As cyril ramaphosa and his "Investor-Friend" bill gates and brother in law patrice motsepe,are accellerating the "coronavirus-vaccine testing", and the implementation of 5G towers and infrastructure without consultation nor involvement of the Nation, its a dictatorial-luciferian state of "Afrika"
Here are the people's silent re-actions:
Say no to Vaccination💉~Bogosi Modise~
"How can a private citizen of a certain country not start with his own country to test what he believes is good for people, if all intentions are good and spend so much money on exporting that magic test trials without guarantee that it worth the billions spent if there isn't anything else expected in return?
Charity begins at home, do your trials at home and expand at home then neighbouring states if the trials are proving positive results over time then follow due process and laws and let those who choose to seek your wonderful magic vaccines source it willingly with confidence and proven results etc..
African has been quiet for too long and Africa is now wide awake and no amount of heavily armed soldiers will stop an awoke nation and there is a very fine line between being a good leader and committing serious crimes of treason knowingly or unknowingly, do not let your love for money blind your rational thinking unless if you have already been injected and your feelings and emotions are controlled elsewhere or there is something more to this, be very careful and know where to draw the line, its not in our interest as well to go up in arms but the level of disrespect and provoking and non retreat will force us into an unplanned and unleaded revolution, and it will be the end good will and affording of the benefit of the doubt against all odds.
You once said when you were hosting your German counterpart Chancellor Angela Merkel in Pretoria on a Thursday, 6th February 2020 and I quote "As African we would ALWAYS like to see African problems being resolved by Africans. The has to be African solutions to those problems." What has changed since then or was it just an act for the AU as we are confused of lately with your stance."
Meanwhile:on 04 April 2020
The African National Congress Women’s League (ANCWL) calls on the United Nations (UN) and African Union (AU) to demand that the President of the French Republic His Excellency Emmanuel Macron act against the two French racists assasins who masquerade as medical doctors.
Reportedly Jean-Paul Mira, the head of intensive care at Cochin Hospital in Paris, and Camille Locht, the head of research at the Inserm health research group, both suggested that the coronavirus vaccine be tested in African and not in Europe. These two racists assassins masquerading as doctors thinks that in Africa there are guinea pigs to be used to test any vaccine in the world. The barbaric colonial thinking attitude deserves very serious condemnation from UN and AU.
As it one of the ANCWL objectives to co-operate with democratic organisations for the promotion of peace and development locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, we will lobby our allies across the globe to put pressure on President Macron to revoke the medical licence/certificates of these two racists assassins.
We call on the AU Chairperson His Excellency President Cyril Ramaphosa to call on President Macron to act swiftly against Jean-Paul Mira and Camille Locht. The World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Africa, Dr Matshidiso Moeti must also ensure that United Nations through WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom put pressure on French President to act.
Upto date, globally there are about 1 083 084 Covid-19 positive cases and 58 243 deaths due to the virus. Europe lost about 34,500 people due to COVID-19 and has more than 500 000 COVID-19 positive cases. The AU member states collectively has 7 123 COVID-19 positive cases and 289 deaths.
The world is facing an invisible enemy and must unite and fight the war against the pandemic. We need each other more than ever before. The racists assasins who views Africans as guinea-pigs to be used to test any vaccine in the world must be exposed, condemned and be isolated by all of us.
Issued by
Meokgo Matuba
ANCWL Secretary General
Toko Xasa
ANCWL Spokesperson
It remains to be seen if the luciferian ANC-President will support any of this as he is most definitely busy selling Afrika lives to his fellow luciferians to be used as guinea pigs for "coronavirus vaccine testing" and doing so unilaterally without consulting even his organisation,ANC whose Presidency position he literally stole and hijacked through a Billion Rands Bribe in 2017, now the in-action of The African National Congress has come to haunt not only its members but Afrikan Continent in its entirety as the luciferians are having a field day and free reign in the practise and implementation of their old age New World Order evil agenda.
MORE ON BILL GATES AND luciferians NWO-Afrika People Extermination
T E R R I F Y I N G!!!!!
Bill Gates Dirty Tricks in Burkina Faso and Nigeria, by Sussy Vozniak, reporter for Intelicor Press, Vienna.
