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A Pathetic Liar,Sceamer Media Porn...New Dawn Requirements To Qualify 1as Judge &DJP...Gets Worse

Writer's picture: Inkosazana YabaThembuInkosazana YabaThembu

Updated: Mar 18, 2020

If you dont believe it,ask Patricia Goliath of the Western Cape bench,she will tell you how its done. Patricia Goliath has learned or rather self-taught and mastered the art of progressing quickly to the higher echelons of the Justice System.

In a period of less than four years she has gone from a mere protege' at the Constitutional Court of SA to being a full Judge in April of 2016 to Deputy Judge President in April of 2019, no doubt her eye is on Chief Justice seat as she has already started clearing the way to get herself to that seat. This evidenced by her litany of hearsay accusations and lies she levells against her nine-months immediate Supervisor-Judge President Hlophe and package it into a complaint she then lodges with the Judicial Services Commission(JSC) in January of 2020 and it gets immediate attention by the JSC,jumping the que of all other complaints filed, amongst which is a more than five months complaint against her( DJP Patricia Goliath).

This is a woman on a mission and has the backing of the #Stratcomists-white media cabal on her side,with karyn maughan being her close confidante or friend as she ( karyn) describes her closeness to Thuli Madonsela when she was heading the Public Protector office.

We know now how priviledged and confidential information was leaked from that Chapter nine institution to embarass the Administration of President Zuma and the President himself, whilst everything was done by Madontsela to protect apartheid general de klerk and white monopoly capital's corruption and scandalous looting of State Assets. The CIEX,Apartheid Grand Corruption, Project Hammer and SARS Rogue Unit are just some of the cases we can quote,which Thuli Madontsela made sure,they never see the light of day in her entire seven-years reign at Public Protector office,and for that and boogeyman "State Capture",she got compensated by an all expenses paid holiday in the USA and Professorship at Stellenbosch University on her return a year later. As if that was not enough Stellenbosch mafia of Johan Rupert sizzled and the CIA that with an old-aged white boy for a husband probably her bodyguard or handler within the CIA who knows? The wife-husband thing could all just be a disguise.

In any case our focus is not only agent Thuli Madontsela right now but rather on Patrica Goliath,but the common denominator between Patricia and Thuli is the one and only Karyn Maughan whose career and only assignment is fixated at President Zuma and anything or anyone connected to President Zuma in any capacity.

Looking at the trend and pattern this stratcom cabal follows,all signs point to Patricia Goliath being pushed for the highest office and she is willing and eager to get the Chief Justice seat,seems she already sees the possibilities that its doable,she has herself as a leaving example and Madontsela as another proof perhaps.

We have come to know that it is not easy to progress to the higher echelons within the Judiciary,even for highly qualified and experienced Legal gurus well known in the field and society and it becomes a double hurdle for females as is the case in other sectors,yet Patricia has "broken those barriers" within the shortest space of time,how did she do it? This perhaps may have been the question until recently when she in her hurry, or probably by instruction from her handlers to urgently deal with Judge Hlophe and see to it that he is removed from the bench,she then clumsily make up a case and files a complaint to the Judicial Services Commission against Judge Hlophe.

The complaint Patricia Goliath files,is so clumsily crafted and baseless,that even a non-legal person like myself can see that it has no basis in law,let alone a normal Human Resource grievance,which, would ordinarily be handled through a grievance and disciplinary procedure that is guided by the Labour Relations Act in any workplace.

What is clear about this clumsy and baseless "complaint" is the saliant intension/s viz.

*****Prevent Judge Hlophe from becoming a Chief Justice,should he have ambitions to progress to that office as he rightfully qualifies and is highly experienced if not the only qualifying Judge President to take over from CJ Mogoeng Mogoeng should that seat become vacant. This is the enemy's main goal,already working ahead for the replacement of Mogoeng-Mogoeng and clearing the path for their popeyes,of captured judges.

