In his Friday letter The Former Deputy President of the ANC Youth League Mr. Lungisa responds to white monopoly propagandists as follows: "Pieter du Toit, the stenographer for the usurper White Monopoly Capital owning class, masquerading as a journalist, has inked a spirited defense of Minister Pravin Gordhan, accusing those that have noticed that Emperor Gordhan has no clothes, of being motivated by racism and agents of ‘State Capture’. It is curious that a so-called journalist would imagine it normal to carry water for powerful politicians as opposed to scrutinizing and holding them to account. But ours is a curious situation, where a tiny racial minority hoard and control the wealth of the nation, whilst presuming to have the moral standing to give ethical lessons to the dispossessed and marginalized indigenous peoples. Those among us accused of ‘racism’ by du Toit and his ilk should wear that imputation as a badge of honour. It is the last refuge for the custodians of continued dispossession of African people and the accompanying White Monopoly Capital domination. This spurious accusation is nothing more than projection. Minister Pravin Gordhan, whom we are supposed to have racial antipathy towards, has presided over the undermining and banishment of competent and eminently qualified African executives from State Owned Enterprises, replacing them with underwhelming and unqualified White individuals, see Eskom and Mango Airlines. Phakamani Hadebe and Vuyani Jarana’s respective brief spells at Eskom and SAA were marked by Minister Gordhan’s constant paternal interference in operational processes that emasculated and impaired the two African executives’ abilities to carry out their tasks. Frustrated, the two executives resigned in short order. This curious turn of events aroused no concern from our supposed ‘independent’ media. Pravin Gordhan, the chief purveyor of the ‘State Capture’ bogeyman, we are told by our presumptuous betters is a victim of the commissioners of the slippery catch-all phrase, ‘State Capture’. Minister Gordhan alleged that the Gupta scoundrels made off with an eye watering R215 billion. The media dutifully repeated the absurd propaganda without question, which if true had dire implications for our capital controls regime and money circulation policy. Pravin Gordhan was not held to account for his dangerous fantasies and lies. Consequently, this became received wisdom among the clattering classes and ‘State Capture’ has since been enlisted for every excess, purge of political opponents, corruption and excuse for incompetence. Because the White Monopoly Capital usurper class and its mouthpieces in the media are impervious to irony, they accuse their political opponents whilst engaged in euthanizing State Owned Enterprises with the expressed intent of making them their personal possessions. How about that for State Capture?! Monsieur du Toit says that there are cabinet members who got fat from ‘State Capture’. We implore him to approach law enforcement authorities with the information that he is privy to, or at the very least, name and shame the dastardly State Capturers. Failure to do so will force us to conclude that he is engaged in the usual smear of African people. It is not possible for some of us to hold du Toit and his ilk in any lesser regard than we already do. The spirited defense of Minister Gordhan by usurper White Monopoly Capital owned media does lead the cynics among us to entertain the idea thatPravin Gordhan has been entrusted with the reactionary mandate of selling off SOEs. There is no African cabinet member who’d enjoy such fawning by the media after presiding over the economic and social vandalism that has characterized Pravin Gordhan’s handling of SOEs, especially Eskom. In the wake of the Nasrec conference in 2017, an unprecedented and bizarre campaign, led by the white corporate media, to revive confidence in the political and economic fortunes of the country was initiated. Under President Ramaphosa’s leadership, a New Dawn would drag the country out of its political and economic quagmire, we were relentlessly told by our enlightened overseers. But the ‘New Dawn’ has been all too ephemeral. A cursory glance through the white business press and commentary shows a significant overall loss of confidence in the President’s leadership and project. It is now abundantly clear that the country is on the cusp of a perfect storm of a simultaneous political and economic crisis. The stenographers of the white owning class can not fathom that their project of undermining the course of transformation is at the heart of the crisis that threatens to undo the fragile social cohesion that holds the country together. It was the American revolutionary and second President of the United States, John Adams, whom when reflecting on the British arrogance and tyranny in a different age, opined, ‘… Power always sincerely, conscientiously, believes itself right. Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views, beyond the comprehension of the weak’. The same malady lords over the white owning class and their mouthpieces in the media. Our owning class and their propagandists would do well to learn the fate that befell the British empire." All eyes are at the emergency ANCNEC gathering scheduled for this weekend amid growing calls from the public at large for the entire the disgraced and exposed lying,state capturer disguised as minister-pravin gordan's head,dissolving of the entire Eskom Board, resignation or immediate dismissal of the Finance Minister Tito Mboweni and recall of the ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa for failure to put the people and the country first in protection of his WMC "friends". Its a do or die for the ANC, will the NEC of the "glorious" movement save the SOUL of the organisation, or will they be persuaded by another R1billion rands like in #Nasrec-ANC54 again?

Recall CR NOW to rid our country of this 70something old scoundrel