Paris: Secret documents leaked on the fiasco in Burkina Faso expose troubling information on the undercover activities of the American Multi-Billionaire Bill Gates in the small African nation and across the region. Intelicor veterans in Paris express unease as the Burkinabe government led by Prime Minister Paul Kaba Thieba resigned
A leading Intelicor veteran thinks that the reason why President Roch Marc Christian Kabore demanded the resignation of the Prime Minister is related to the matter of the proposed release of genetically modified (GMO) mosquitoes in Burkina Faso under the sponsorship of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The story began in January 2018, when Bill Gates pledged USD $45 million to the health initiative in Burkina Faso. Some felt that the funds were a decoy to cover bribery to top government officials for allowing the program to release the GMO mosquitoes in Burkina Faso. The GMO mosquitoes were programmed at Imperial College London under a grant from Bill Gates to sterilize natural mosquitoes and humans across the African continent over time
The terrifying news of the secret project for Human Sterilization of Africans with GMO mosquitoes alarmed African leaders, who quickly came down hard on President Kabore forcing him to act. Similar teams are working in Mali and Uganda. The homing endonuclease gene (HEG) that sterilizes the female mosquitoes also could be passed through saliva to humans during bites and the human in turn could pass it on through sexual intercourse to another human, in a cascade that could have the entire Black Continent exterminated before anything could be done about it. This is why 170 Global Groups called for Moratorium on the release of these new genetic extinction technology at the UN Convention
The GMO mosquitoes were moved into Burkina Faso from UK illegally under EU regulations
Ànd fresh evidence from trials in Cayman Islands, Panama and Brazil show that the Oxitec’s GM mosquitoes failed to reduce the female mosquitoes population
It goes to reinforce what critics have always said, that it is not about the mosquitoes but about making people sterile.
Investigations revealed that, of the $45 million dollars pledged by Bill Gates, $10 million dollars were earmarked for family planning
In the secret deal, the Minister of Health of Burkina Faso Professor Nicolas Meda appointed the wife of the Prime Minister Anne Thieba as ambassador for family planning
And so she has authority over the funds. However, some say that “it is to keep it within the family”, that raised the smoking gun prompting in-depth investigation by President Kabore and could have exposed the comprising evidence against Prime Minister Thieba. The Intelicor veteran said “in all cases, we see a pattern, that Bill Gates uses monetary bribes disguised as philanthropic donations to compromise African leaders, to take actions with devastating consequences for their nations”.
The HIDDEN AGENDA is usually not fully understood by the African leaders the source continues. According to a business consultant who has been involved in tracking Bill Gates’ investments in biotechnology, the main focus for Bill Gates is to have the controlling shares in the biotechnology companies for food production sold in Africa as GMO crops. With partners such as Monsanto (now under the German company Bayer with a troubled Nazi past
Bill Gates will control the food security and polity of Africa and could at any moment exterminate the Black Africans in the Continent as his partners did in Vietnam and Auschwitz with agent Orange and Chlorine Gas. Bill Gates used pseudo-names Boko Haram in Nigeria and Al-Shabab (formaerly unknown local Islamic groups with tens of followers) in Kenya to bring Black Africa’s fastest growing populations to a standstill. Boko Haram, Al-Shabab and ISIS are all funded by Bill Gates and were trained by Blackwater
The Western governments are culprits in the crime, until the coming of Donald Trump the U.S. was the main sponsor in partnership with Bill Gates! Bill Gates owns the majority shares in Monsanto/Bayer
For example, Bill Gates’ acquisition of Ginkgo a $1 billion USD biotech company in Boston MA that prints DNA for GMO crops https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/21/bill-gates-backed-start-up-ginkgo-bioworks-prints-synthetic-dna.html will give him control over the food security in Africa, should the continent go GMO. Africans would not out of free-will give up their natural crops for GMOs except if they are forced to do so. An agronomist Anaïs Étienne says Africans would be left without choice because all the fields are being cleared by Boko Harma fighters and their farmers driven out to displaced people camps and would be given GMO crops to plant during rehabilitation through NGOs and UN organisations supported by the Gates Foundations.
