Its official the City of Tshwane is NO longer under DA( devils alliance), after 2 (two) No-Confidence motions against disgraced "Sex-In-The-City of Tshwane" Starring-Mayor Steven and the "witch"( as refered to by Steven and her Uganda sex partner Sheila in the sex tape that went virul)Speaker last night- December 5,2019 at a Special Council sitting which was a continuation of last week process,wherein the Speaker unilaterally and illegally rejected and refused to process a No-Confidence Motion tabled by the Economic Freedom Fighters hiding behind a mysterious council rule. The ANC councillors however went ahead with tabling their No-Confidence Motion against the two and the motions passed.
The DA is however sought the notorious North Gauteng High Court's assistance this morning to try to hang on to power and shield themselves from the high publicised looting they have been since they took over in 2016. They have since obtained an unsigned "Court Order",supposedly interdicting the decisions taken at a Special Council meeting last night,pending the outcome of the hearing scheduled for December 17,2019. Regardless of the outcome of the 17th,and in the interim period the City is thrown to a Governance crisis,which the Acting City Manager has rightfully and swiftly addressed through Communique to employees (below), to safeguard the Assets of the City,question that remains to be answered what of the services and needs of the residents? Did the DA cared to ask themselves about the effects of this political footballing game they are playing whilst trying to shop for a judge that will help them to hang on to power when they have failed politically? Tshwane Rate payers deserve better than this "clean" DA...