There is also the issue of a complaint against Patricia Goliath rightfully lodged with JSC in August of 2019, emanating from her despicable and unprofessional handling of a Court Order application filed by Advocate Masuku SC for and on behalf of his Firm's clients >BXI ( Xulu and associates a Black legal Firm, this matter,the JSC has shoved under the carpet to this date,a clear indication that there is no appetite nor intensions at the JSC to deal with her. If there was,or if the JSC considered everybody to be equal before the laww,that complaint and many others which involve at least two other judges in the CR17 pockets, viz. Judge Pottery and Judge Nava Pillay who is Pravin Gordan's relative,would have long been attended to and necessary sanctioning fit and applicacabe in line with severity of their transgressions applied accordingly. The elevation,speed and urgency that Patricia's litany of lies and hearsay allegations packaged as complaint against Judge Hlophe is given despite it being lodged:

only in January of 2020 by a deliquent Patricia who herself has an unresolved issue against her is telling and is a cause for concern to anybody that cares about human rights and Constitutional crisis which this country has fast approached,with the judiciary being a third arm of the state having a very strong hand and involvement in the status quo.

Is Patricia trying to divert the attention from her own disciplinary issue or is there more to this than meets the eye? we ask.

She definitely is,that there is no doubt about,but we are convinced that, the goal and prize is bigger than just saving her own lying skin,that job has been done on her behalf already, and now she is paying back the broederbond WMC protectors by becoming a "Vytjie Mentoor" dejavu, and we all know how that Vytjie story ends, with a silent or rather secret withdrawal of the testimony of lies at the Zondo Commission which on its wn has gone from being a circus of aggrieved employees to a witch-hunt that entertains,anyone that hates or is taught to hate President Zuma and willing to say anything that the orchestrators of "State Capture" drill them to say,though its known to all parties that its all made-up lies which are not backed by any feasible and conclusive evidence its fine,as long as the damage would have already been done, people' reputations,careers,families and lives destroyed recklessly and Stellenbosch Mafia and london masters happy and gotten what they wanted,the puppets fed their crumbs and glorified with puppet titles ( Honorary doctorates and professorships) and/or positions: probably Patricia Goliath already sees herself as a Chief Justice when she closes and open her eyes, as it is now clear that she has placed herself in the list for contestation, and is eagerly and desperately proving to the Stellembosch mafia that she can deliver the goods better than the others in the pool of captured judges.

There us a very interesting aspect coming up and showing when we look at the profiles of just the few judges we have listed in the picture appended herein. Its actually more than one common denominator and that is a sign we are not going to leave hanging,as perhaps it might lead us to where it ( Judiciary Capture) all begins, in my Native Lingo we say "Aphitholelifele khona" and that is our next Subtitle in this Judiciary Capture conundrum.

As for Patricia Goliath she is not worthy to be called a Judge nor allowed to continue practising as such in any country in the entire world. There is just one action that should be done to and against her viz. Impeachment.


Deputy Judge President of the Western Cape, judge Goliath, tendered this medical note when she failed to appear before the JSC on a complaint against JP Hlophe.

The same Goliath first lodged her complaint with media houses and when she is called to the JSC to be questioned on her complaint, she falls ill and cannot attend.

Was this a classic case of public lynching of JP Hlophe as has been the order of day with African leaders who are known enemies of WMC? Was this solely intended to tarnish the good name of the JP without evidential backing which Goliath is now called upon to substantiate?

Times are interesting when a nation is alive and woke!

Can you spot the difference between Goliath's sick note and the one presented by President Zuma?

I'm waiting to hear what the difference is and whether anyone would question any part of the sick note.

The judiciary of SA is once again in the spotlight where the public once again discusses the bad publicity it brings to itself! Would it be far-fetched to now bestow the status of a banana republic on SA? Or kanjani

2 comentários

Inkosazana YabaThembu
Inkosazana YabaThembu
17 de fev. de 2020

1.are they not?(challenging the constitution) 2. Does the burden to challenge the constitution rests with the lawyers/Black Lawyers associations not with the entire judiciary and/or citizenry? 3. What would the outcome be if the constitution were to be challenged,given that the rot within the CAPTURED judiciary lies within the corridors of the constitutional court itself who/which would be expected to adjudicate over the very same document that has given birth to their own existence,sithini kahle ? how can we expect a captured judiciary -the courts in particular to be judge & jury in their own existence justification.? To answer your point BLACK LAWYERS are sidelined and are oppressed and dealt with by the very same apartheid judges and broederbond bars & associations,so let…


Mzomuhle Ntshangase
Mzomuhle Ntshangase
12 de fev. de 2020

Unfortunate part is where u find black lawyers association not challenging the Constitution that even suppress their in challenging the constitution.what is known as good Constitution in the world is is promoting and protecting the Apartheid which is still existence today yet they practice it in full swing.

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