Ismail Kadir, a real estate agent in Maiduguri, Nigeria says “all my foreign clients operating NGOs are taking rents for 5 to 10 years and I ask them what would they be doing here in ten years, if they do not think that the insurgency would last that long”. Bill Gates is operating a special type of business philanthropy, whereby the aim is to create the problem of insurgency and offer the solution with GMO crops which will guarantee him as the main supplier of seeds and hence food, then grow it into a business worth $1 trillion USD by 2030
On the other hand, Claudia McAnthony a reproductive health expert on sabbatical in an elite laboratory in Paris says “making Africans sterile would mean their women would go for invitro-fertilization (IVF) to seek for help to conceive, but their ovarian eggs would be poached for embryonic stem cell research as young Africans are killed for experiments in European and American laboratories of companies seeking to clone human organs for sale, a business worth over $30 trillion USD by 2030”.
Nigeria and Kenya supply most of the ovarian eggs used in embryonic stem cell research in Europe and America, only to leave the donors die slowing in Africa from kidney failure, liver failure, cancers and infections. It is convenient for Bill Gates to hire for the crimes against humanity, people posing as Islamists paid in US dollars through proxies and blame it on Islamic fundamentalists. Bill Gates shows up frequently for photo-ops on Polio with African leaders and leaves donations to feed the corrupt practices in the continent. The Polio program has been a very big cover for Bill Gates as the good man from America, while he uses it to facilitate clandestine operations including administering sterilizing agents
And using the vehicles marked as vaccination team to convey Boko Haram fighters beyond military checkpoints. The process began since 2009 in the food growing region of Northeast Nigeria.
The mercenaries hired first from Liberia
Sierra-Leone, and later from Libya, Chad, Niger, by Blackwater/Academie/Xe owned by Bill Gates and Monsanto/Bayer
Fighters are paired $10,000 a month as Boko Haram fighters in Nigeria (https://www.voanews.com/a/a-13-2009-03-06-voa39-68678567/408730.html ) by Bill Gates. The Boko Haram attacks will intensify as the elections in Nigeria draws near as it is now clear Bill Gates is supporting the opposition leader Atiku Abubakar who he could convince to allow GMO crops in Nigeria. In a recent visit to the U.S facilitated by Bill Gates, at a time there is a government shutdown it is clear Atiku Abubakar was not welcome anywhere within the US government and US Congress, but for a publicity stunt, and an opportunity to seal up the deal with Bill Gates in person. Atiku Abubakar has been barred from the U.S. pending US Congressional investigation on corrupt practices by him and his family in the United States from Nigeria
Many experts expect Bill Gates to sponsor dramatic Boko Haram attacks aimed at embarrassing the government of President Buhari of Nigeria and to help the opposition
Some think that Bill Gates using his Boko Haram mercenaries have planned attacks with aim of assassinations of top officials to demonstrate to Nigerians that their government is weak on security. The government of Burkina Faso has been in partnership with the US government under the Obama administration and Bill Gates, and provided its territory for U.S. military bases for training of the top mercenaries for Boko Haram to fight in Nigeria.
Some have suggested that, Bill Gates and George Soros financed the coup in Burkina Faso in 2015 to maintain these military bases for sponsorship of the insurgency in Nigeria and for destabilization of the entire West African region
The Bill Gates sponsored Jihadists have now turned against the Burkinabe government as relations soured because of pressure from African leaders (https://m.news24.com/Africa/News/13-dead-in-burkina-faso-after-suspected-jihadist-attack-20190102 ). There is growing dissatisfaction among African leaders with actions of Bill Gates on the African Continent. Even more distressful is the connivance with leaders of Western Countries like France, Germany and Britain, who have collaborated in the destabilization of Africa.
The growing popularity of China is a direct reflection of the feeling of unease in African capitals that the entire Western countries have gone rouge. According to Laurent Kosic, a political analyst in Paris, who has lived for over a decade in Africa, said “ this is typical of Africa, they would rather avoid you than pick a fight, but what they need now is a total ban of genetically modified organisms across the continent”. “The effort by Bill Gates to sterilize the entire black people of Africa with GMO foods and GMO mosquitoes all fits well with UNFPA targets to depopulate the continent and provide a means for perpetual colonialism” – he added.
The watch is on as President Kabore names Christophe Dabire as the new prime minister, but the last is yet to be heard from the events unravelling in Burkina Faso.
Wake up dear Africans. Bilgates is a devil,based on his move of depopulation of Africans. Please share.