The National MKMVA and its Joburg Wing has as of this morning sent messages of support to one of their own Comrade Geoff Makhubu and the RET FORCES Team congratulating them for Saving and Salvaging the City and her residents and breaking the renewed apartheid bondage-yoke under the devils alliance ( DA) for the past three years
DATE: 5 December 2019
The Greater Johannesburg Region of uMkhonto weSizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) joins millions of jubilant residents in celebrating the historic reclaiming of the city leadership by African National Congress (ANC) yesterday (Wednesday).
We are elated to congratulate Cde Geoff Makhubu on his election as the Executive Mayor. We have always maintained that under his leadership as the Chairperson of the ANC in Greater Johannesburg, the days of DAEFF marriage of convenience were numbered. Notwithstanding the fact that it was nonetheless a doomed project from the onset.
This victory bodes well for the celebrations of the birthday of the people’s army uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) formed on the 16 of December 1961. This is a befitting tribute to the martyrs of MK. Ancestors of our armed forces; the likes of Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo, Walter Sisulu, Govan Mbeki, Joe Slovo, Lennox Lagu, Chris Hani and Barney Molokoane are sliming in their graves.
Johannesburg is our historic home. MK was formed in Rivonia north of the city, its first operations were here in the city, its first casualty, Petros Molefe was a resident of Johannesburg and MK was disbanded here in Johannesburg in Orlando Stadium in 1990.
As former combatants of MK who fought for peace, freedom and justice in our country, we wish to assure Cde Geoff and his leadership collective of our unwavering support. We will stand by the ANC during this period as we work hard to return services taken away by Mashaba to the majority of our people. We will be working hard with this leadership to ensure that we are on the ground with the masses of Johannesburg as we prepare for a decisive and overwhelming ANC victory in 2021.
We urge Cde Geoff to continue with tradition of the ANC of placing people first. Our people need jobs, they need security as crime is rising especially in the inner city, our people need houses, they need reliable road infrastructure and sound municipal services.
We have full confidence that Cde Geoff and his leadership collective will deliver a clean governance as we turn a new leaf in Johannesburg.
Issued by MKMVA Johannesburg. For more information, please contact Thanduxolo Dyodo on 0825500311 or
As for us Natives sithi Huntshuuuuu qhawe!!!! Maqabane kaThambo✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾Phatha Khongolose Phatha!!!!! Mayibuye✋🏾