afrikans in general and to female gender in particular. Now we can safely conclude that Thandi Modise has always been as askari and assistat to his askari brother who we know is responsible for many deaths and killings of our exiled comrade-leaders and youth by apartheid regime. There is nothing the shedevil can say or do now her mask has been removed and the she- devil-askari has been exposed for what it is, no wonder she is abusing the power of parliamentary office now to get rid of the public protector with so much desperation and urgency such as resorting yo use illegal rules and even circumvent processes and procedures.

Thursday The 13th February 2020 will forever be remembered as a day of sorrow in the history of Indigenous Afrika People this is the day when all these satanists publicly displayed their actions and unashamedely cherrished their evil achievements of oppressing and doing everything to extinct The Human Race,which they have overtime illuminated their reptilian bodies into the Humans who have been either bewitched or so vulnerable that they have sold their souls to these lucifer-devils.

The public outcry has been to direct anger at ANC, well thats the reaction that would be expected if only one looks at things from the eye of the flesh but I for one am not going to bit around the bush, that which is being witnessed is beyond witchraft, its an abomination of the highest order, never even seen in Gomora and Sodom,all the while these satanists perform these despicable acts and attacks of Human race wearing and covering their human-illuminated reptilian bodies under the African National Congress name and colours sad day indeed in the history of Human Race

If its for any consolation, The Red Battalions served these reptiles right on the 13th ,benze kancinci, Fighters should gave done The Lord God Almighty's Work on these evil evil illuminatie reptiles ezizandla zixhaphigazi labaNtu bakithi Chris Hani'Blood is on Deklerk Many More blood on deklerk hands and his cousin pravin gordanalong with freshly Marikana-Butcher on cyril 'hands and when they are about to be arrested they stage a coupe against the one and only Black President of The People Msholozi who they continue to persecute, these things are not just evil by character wusathana u lucifer wase eden uqobo lwakhe


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